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Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by Himeno on 2005-08-25 12:51:06
Which anime character would you say resembles you and why?

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Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by mindsoak on 2005-08-25 12:56:03
As far as looks, If I spike my hair I look like Ban Mido from Getbackers.
For personality I'd say Kamui Shiro in X, kinda agressive and impulsive.

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by Himeno on 2005-08-25 13:04:19 (edited 2005-08-25 13:05:05)
Physically I look the most like Image hosted by I think ^_^

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Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by Smi on 2005-08-25 18:13:05
I'm alittle bit of Ed (Cowboy Bebop), only because I wear alot of oversized shirts with shorts, I'm barefoot most of the time, and my best friend is a dog :p.

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by Rin on 2005-08-25 22:17:56
Misato (Evangelion) is closer to me in looks and personality than most anime characters I've seen. I'm actually planning on dying my hair purple, but that has nothing to do with what I just said ;p

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by Rik on 2005-08-25 23:14:44
I look like Nuriko from Fushigi yuugi, except that i'm a gal and i dont have a mole under the right eye. well, my personality is also almost like him cause i kinda like to act like a guy and well, like to play alot(teasing ppl) and i have the exact laughter of him.....

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by Rui on 2005-08-26 00:28:18
I look a bit like Catherine Bloom from Gundam Wing.
Well, when it comes to personality, I resemble Himura Kenshin. ^_^

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by DH on 2005-08-26 03:31:03
People think that I do resemble Shigure Sohma from Fruits Basket. I do some writing (planning to take a creative writing course), try to avoid people who want the next chapter 'NOW' (sorta like the editor). Yes, I do write smutty things and of course there's the err *coughs* high school girls thing. (NO, V is not a peodo!). I'm also more of a 'sit on the side and give advice every now and again person'

Err...someone also thought me as similar to Zarbon from DBZ once. After around 20 minutes of asking why it was apparently because of the gay connections. I dunno though...I think I could make those arm sleeve things look pretty good.

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-26 04:03:34
People say I look like the exact double of Gema from Digi Charat. Id have to agree. The way I float upside down in the air is undoubtly idendical.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by luxifer on 2005-08-26 04:10:45
i think i'm looked like my sig. hehe

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by Seki on 2005-08-26 04:40:12
I resemble Urashima Keitaro and Keiichi (from Ah! megami-sama) before they met Narusegawa or Belldandy. You know .... the loser type of a guy. Makes me wonder when will my Naru or Belldandy come for me. Kinda similar to Kei Kusanagi but I aint so popular as him.

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by The Chosen One on 2005-08-26 04:54:17 (edited 2005-09-11 11:41:30)
I think Kenshin because i'm easy going and never get angry, but what my friends don't know is that I have a dark, hidden path, mwah ha ha ha !!!

"I will not back down, cause that is my way of the ninja!"

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by K-1 on 2005-08-26 08:39:40
i always thought i was like keiichi from ah! my goddess

now if only i can find a belldandy ^^

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by Kaidoh on 2005-08-26 13:39:02
shikamaru from naruto cuz we're both soo damn lazy n we're appear 2 b dumb durin skool but we're actually smart ^.^ n tatsuki from bleach cuz im a tom-boy just lik her

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by Yunalesca on 2005-08-26 14:24:16
...o.O Although I rarely see it, people tell me I look like these people, however different they look from each other (by the way, some of these characters are from videogames):

1// Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy 7) - Videogame, I know. But people tell me I look like her, and I think she's very pretty, so I take it as a compliment.

2// Fllay Allster (Gundam Seed) - Okay, okay, she's a bitch. I know. A cute bitch, though. So when a friend said I should cosplay her because I look like her, I took that as a compliment too.

3// Misaki Matsuya (Excel Saga) - Badass girl from Excel Saga.

4// Meyrin Hawke (Gundam Seed Destiny) - Okay, what is it with people and telling me I look like certain characters that I think look nothing like me? For one, my hair is brown and my eyes are green. Meyrin (AND Fllay) are redheads. >>

5// Robin Sena (Witch Hunter Robin) - She's blonde. But I can get my hair up into those "handlebars" she has, so I guess that's a plus?

6// Miaka Yuuki (Fushigi Yuugi) - I don't understand why people hate her. She's such a loveable heroine, I think.

7// Belldandy (Ah! Megamisama!) - She looks more like Aeris, who several people have claimed me to look like. Belldandy's a beautiful goddess, so hearing someone say I resembled her really made my day X3

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by none on 2005-08-26 17:30:08
I don't look like any characters from videogames. It would be awesome if I did!

hey mom, a penguin ate my sugar

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by Alternate on 2005-08-26 21:54:54
I don't compare myself to any anime character...i did however, cosplay as Kagome. I act nothing like her though, thank god. ^^;

Bah. I'm saractic? And confused...and out going. Iono. Lmao.


Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by Himeno on 2005-08-27 09:10:05
ah cool cool

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Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by shya-chan on 2005-08-27 10:08:22
I would have to say Minamoto Kouji from Digimon frontier (old school, lol!) cause he shared the same pastlife as I.

Plus, we both act the same way, but at times I can act like Takuya as well. ^^

ANime rocks my socks! Until my socks are off... then it rocks my feet!

Re: Which anime character resembles you?
Link | by on 2005-08-27 10:26:52
Hatsuharu-kun from Fruits Basket. He's really a nice, sweet guy like myself, but if you piss me off, I'm going to friggen flip on you. ;o

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