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The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Daisuki on 2005-08-17 10:33:26
After I watch DNangel, I listen the opening song true light during an entire day, non-stop. Did it already happen with you ? If yes what song ^_^

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Myth on 2005-08-17 10:39:40
I did that with Shinkai no kodoku by Kuwashima Houko, Stellar's insert song from Gundam SEED Destiny.

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by ゆめ² on 2005-08-17 12:20:40
I've listened to only that song for a day or two. Still not sick of it one bit.

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by on 2005-08-17 12:23:37
I listened to Still Time from Saiyuki for a day. Jeez, I love that song. <3

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Kaidoh on 2005-08-17 12:54:31
i listened 2 Overlap by kimeru lik 1000 times for 2 days

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Rui on 2005-08-17 15:18:12 (edited 2005-08-17 15:18:36)
Invoke by T.M. Revolution (Gundam Seed)

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Ancalyme on 2005-08-17 18:08:37
Sleepless Beauty alcapella *swoon* (from Gravitation ep. 2)

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Sturm on 2005-08-17 18:17:54
has to be justice (vandread opening theme song) by aki kudou

"Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal"

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Mawaru on 2005-08-17 18:41:02
D-tecnoLife by UVERworld (BLEACH)

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by saikoubi on 2005-08-17 20:13:10
'INVOKE' by T.M. Revolution (Gundam Seed) [Daisuke Asakura]
'Anna ni issho datta no ni' by See-Saw (Gundam Seed)
'byakuya~True Light~' by Miyamoto Shunichi (D.N.Angel)

Every time we hurry past each other, we hit and tear ourselves on impact, and we feel the pain of each other's wings

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Yunalesca on 2005-08-17 23:05:14
"Lilium" - Elfen Lied. Gah. It's so beautiful *eyes well up*. XD.

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Sor on 2005-08-17 23:25:51
Lilium for me, too. XD;; Although today I've been listening to Broken English quite a bit. @_@;

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Yunalesca on 2005-08-17 23:26:46
YAAAY, Lilium. XDDD I freaking LOVE that song. The translations for it on the DVD are rather innacurate, though. ^^;;

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Sor on 2005-08-17 23:29:03 (edited 2005-08-17 23:29:15)
I can't watch Elfen Lied, but at least I have the song! @_o;; I saw a little preview of it on demand, so I looked up the trailer on the ADV Films website, and I was like, "OMG INEEDTHATSONG @_______@"

I have a rather large playlist of anime songs, played at random, and once I got all three versions of Lilium I have in a row. XD That was great.

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Yunalesca on 2005-08-17 23:42:32 (edited 2005-08-17 23:43:07)
Do you have DarkJedi's version of Lilium? It's like, an even better version of the full version. It meshes together and doesn't seem like someone just took two parts of the song and put them together on Sound Recorder. XD If you don't, I can give you the Torrent file if you'd like, or even just the whole song file.

And you really should see Elfen Lied ^^ It's really very cute (despite the gore). It's what you'd get if you crossed Love Hina, Chobits and GANTZ = an incredibly cute sitcom involving two girls in love with the same guy-- except one of the girls is a crazy psycho murderer mutant with a split personality and a dark past! And the guy has amnesia! XD;;

In terms of sex and nudity-- there's a LOT of nudity, and it's very realistic nudity...but it's not really sexual except for one very brief scene involving Mayu's backstory. It's artistic nudity like the kind you'd find in a museum. :3

In terms of blood and gore, though...there's a TON, hence why I compared it to GANTZ...not for the squeamish. But the blood is too bright of a red o.o;; it almost looks pinkish whereas real blood isn't that bright. XD;;

And the music, of course, is great-- a lot of background music with Lilium's tune, one in particular that just seems like Lilium without vocals. Sooo pretty. *_*

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by clonezeroImage hosted by on 2005-08-18 00:48:01
hmmm the song I always want to here is "Ligaya" but its not an anime song

anime wise that would be "Break Up" from Digimon 02 just love that song XD

Image hosting by Photobucket cute^_^

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Bernz on 2005-08-18 01:33:32
I listen to many songs a day but the one song that i must hear is D-technoLife from Bleach.

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by hobo on 2005-08-18 02:37:36
i listen to d-technolife(TV version) and asterisk(TV version) all day.
i dont know why but i just like them better than the real thing


Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by Kyo_Sakazaki on 2005-08-18 05:06:41 (edited 2005-08-18 05:08:04)
Well, there is no one specific song I'd listen to all day. There are too many to choose from. But, thanks to the wonderful people here at Gendou, I have created Kyo's Specialty Mix, which is my more advanced and meticulate mix of songs I could listen to forever.

1) Bokutachi no Yukue-Hitomi Takahashi (listed under Gundam SEED)
2) Momnt B4 ZA Beat Remix-Vivian or Kazuma (listed under Gundam SEED)
3) (Koi Wa) Thrill, Shock, Suspense-Rina Aiuchi (listed under Detective Conan)
4) Anata ga Irukara-Miho Komatsu (listed under Detective Conan)
5) Secret of My Heart-Mai Kuraki (listed under Detective Conan)
6) Simple and Clean-Hikaru Utada (not on site)
7) Hikari-Hikaru Utada (not on site)
8) Love Taught Me-Laura Bailey (not on site...yet.)

Don't make fun of it, don't destroy it, don't cheapen it. The one small thing that everyone has. My love, my dreams, and you. I won't let those go, no matter what.

Re: The ONE same song you listen during all day.
Link | by kei on 2005-08-18 05:24:26

a) FictionJunction KAORI - feathers of love
b) Yuki Kaijura (GSD)- fields of hope
c) Eyeshield 21- breakthough
d) Eyeshiled 21 (ED)- be free
e) Prince of Tennis - dream believer


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