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GC RPGS... Are they really worthwhile?
Link | by saikoubi on 2005-08-17 20:08:56
This totally sucks. Even though I'm new to the gaming community, it's a common law that PS2 house the best RPGs any gamer can get their hands on. My folks preferred the GameCube over the PS2 (Me: ...), and so I'm left in the dust with my sole RPG, Tales of Symphonia.

I heard something about Skies of Arcadia, but bleah, its shelf-life is short-lived.

Every time we hurry past each other, we hit and tear ourselves on impact, and we feel the pain of each other's wings

Re: GC RPGS... Are they really worthwhile?
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-08-17 20:54:03
Ya, unfortunently Nintendo's big consoles have been getting little attention from RPG makers. But it isn't totally hopeless... A new fire emblem game is coming up for it...
Course, with the PS2 having like 20x that coming out, its still painful... :/

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