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Link | by Joshua on 2005-09-02 21:46:13 (edited 2005-09-02 22:09:30)
(It was a dark night in a dark city. Most of Callanon slept beneath a moonless sky snuggled deep within their beds. Their were some late night workmen milling around the desolate streets and a few teens getting back from the clubs. On the surface it looked like any other city. It was maybe a little dirtier then most, perhaps a little darker in the alleys. But that was only a weak facade the true city hid behind. Corruption ran thicker in this city the molasses in the peak of July heat. You would be hard pressed to find a good cop roaming the streets. The citizens lived in constant fear of false prosecution. You only had to get in the way of the wrong person and you suddenly disappeared. Family members and friends would be wise not to inquire their whereabouts. The city was run by Mayor Valentine. Don't be fooled by the name. If the people found out he was giving orders to satan they would just take it in stride. It was no big secret that the mayor ran all the shady doings in the city. Sure he didn't openly display his crimes but the clues were all there. He was the richest man in town yet he did not accept pay for being the mayor. Everyone at first thought he was just being generous but really he just wanted to avoid taxes. But all was not misery, there were those who wanted a revolution. And among those an even rarer breed would emerge. The freedom fighters. The ones who would really act on their beliefs. These would be the underdogs stories are written about.)

...The second installment of the Gendou RPG/stories has begun.
Rules to go by:

1) To say something not in the actual story use ...Outside comments...

example: ...Hey guys these are the rules for the forum RPG/Story...

2) To say dialogue use Name: Dialogue.

example: Random Name: I am a random charachter explaining some rules.

3) To say what a character is thinking use Name://Dialogue.//

Example: Another Name:// Im thinking inside my own head.//

4) To explain an event use (Event explanation.)

Example: (The character started moving and doing characterlike.)

5) When your in the story its okay to make other characters say and do things as long as it doesnt entirely effect the story. Dont kill anyone else off unless they want you to. Dont make anyone retarded or stupid looking or anything like that. Be respectful of everyone elses characters.

until next post...

Re: Callanon
Link | by on 2005-09-02 22:38:02
Adam Stone.

Age 22.

Don't like to drink, smoke, or sniff. Bad for your health. So everyone says. That's the problem. I'm not a social person. What I have to do has to get done. I'm alone, and it's the best feeling you can get. You can play it cool, but go too far, and the next thing you know, the stripper on your lap has a knife scraping at your throat.

Callanon City, my birthplace, the town I know, love, and hate. The city has the richest, and the poorest. Mayor Valentine, The Crook, and the son of the President. Try to touch him and say good bye to your family, if you haven't already. I have. 5 years ago. It was time. When the mayor had moved in, a lot of changes were made. Going into detail, huh. I'd rather write a book.

I recently resigned from being a downtown cop. You wouldn't believe how many times I have been saved by my guardian. You see the worst there, and I don't want to go back. Don't want to become rich, either, I don't want to become the very thing I hate. I still get my weekly paycheck, and neighbors know their way around the streets. I go to the clubs on Thursdays. Tonight's a Thursday. Not for the action, but for the info. Wouldn't believe what you'll find there. Small time crooks all over. Some bring in some good money. Some are worth nothing. In reality, that's what they're all worth.

But you may be asking yourself, Adam, where do you go from here? Where everyone else is going. Hell.

Re: Callanon
Link | by Funsch on 2005-09-03 01:27:39
Is this gonna be based on realism or can we use stuff like powerups :P Not over using it ofcourse.....

Re: Callanon
Link | by Joshua on 2005-09-03 08:29:48
...Its all about the realism this time. Weve done a fantasy adventure and I think its time we do an action/drama adventur. Id say no to the powerups, but steroids and working out are

Re: Callanon
Link | by Joshua on 2005-09-04 23:07:55
(Mayor Valentine sat behind the gorgeous red oak desk he had imported from Japan. He sipped the blood red wine from a crystal wine glass. He gazed out the windows at his city. His city. Oh yes. He ran this place like a marathon runner. He knew every nook and cranny. Every back alley and run down whore house. Oh yes, this was his city. He sat looking at the overcast skyline and treated himself with another cuban cigar. He basked in its deep musky smell. He didn't worry about the rampant criminal activity. Ninety percent of the criminals in this town worked for him. Hell, a good quarter of them were off duty cops. He owned the cops too. He had the whole damn judicial system in his pocket. There wasn't anything anyone could do about it. Nobody wanted to do anything about it. Moral in his city was lower then then NBC's ratings. People went about their daily business in a sort of half awake manner. It was as if they weren't really alive. The criminals did not really have to try too hard in his city. If they wanted to mug someone they could do it in plain sight of everyone with no fear of prosecution. None of this mattered to Mayor Valentine. He had given up on his people long ago. He hadn't always been corrupt. There had been a time where he would have done anything for the people. But that was long ago. Before the gang wars. Before all the hate had spread like a wildfire on year old wood. After all the hardships he had gone through, all the hours of work he'd pt into making the city a grand place, the people had just thrown away their lives. It broke him. He took over all the illegal activity going on in the city. He decided to look out for number one. His cigar went out. Recently he had been hearing some disturbing reports. Some "renegades" were getting the people riled up. They were trying to curb his operations. He couldn't let this happen. If he wanted to continue the lavish lifestyle he had built up all around him then he would just make sure he stopped them. Hard.)

Valentine: I would like you to go to the streets. Sniff around and find these trouble makers. When you find them shut them up. Permanently. I don't want to hear any more rumors of rebellion.

???: Yes Mayor. I will get right on it.

(Mayor Valentine sat back down behind his desk. They shouldn't have rattled his cage. It was their own faults that they would have to be put down like the mangy curs they were.)

Re: Callanon
Link | by Funsch on 2005-09-07 05:32:32 (edited 2005-09-08 04:30:05)
Code: Agent No. 271
Current Name: Brian McGuiness
Real Name: Classified
Age: Classified
Height: 190cm
Specialities: Feint Death, Stealth, Weapons, Voice Acting, Role Acting.

Primary Objective: Search for enough evidence of any source to prove that Major Valentine is corrupted and report it back to Headquarters.

Secondary Objective (Optional): Research on the criminal activity in Callanon and report in any information back to Headquarters.

Profile: Bread and raised from the secret agent organisation which it's name is classified. Agent 271 never lived a normal lifestyle. Raised to be an elite secret agent for the nameless organisation, he had to go through a lot of intense training both physcially and mentally. Able to deal with various situations and adapt immediately to many different lifestyles in different locations and countries. He now is working undercover as a bartender in a Nightclub coincidentally called Valentine in Callanon.

Re: Callanon
Link | by eeekar on 2005-09-08 00:23:27 (edited 2005-09-08 00:24:18)
...I don't know if I'm good at this but I'll try...

Born and raised in the city of Callanon, Faith knew how low the city has sunk since Mayor Valentine took over. For as long as she could remember, she witnessed death, corruption and the suffering of the people who lived in the city.

Two years ago, she decided that she wanted out. She knew that if she didn't leave soon, the city would eventually pull her down. And so leave she did. She swore never to return to Callanon... Until tonight.

Something seemed to draw her back into the city. There has been talk that people are starting, or planning, to revolt against the evil mayor Valentine. She was never the type of person that cared about other people. She was just curious about the plans of these people. Or maybe not.

As the wind blew her raven colored hair around her, she realized that her greatest fear has been realized. She wanted vengeance.

FAITH:// Looks like things are still rockin' at this shit town.//
FAITH: Watch out, folks. Mama Bitch is back...

Angels are falling from heaven

Re: Callanon
Link | by eeekar on 2005-09-08 00:36:58
...this reminds me of Sin City. Like everything is in black and white.weird...

Angels are falling from heaven

Re: Callanon
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-09-08 02:09:40
...except for the ugly yellow guy

Re: Callanon
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-09-08 02:51:44
the one in the movie.

Re: Callanon
Link | by eeekar on 2005-09-08 03:02:47
...I have a question. Why is the place called Callanon? I hope more people would add to the story. :(...

Angels are falling from heaven

Re: Callanon
Link | by on 2005-09-08 13:16:01
Yes, if no more people will contribute, then we can always do it. I am planning on sitting down tonight and adding more to it, since the last few nights have been a little busy, and I couldn't fit it in. This was actually inspired by Sin City, which has a noir style.

Re: Callanon
Link | by Joshua on 2005-09-08 18:49:37 (edited 2005-09-08 20:00:51)
...OMG! I leave for two days and this thread gets filled up with crap. Seriously, what would make you guys post so much non story related stuff in here. If you have questions or comments there is another thread called New RPG, go there please. I like the story to remain clean and orderly but this is gettin way out of hand. I ask you guys to please delete the posts that are non story related. No one is even using the rules I was asked to type up. Come on guys, I want to have fun and work on this but you have to work with me...

Re: Callanon
Link | by Spades on 2005-09-08 21:16:34
My name is Ezekiel James. Some will tell you that I am a murderer, some will tell you I am a saint. I will tell you I’m a man and nothing more. Just a man that lost it all, and that’s why I do what I have to do, I have nothing else to lose.
I guess it was karma, I was doing great, well better than the average assassin does. Mayor valentine paid well for what he needed done. And at first it all felt so right, like what I was doing was bettering the city and the world. All I was doing was killing thugs, murderers, and rapists. But pretty soon valentine did a 360 on me, he ordered the killing of legal officials such as judges, and DAs. He wanted to ice off the people who would stand in the way of his operations. That’s when I met my Sophia, my fiancée in two weeks. I figured it was time I told valentine I wasn’t going to kill for him any more, but I guess he couldn’t have that, I just knew too much of his system.
Needless to say, the bastard had my Sophia killed when I was out one night, closing some loose ends. That rat murdered not only my fiancée, but next week my mother was murdered, and so was my brother. That bastard planned on saving me for last, so I could watch my life fall apart. That was his biggest mistake. Not one of his guys can best me with a gun. So when he sends guys out for me, I send him corpses. But this has gone on long enough and I’m going to raise some hell. I know how his operations work, and I need to start from the bottom, and follow the flow of bullshit to the top.
The night is cool, I like that best. When you kill two of “Callonons finest” the pigs don’t give up easy. But like the night before, I escape. For the past week ive been down at the bars, trying to beat some info out of some local punk asses. I got a little bit tonight, that bitch was gonna spill it all until his little buddy sent for the “police men” to come. But what I found out tonight will help me enough, valentine is pushing higher taxes on the church dioceses of the city, so he can run “other operations”.
With the cops in my dust, and my gun in my hand, I continue to walk in the valley of darkness, I guess my next move is to cut into the other operations fund. I hope the priests of Saint Michael’s church except my “services” Its not revenge I’m looking for, only judgement…………….

Re: Callanon
Link | by eeekar on 2005-09-08 22:34:12
She was back.
He was sure if it. He can feel her presence.
As he moved around town, searching for her, he felt fear and desperation growing inside him.
She shouldn't have come back.
She should have stayed in a place where she could be safe.
He knows that there is too much anger in her heart for her to act sensibly.
He had to find her. NOW.
As he got closer to the heart of town, where a church was ironically placed, he saw the dark haired woman, already waiting for him.

FAITH: It took you long enough to find me, Benjamin. Losing your touch, are you? (she raised her eyebrows and gave him a sarcastic smile)

As she looked at the man before her, memories of pain and death swept over her. She remembered the man she had lost to death two years ago. The man that had given up his life in order for her to live. The man who had the same face as the person standing in front of her.

RAIDEN: Nobody calls me that anymore, Faith. You of all people should know that.
FAITH: I know. I just wanted you to know that I still remember why your brother died.
RAIDEN: I didn't kill him. Mayor Valentine did.
FAITH: Don't try to poison my mind with your lies. I'm no longer the naive little 18-year old you used to know. I'm two years older and two years wiser.
RAIDEN: You're right. Two years, after all, is a long time. I just thought that it would be enough for you to move on...
FAITH: Quit the drama, Raiden! Damn! You'll never be able to replace the REAL Raiden.
RAIDEN: (sarcastically) I've done a good job for two years, didn't I?
FAITH: Damn bastard!

Angels are falling from heaven

Re: Callanon
Link | by on 2005-09-10 21:44:52 (edited 2005-09-10 22:22:45)

Heh, what a sleek night out. Every prostitute out on these streets. Grabbing at my leather trench coat. Get off. A Thursday, of course. They need to make enough money to party throughout the weekend.

Prostitute 1: Come here honey. *snort* Come here and.. and make me... make you feel better...

Prostitute 2: Get off him! He's mine! Get off!

Prostitute 1: What you say you *****!?


They froze as they both look down the barrel of my colt. They're ghosts, and they're going to disappear, one way, or another.

Move. Get off me. Now.

Prostitute 1: ****... *walks back to the street corner*

As I walk down the street, I hear underground music thumping through the ground. Almanac Road must be coming along the left. Yeah, I turn the corner, and see the neon blue and violet lights burn into my eyes. I become dazed for a second, and stumble on the ground. I hear something click on the ground. Too late. My keys have just skid into the gutter. Damn. What luck. I fear my night wont be so easy...

Bouncer: I'm sorry, mister. No one else allowed tonight.

The bouncer standing in front of me, his breath covering me, I feel a little uneasy. He smiles at me, his teeth stained with blood.

"Jay. He's seeing me tonight."

Bouncer: I see. *chuckles* Goon luck mister.

That's right. You better move. I'm not in the mood anymore. Jay, save me.

I enter the club, and choke right away. *Cough* Jesu... glad Jay doesn't smoke. I see him. At first glance you would have to make a double take. Jay looks like a hobo. Full grown beard, black wire-rim glasses. A blue and orange Hawaiian shirt and a pair of tan pants. But that's so no one will bother him. He's got the police keeping him up to date, as well as every gang, group, whatever you want to know about. I signal to him, and he nods back. He smiles and laughs at the same time. What a happy mood. Some people look over, staring like demons. But I don't mind. If we're going to have to get rough, it'll at least loosen me up.

(Whispers) Jay: My man, I can't believe it. You actually came. Look man, we gotta get to the point. See those cameras in the corner? Know what I'm thinkin? There's also a voice recorder under the table. They got us surrounded man. We gotta get out of here.

(Whisper) "****. What are you doin Jay? Are you ****in crazy? They are listenin to this right now."

(Whispers) Jay: I know. We don't have a lot of time. Let's go!


Jay blasts out of there like a bomb was about to go off...

"Jay. Oh ****."

As I head for the door, I hear swearing in the kitchen of the club. A cook is screaming at his servants for not serving the customers the right meal. I hear a ringing in my ears, going through my veins like a drug. I wasn't going to make it. The place started to rumble, and sooner or later, crumble. Jay was across the street by the time I was outside. Heh. Like I said. Too late.

Boom. Flat out, BOOM.

A thrust threw me against the wall across the street. Before I could even move, Jay was pulling my arm.

Jay: Oh man! You see that?! Woo! You're not going out anytime soon Adam, haha! Better stay down low. Let's go to your place. Come on, lets get out of here, forty people are buried under 4 stories of brick man!

"Dammit. What the **** was that. Planned?"

Jay: Of course. My team, was just waiting for you to come in. Then we had, like, a minute to get out. I like speed man, *snaps fingers* you should know that. What a... RUSH, HA!

I push him over.

"**** that! Look, lets go to your house, now! Where you live?

Jay: What? Uh, man. I don't really want to go there... But if you want to...

“Jay, this night was supposed to get me some extra money. Not a grave. Who took you in.”

Jay: I was already in there when a big ass man sat down. He told me I knew you. I didn't answer. He slapped me once to shake some info out, but I didn't budge man. He said if you show up tonight, we're going to have some fun. He left. No other business.

“Who is this man? What did he specifically tell you Jay!”

Jay: Man, I'm sorry. I just.. just gotta, huh huh, um, hey man, hold on, my keys to my apartment, I gotta fetch them out.

So, another night, and I'm still alive. Barely, but I had some fun out in the streets. Not the kind I was looking for. Jay's messing with my head, and I'm going to have to be one step in front of him from now on.

Re: Callanon
Link | by Funsch on 2005-09-18 16:58:18

Sorry for not posting guys..... Just haven't had any creative ideas yet.......

Re: Callanon
Link | by Joshua on 2005-09-19 12:20:28
...Yeah, I know what you mean. I love this style of writing and the idea is a good one but this is a bit hard...

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