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New Rpg
Link | by Joshua on 2005-08-25 22:21:11 (edited 2005-08-25 22:21:53)
Well since I cant really get ahold of Funsch any other way Ill just come out and tell everyone. I am drawing the old rpg to a close, soon I think, and Id like to start a new one. I believe the reason that not too many people joined before was because we were so far into it so fast. Id like to plan for this next one. Id like ideas on what it should be about. Basically its not really an RPG its just a story that me and anyone whos playing along are writing one post at a time. The first one went over pretty well I think and I might even right a small book about it. I want anyone whos interested to tell me so I can have you from the beginning. I think it could be alot bigger and better than the first one if more people join and stick with it. I really love writing and I hope anyone else who likes to write will post. Again, im looking for people who are interested in joining a new rpg/story and ideas on what this one should be about. Thanks everyone. Oh and Funsch I want you to be my right hand man on this one so to speak...

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Nyutakun on 2005-08-26 05:40:31
o.o;; I'd join the roleplay!!!

It should be about shinobi! O_O -she has an obsession with ninja's maybe?- Am I allowed to even respond to this, since I had nothing to do at all with the "old roleplay" ???

It doesn't have to be about shinobi, but it should involve it a bit...there I go again with the ninja stuff. x.O;;; -sweatdrops-

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Re: New Rpg
Link | by Joshua on 2005-08-26 09:05:11
Of course your "allowed" to respond. Not only is it not my place to say who can and cant be involved, Id love for a lot more people to join. Ninjas eh. Sounds interesting.

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Joshua on 2005-08-27 11:11:54
A friend of mine thinks I should go for a futuristic or modern day kind of story now. I think it would be easier to be creative if we did it modern. Something like special op agents or what have you.

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Nyutakun on 2005-08-27 15:18:23
Modern day is cool. I love the grungy city type of stuff, like...the city would be all run down, but people still inhabit it, trying to survive and whatnot. Mafia and hired assassins and stuff. Thats awesome.

I should stop ranting and let you make the decisions. ^^;

Yeah o.o; I'd join even if it didn't involve my suggestions, just 'cus I wanna.

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Re: New Rpg
Link | by Joshua on 2005-08-28 11:01:46
Actually that sounds pretty cool. I like it and Im sure my friend will too. He was Edakumi in the last story and he didnt really get to post as much as he liked. Who knows. Maybe ill take the side of th evillain and let someone else start this one off. :)

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Funsch on 2005-08-28 14:23:55
Those ideas aren't actually bad guys. Maybe we could somehow mix those genres together (i.e. modern, futuristic and maybe the past). Lol, maybe travel into space one time :P. And maybe we could get robots involved at one point. We could bring in a contrast with a modern/futuristic city opposed to a run down city, kinda like in the game Eden. Well what do you think guys?

I got more ideas but can't think them up right now.......

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Joshua on 2005-08-28 21:00:07 (edited 2005-08-28 21:00:59)
Excellent! This next one seems to look better than the first. All we need now is a bunch more people... Come on other people on Gendous forums. I know their are writers. Ive seen the few writing threads. Join us. One of us, one of us.

Oh and by the way, I think im going to use the first story to make either a novella or a full book.

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Joshua on 2005-08-29 21:19:35 (edited 2005-08-29 21:19:49)
Im considering buying some space on the internet to build an RPG/Story site. I have a friend who would happily code it for me and Im sure I could get a good number of people to join. This is still in the very early stages of planning though, if it happens at all. I would still need to wait till I get my first paycheck and id need to talk to someone who knows their stuff. What do you guys think about that?

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Funsch on 2005-08-31 01:47:44
Sounds great! For planning to turn the first story into a book and for the new RPG/Story site.

But how is the RPG/Story site going to work but? Is it gonna be where people just continuously post segments like we did in this forum?

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Joshua on 2005-08-31 10:05:26
I was thiking something along the lines of either me starting a certain number of stories then allowing other people to roll with it. Youd have to register of course. And itd be free. Or maybe I could have different forum areas for different types of stories. Who knows. Ill figure it out in a bit.

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Funsch on 2005-09-01 04:14:55
OK sounds cool, so Josh have you decided when to start the new story/RPG in this forum yet? I'm not being impatient or anything, if you need more time, I'm more than happy to help you continually plan the story before hand.

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Joshua on 2005-09-01 20:30:23 (edited 2005-09-01 20:33:54)
Yeah, I guess i have been a bit lazy. I just started school and a new job though so i have a bit of an excuse. I suppose I could start one right now but id like to get some more ideas and people interested before i do. If you want to start a thread devoted to only finding people for the rpg then by all means go for it. One more thing I forgot. I think this one should have a real name. Not "Forum RPG 2". If we do a future type thing then maybe something like "Callanon" or whatver you guys like. Pull some names and take a vote or whatever. Im going to post the rules for the rpg soon. Tommorow im off and I dont have plans so ill do a bit o work on this. Hope you guys will all be there.

AIM: TooMuchTacoSauce


Re: New Rpg
Link | by Joshua on 2005-09-02 14:05:17 (edited 2005-09-02 14:10:01)
Forum RPG/Story:

1) To say something not in the actual story use ...Outside comments...

example: ...Hey guys these are the rules for the forum RPG/Story...

2) To say dialogue use Name: Dialogue.

example: Random Name: I am a random charachter explaining some rules.

3) To say what a character is thinking use Name://Dialogue.//

Example: Another Name:// Im thinking inside my own head.//

4) To explain an event use (Event explanation.)

Example: (The character started moving and doing characterlike.)

5) When your in the story its okay to make other characters say and do things as long as it doesnt entirely effect the story. Dont kill anyone else off unless they want you to. Dont make anyone retarded or stupid looking or anything like that. Be respectful of everyone elses characters.

Thats basically all I can think of for now. If someone does something "wrong" then Ill say something.

When I start the new story since noones had any ideas yet im goig to call it Callanon. All im going to do at first is set up the story. Im not going to introduce any characters. I will paint a scene to start from and then allow you guys to introduce yourselves. Make sure that you dont all post at once. If someone posts before you then find a way to put yourself into the story. This time I want someone else to start it off. I may only narrarate for a while or I might like the story so much Ill jump right in. Im going to post this soon.

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Funsch on 2005-09-02 20:53:05
OK! Ready when you are Josh.

Re: New Rpg
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-09-03 03:10:00
an rpg forum huh sound interesting
im a bit confused so tell me if i understand this correctly...
first there will be a place setting etc'
then anyone can start the a person takes over one character
or the whole story itself?if so the direction of the story depends on the user who posted or continued it? can i join this sounds good...

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Joshua on 2005-09-03 13:59:35
I just started the next RPG n this form. I called it Callanon. Im not sure about the site or the book yet. Those are in uber super beta right now. So basically you take over one character and lea him through the story. Everyone mkes the story up together. I started it off and I will insinuate my character into the story at a later time.

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Joshua on 2005-09-08 18:53:00
This is where to post stuff non story related like questions.

Re: New Rpg
Link | by The Chosen One on 2005-09-09 16:12:37
ok there's a ninja named "The Chosen One!" and he kicks the unchosen one's asses!

Nah!!! Seriously I just came to this you have an rpg maker or some similar software?

"I will not back down, cause that is my way of the ninja!"

Re: New Rpg
Link | by Joshua on 2005-09-09 20:35:53 (edited 2005-09-09 20:36:04)
If you really want to know go to the thread called callanon.

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