What's wrong with Kid's today?
...I don't know! You tell me. sigh) I've been hearing that a lot lately. Maybe not directed at me, but somewhere near me. It's annoying that's for sure, but i guess it's a good discussion...Why? What is wrong with us kids today...Awww just thinking about it is making me depressed. What do you think. |
Re: What's wrong with Kid's today?
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While parents are ultimately responsible for how their children are brought up I think that the major problem is a failure of the educaton system. There are no more after school programs. My son Ky who is a special ed student doesn't get the help needs in school. Zero tolerence has created a total disrespect for teachers and everyone else because a 6 year old can be expelled for having a plastic knife to spread jelly. I also believe that while video games are a good are a good release for agression and stress that most first person shooters advocate violence toward anyone caught in the sights. Tis is epecially prevalent toward toward women and children. Any version of GTA is an excellent example. I also think music and TV is responsible as well. Swearing, talk of killing, rape, violence and an acceptance of it is allowed on radio and TV so that even a five year old is expiosed to it. Your girlfriend is not a b----h or h-e. She is a young lady, a girl in many cases and should be treated as such. If you want to change things you should practice random acts of kindness and beauty. ![]() |
Re: What's wrong with Kid's today?
Yeah, I think Rin is kinda right there. I'm sure JP have its own problems wif their kids but at least they have after school programs such as the various clubs supervised by teachers. At least in JP the not so good students are a minority (I dont like to use the word delinquents, it's very degrading for us young people when we get called that by adults). The attitude of the kids now seems to be the same as those of the hippies from before, just sit back and "relax" and ignore the system. And it's the systerm that is crap as well, especially when a country no longer cares much about its people and focus its efforts on other agendas (eg. the US government's focus on Iraq and not on the disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina), and not only that but also when a country stops listening to the people (the affects of Katrina were well predicted before the actual event but the US government did nothing). Basically a relationship on a national level reflects the relationship between individuals in the most basic unit. |
Re: What's wrong with Kid's today?
Todays kids are to fat. |
Re: What's wrong with Kid's today?
That the media is an influence on our lives is becoming quite an old excuse. From an Asian context, and coming of Asian descent, I believe good parenting ultimately shapes the kid. For me, a totalitarian family upbringing is top marks. Of course, progressively liberal. You can't expect a child to go out and survive in this cursed world with a completely sheltered upbringing. Peer pressure is another ass when it comes to bad influences. Some people just want to drag others into the shit they're already in to justify their actions. Making others submit to peer pressure also diffuses guilt, because knowing that others are also doing what you're doing makes you think that it's alright. There's no perfect way to upbringing of course. Heck, I'm not even a parent to begin with, but seeing much of the world, studying psychology and sociology AND being at the age of 17, I think it has come to a point where we need some degree of our own iron will. Discernment doesn't come hard. We all know what's right and wrong. Let's not even talk about the eyes of the law or our parents; it's all in the head. It's all about our self-conscience, and for those who might understand, our id, ego and superego inreference to the Freudian Theory.
Veni, Vidi, Vici.
Re: What's wrong with Kid's today?
There are number of influences, media and parental upbringing is one. But generally I still think that what kids do today is a reflection of how the running of our society nowadadys suck. I mean, what adults today do is a result of how they were brought up and influenced by outisde influences, they then behaving in their way in front of the next generation and the kids do things the adults do coz if it's alright for an adult to do them then surely the kids are allowed too, at least that's how I see kids perceive things. Bullying in schools are on the rise, at least to a point here in Australia. Why? Look at the relations between countries today, especially America and see where the kids' bullying problem came from. Of course, it's not a direct cause but when a nation is run in a particular way it influences unconsciously on the people, and then in turn they unconsciously influence their offsprings hence each kid behaves the same way unconsciously. And in a government like the US that stops caring about its people, its people also stops caring for others and fo their own kids. miyamto kinda goes into it, the problem is that as my lecturer at uni said once, the problem is that Western society in general has disregarded its most basic institutional unit, the family. In Asian countries, I think some parts need to change, but generally the Confucian philosophy on the social status is what really kept Asian society together. Confucian ways have its downside of course, when the family can become a mini dictatorship where the parents are absolute in their control over their kids without realizing that the kids are people too and should be given some respect in their ability to make their own decision. This totalitarian upbringing can also cause problems later when the younger generation seeks to be given more freedom. And if the kids dont get it then all hell breaks loose, I think the Battle Royale II kinda talks about that, when kids seeks to be the one who determine their own paths and not by their parents only. (What I mean are things like the parents deciding which course of study their kids should take without taking the kid's interest into account. I mean my mother keeps telling me I should have done accounting and commerce but I find it boring so I dont do it.) |
Re: What's wrong with Kid's today?
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I don't agree. I have three children, for the forum they are Ya, Mu and Ky oldest to youngest and Mu and Ky still live at home. Ya(22)and Ky(16)are what we would like children to be for the most part. Respectful, studious, as responsibile as teens and young adults can be. However Mu(18) is the opposite. This is the parents fear and why some parents "Think, where did I go wrong?", I ask myself that all of the time. They all grew up going to the Boys and Girls club after school or some other activity. I monitored what they watched on TV and what music and video games were allowed in the house. When internet came along I monitored that as well. I am involved in their schools and the community. Because we live away from other people they have always been allowed too run free. They have to when their nearest friends are almost half a mile away. So I have given them an independence. Still I feel I lost one, it's not that she's a bad girl, only 6 traffic citations, 4 accidents in two years, not to mention involvement with other things and people I wish she wouldn't associate with. I think in hindsight that peer pressure and one child thinking another is getting special treatment has a lot to do with it. Ky's youngest and Mu starts fights with all of the time. I don't know why this is and we've tried to understand. Another thing I think is part of the problem is the parents failure to be involved with their children. No matter what has gone wrong in the past, usually Ky breaking an arm or wrist or getting into minor trouble, we have been there. I've left work in the middle of the day and driven 70 miles to get him. Ranger was usually the one to respond though because he was closer. Physically going to his school or the the club to pick them up and take care of them. I am amazed at how many parents don't even bother to show up even in case of injury. I've seen Ranger tear into the principal and vice principle of discipline when they acuse Ky of doing something wrong. One time it even lead to a law suit over a zero tolerance issue. If the parent is there, a child grows up more responsibley. Non-sequiter: Silly me, of course I couldn't log into Gendou on this workstation. The cookies were turned off. ![]() |
Re: What's wrong with Kid's today?
I think that in the end it's up to the kid. As Lady Rin points out, parental dedication can only go so far. Dedicated parents can provide their children with an excellent chance of growing up to be good people, but in the end, what ultimately happens is out of their control. For more information, you can read "The Moon Is Broken : A Mother's True Story" by Eleanor Craig, but be warned that it's depressing. Even more depressing: my father actually knew the family involved--they lived down the street from him when he was growing up. ![]() |
Re: What's wrong with Kid's today?
Kids; I still consider myself to be a kid and to be honest, I think that's wrong of me. I'm 18 and I find there are grown-ups to be a lot more childish than I am. In fact, I find to it concerning that there are that many. Anyways, the point to that is that we no longer have a gauge to follow in teaching kids the way to act more like adults or at least behave themselves. The whole "thug" life is now accepted without any thought. For example, when I ask a few of my friends, who already have kids, which movie ever made is your favorite? They answer "Scarface." Here they were, fathers of kids the age of 4 and 5 telling me their favorite movie of all time was scareface. I asked them why? One answered, "Because he's cool, I'd love to be a drug dealer and have all those guns." In some respects, if their reasons were because the movie taught you that crime doesn't pay, then I would have understood. But come on. How can anyone justify having our kids act the way they do when some of us can say something like that? I know some of the people here have watch that movie and liked it. I have no problem with that, but when it becomes a glorified lifestyle, that's when the kids are going to say it's okay. Then again, "the truth is in the wine." Maybe they are just that way? |