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Any great anime to intro???
Link | by Liang san on 2005-08-27 19:42:25
Hoping to get replies of GREAT anime to watch... fire away...

Fin. Nothing's better than kawaii girls.

Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by Neko-Kaoru on 2005-08-27 20:14:49
Yami no Matsuei, Suki na monowa suki dakara shouganai!!, Yakitate!! Japan, BLEACH and Samurai 7. Some of the animes may be old, but these are some of my all-time favourites! Try them!!

::Neko Kaoru Forever:: It takes both sunshine and rain to make life's rainbows.

Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-08-27 20:52:00
Anime you should watch: Escaflowne, Trigun, Last Exile, Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi Muyo! (the original OVA series not the crappy TV series), RahXephon, Full Metal Panic!, Castle in the Sky, InuYasha, Princess Mononoke, Rurouni Kenshin. Oh, there are so many...but these are my favorites. Be sure to watch them in the original Japanese with subtitles, it's so much better than watching a dubbed version. Oh, yeah, I hope I didn't mention anything that you've already seen. A lot of these are pretty popular. Of course, they're popular because they're so darn good!

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Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by Rui on 2005-08-27 23:05:05
Vision of Escaflowne and several of the Gundam Chronicles like Wing, X, Z, Seed/Seed Destiny...

Rui-chan agrees with oldcrow. Watch anime in their original Japanese with subtitles. It's better, I'll tell you. ^_^

Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by athena88 on 2005-08-29 00:49:02
Samurai Deeper Kyo: Perfect Collection, Fullmetal Alchemist(duh!), hm Cooking Master Boy's not bad, Shadow Skills rock, Fushigi Yugi, & much more i couldn't think of!

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Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by omnizero on 2005-08-29 06:00:13
great teacher onizuka...its really funny


Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by HappyPanda on 2005-08-29 06:39:43
Watch Full Moon wo Sagashite. Stellvia of the Universe is good, Air is good, Kanon as well.

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Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by Kiya-chan on 2005-08-29 17:42:25
Saiyuki!! It has such awesome bishounen characters and good action and storyline, the manga artwork is also great too!

Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by hobo on 2005-08-29 17:50:58


Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-08-29 18:19:43
Slayers, Rurouni Kenshin, RahXephon, Escaflowne, Tenchi Muyo!. These include stuff from just about every genre of anime and they're all great!

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Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by Smi on 2005-08-29 20:25:03
The Big O
Paranoia Agent

^Those three are some of my favorites. Wish I could say something about them, besides that they are GREAT.

Tokyo Godfathers
Anything by Hayao Miyazaki
Memories (contains 3 short movies. Magnetic Rose,Stink Bomb,Cannon Fodder)
Cowboy Bebop: Knockin on Heaven's Door

Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by Sor on 2005-08-29 20:35:30
Violinist of Hameln. I know the animation is awful, but I love the story, characters and music. ^^;

Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by Off the Wall on 2005-08-29 20:37:33
Well, I got a bunch that I would call great, but the top of my list has to be Outlaw Star. A great adventure story with some very pecular characters ,not a half bad romance, and some of the best and battle/duel's I have ever seen.

What do I put here?

Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by chizuru_chan on 2005-08-31 00:56:44
tennis no oujisama. .(my first one..)
Gundam seed(the guys rock!)
Gundam Seed Destiny ( the sequel,you know...)
Hunter x hunter...(absolutely cool!)
Naruto(no comment)


Life starts simply , why change them?

Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by b0red-chan on 2005-10-21 03:58:26
Ueki no Housoku a.k.a The Law of Ueki


Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by HaTEcHOC on 2005-10-21 08:03:54
yup!!law of ueki is great!!it is pure fun n i really think it's such a creative anime!!

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Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by mayashin on 2005-10-21 10:17:26 (edited 2005-10-21 10:18:01)
Full Metal Alchemist
Trinity Blood
Fruits Basket
Samurai Deeper Kyo (You'll love Yukimura-sama!!)
Rurouni Kenshin

The list goes on!!

"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to" **Mayashin**

Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by on 2005-10-21 10:24:03
1. School Rumble -Good to release stress. A very funny Romance Comedy anime.-
2. Bleach -A very cool anime with battle scenes.-
3. Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children -Really excellent graphics and battle scenes. BTW, there are many handsome boys and pretty girls.-
4. Naruto -One of the most popular ninja anime.-
5. Tactics -Very cool. About catching monsters or spirits.-
6. Sailor Moon R -To those who loves to watch Bishoujou Senshi Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon R will be the best one among them. The storyline is cool.-
7. Sailor Moon Sailor Stars -The latest episode among Sailor Moon Series. The graphics have improved.-
8. Gundam Wing -Even though the characters artwork is not so good but the storyline rocks.-
9. Gundam Seed -The gundams look great.-

Re: Any great anime to intro???
Link | by Jester on 2005-10-21 10:56:56
Crayon shin chan

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