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An international war....
Link | by クリッチ ^__^ on 2005-08-29 09:42:17
What country would you want to win if the winning country would enforce their customs upon all and abolish all others? >_> Hmmm wonder what youll say...

ã?°ã?‹! ^_^

Re: An international war....
Link | by Seki on 2005-08-29 09:52:44
The Chinese under the Chinese Nationalist Party in Taiwan. I say yes for a new Chinese empire, stretching from Siberia to Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore.

Re: An international war....
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-29 10:26:43
I wouldnt want a country that enforces something like that. What if Scottland won, we would all have to wear kilts.

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Re: An international war....
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-08-29 10:33:28
hnn.... i wish that really wouldn't have to happen, so i guess i would have to go with a country that's incredibly culturally diffused....
.... maybe..... england??? i think socialism is totally groovy, and there are lots of different people there. when i went there i saw, like, tons of indian people, and i didn't realize that they have a very high muslim population too... it seems like they respect a lot of cultures, so maybe that would be good?!?

either way, i think it would be really horrid if that would have to happen. WAR SUCKS.

nya........... hehe.

Re: An international war....
Link | by クリッチ ^__^ on 2005-08-29 12:24:54
Eh, its but an enevitable thing... as the end of the world thread has stated.. ^__^ But yes, it would and does suck!

ã?°ã?‹! ^_^

Re: An international war....
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-08-29 12:30:20
I am a pacifist by nature and I am opposed to any kind of war or violence. I also don't think the views of one culture should be forced on another. My husband is retired air force Major from the Vietnam era and is a pacifist by choice. He doesn't believe in war without a purpose.

As for what country? America, there is diffuse culture and a government that doesn't care just like everywhere else. The difference is we have a lot of space here. Makes it easy to hide. *giggle* Seriously, my nearest neighbor is almost 1/3 of a mile away.

Re: An international war....
Link | by gray on 2005-08-30 22:12:00
ehm how 'bout indonesia they have so many culture
i think the toleration is better than in england
its true sometimes (especially 1998) there was a riot in indonesia
but its over now .
i got a new idea!
how about the martian. if we are being colonize by the martian we will
have advance technology (or we'll be killed)

kill me or i'll kill you twice

Re: An international war....
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-08-31 20:17:29
What about this?
If Japan ruled the world, it would be a lot easier to get anime.

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Re: An international war....
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-09-01 18:16:42
yeah, and lots of different foods in vending machines. go, pocky, go!!!

{imagines a pocky race}

. . . um, yes, i have no idea what i'm talking about. what were you saying???

nya........... hehe.

Re: An international war....
Link | by adana on 2005-09-10 21:05:24
All the countries lost in the war and no person survive

smile smile...

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