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.....Anime Dreaming =_=;
Link | by DuckNick on 2005-08-18 02:21:15 (edited 2005-08-18 02:25:38)
Heyoo~ For those people who loves to imagine themselves in anime or with cute anime boys or girls, i recommend u not to read this thread XP.....Because...OMG..sometimes when i read some thread about "Which anime char u wanna marry?", "which anime char u wanna be with?" and stuffs like that...I seriously got irritated O_O =/...Anime and real life are completely different things....I do love anime and like the behaviour and looks of some anime chars..but i never imagine myself or hope i will be in anime or be with some "CUTE" characters...Maybe some people do love to fantasize and dream....But still..i felt kinda irritated!! >_< Its kinda gross to imagine some "REAL LIFE" people inside an anime with those characters..THEY JUST DON'T MIX WELL!! AND...Some people was sooo insane that they do cosplay!! OMG MY EYESS!!!!!!!!THATS JUST DAM GROSSSSSS!!! =/ XP COME ON~ Lets just enjoy watching anime!!!Not imagining yourself in anime..It don't feel gross to you but it feel gross to us! =/...(SORRY >_<)...

*Gulp*Drown in songs *Gulp*

Re: .....Anime Dreaming =_=;
Link | by Kyo_Sakazaki on 2005-08-18 04:42:14
Nick, you do put valid points into what you say. Dreaming about yourself with anime characters is rather...well, irritating, but only at times. Sometimes it is best to have those kinds of dreams, thoughts, and such. Take myself for instance...I suffer from depression regularly. I use those thoughts and such to escape from reality, if only for a moment. It is actually a fairly good idea to have those dreams and such, as long as it doesn't get excessive and such.

Nick, you are entitled to your opinions on this matter, as am I. But, if you get irked at the threads about anime characters marrying and such...then don't read them. Plain and simple. If they get you heated enough to start a thread hazing those people for those types of threads, then maybe you don't belong in this forum, period.

Anime and reality have that line between them, and there's no denying that. There will never be any disputes about that. Anime serves its purpose to be something to entertain the crowds that watch it. And using their own fantasies about male/female characters is marketing strategy. Such as myself...I got hooked on Melfina from Outlaw Star, and I ended up buying the box set. Given, I fell in love with the series entirely, but the point is...I fell in love with an anime character. Things happen, Nick. You just have to learn how to deal with it. Having some reality characters in anime would actually make things interesting, or vice-versa, as long as their bodies and such were formatted to the realm in which they exist in.

Now, as I said earlier, Nick, you are entitled to your opinions, and I respect those opinions. But who is this "us" in which you refer to? I don't see any replies currently to your thread but my own. Your opinion is yours and yours alone, it seems, since I definitely don't share that gross opinion with you as long as the anime dreaming and such is not overused and abused. Just try to picture yourself in a few anime you rather enjoy watching, and you'll see it actually is rather fun and such.

Don't make fun of it, don't destroy it, don't cheapen it. The one small thing that everyone has. My love, my dreams, and you. I won't let those go, no matter what.

Re: .....Anime Dreaming =_=;
Link | by DuckNick on 2005-08-18 09:30:58
hey kyo sazaki..thanks for your reply..first of all, people can imagine themselves in anime..but i do hope that they keep that to themselves and not apply it to reality..etc..Violent games,movies or.anime.A few cases of murder were all because of the violence..yes..anime is an entertainment to everyone..but never cross to a point where you tell everyone that you wanna be in the anime or marry some characters..this makes us(alot of my friends who likes anime and alot of other anime fans) gets irritated.

*Gulp*Drown in songs *Gulp*

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