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hack sign songs
Link | by roy on 2004-08-01 22:28:16
here are allot of .hacksign songs here in gendou's.
can any one recomend me a song of .hacksign?

Re: hack sign songs
Link | by Lullaby on 2004-08-02 12:44:24
You can dl Aura evil ver or yasashii yoake, they're pretty good

I like it, I'll do it

Re: hack sign songs
Link | by budgiebuirdie on 2004-08-03 17:29:54
Well...I like Strangers, Mimiru (kinda, Interlude, Silent Life, Sit Beside Me, B.T., Broken Wings, and In Your Mind. Ther are alot more I liek but those are just a few.

Re: hack sign songs
Link | by Sephy on 2004-08-13 13:01:51
There are many good songs from that show, but my personal favorites would have to be "Key of the Twilight" and "In the Land of Twilight"

The world is naught but creeping evil.-V.C.M.

Re: hack sign songs
Link | by Kanki on 2004-08-13 17:29:32
ya, mimiru is very sweet.
i recommend Open your Heart, original and reprise version

Re: hack sign songs
Link | by hackprefect on 2004-08-14 03:22:28
the fake wings songs are all good. (esp "make decision" version) and, tho it's not a sign song, "Beautiful" is very good.

Re: hack sign songs
Link | by rikki on 2004-08-17 17:37:01
my favorite is Aura, so i recommend it. also B.T. is good, and both A Thousand and One Nights and Kioku i highly recommend. actually, pretty much all the .hack songs are great so it's hard to say...

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