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The depression thread
Link | by nightmare on 2005-08-14 17:18:10
hey everyone, for thoes of you who dont know, im a VERY depressed person. and ill bet there are alot of others like me out im creating a place for thoes people to talk about there problems with other people that can understand and sympathise with them.

so feel free to talk your heart out! no one will criticise you here. becase chances are there is someone just like you who has the same problem...

Re: The depression thread
Link | by gendou on 2005-08-14 17:42:05
im depressed because i have over 1,000 songs sitting in the uploads folder waiting for me to sort through. :(

Re: The depression thread
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-15 01:09:58
Im so not depressed im sucidal. Yes im absouletly care free. I do what ever I want for a living. Every day is happyness for me. You know what your problem is? Not enough enough super happy anime, go watch some less depressing animes, or watch animes so depressing you get all the depression out of your system.

My only real problem is I cant find the super girlfriend im looking for and I wont settle for anything less than the kind of girl friend ive only seen in animes. Im sure there are women like that, just not where I live. It would be hard to learn japanese and move to Japan, and try getting women to fall in love with me with my American face.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The depression thread
Link | by luxifer on 2005-08-15 04:21:37
i'm depresed because of studies my school. it's so killing me

Re: The depression thread
Link | by -akutenshi- on 2005-08-15 05:08:45
Im depressed because i just got dumped by my boyfriend that i love very much :'(

Re: The depression thread
Link | by Bernz on 2005-08-15 05:41:46
I used to be depressed when i m in college because i am always worried by my falling grades and the subjects are getting harder every second. Now the semester break has arrived and i m depressed of not seeing enough anime. SO SAD but there is always this forum n anime songs to acompany me.

Re: The depression thread
Link | by nightmare on 2005-08-15 14:13:10
well, im depressed becase my life sucks. my parents yell at me constantly, they wont let me out of the house for anything except school, they wont let me get my drivers lisence, and they think im too young to have a girlfriend (im 16!)! my first girlfriend dumped me becase she was having some problems with her life. and the second girl was litterally a 15 year old whore. All i want is a girl that i can lean on, protect, love and respect. A girl that cares about me and loves me for who i am! but most of the young people these days only care about sex! to all the girls out there, CHIVILRY IS NOT DEAD!!! there are still a few good, nice, kind guys out there. but we are getting sick of being mistaken for just another sex obsessed freakshow! God, its no wonder i almost commited suicide 3 weeks ago!

Re: The depression thread
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-15 23:03:07 (edited 2005-08-15 23:04:32)
nightmare we are alike. We need a shirt that says [decent man looking for decent girlfriend]

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The depression thread
Link | by eeekar on 2005-08-16 00:39:27
suicide is not an answer you know.
Just think,if you die now, you'll never experience love.
Sorry if I'm not depressed...
I'm happy right now.
But I experienced depression before.
Not good...
And why is not having a girl a problem?

Angels are falling from heaven

Re: The depression thread
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-08-16 05:15:54
nightmare, you shouldnt worry so'll get a girl that deserves you sooner or later. And suicide is only an easy way out for the weak...there are so many people that also has problems, in fact most us have problems, some more than others though.

Re: The depression thread
Link | by Immortal on 2005-08-16 05:41:16
...just always think positive. whenever I become depressed, I don't think much of my problems...I always think positive solutions for my problems! Thinking more about your problems makes the situation worse. Remember to always have a smile on your face! It's just like a detectives motto: "there is no perfect crime...just an imperfect investigation"(hope you'd understand that!)

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: The depression thread
Link | by andreyev on 2005-08-16 06:06:41
for everybody who's depressed out there. I can only say one thing, don't do suicide. Life is the most precious.

For you who believe in god, even it seems meaningless, and there's no way out from your problems, pray to Him, He shall show you the way.

For you who don't believe in God, i can only say this : life is the most precious, search your true meaning of life, before you die. Suicide is not the answer, suicide is only for the weaklings, stand proudly, and show the world who you are.

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

Re: The depression thread
Link | by andreyev on 2005-08-16 07:11:06
I'm searching for you my dear,
in the まわるいろ模様
きみにもう少し 近づきたい

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

Re: The depression thread
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-16 09:40:52
I dont think suicide is bad. It was considered honorable by samurai. Suicide is bad if you do it just becuase you are depressed. But clinging desperatly to life is also bad in my opinion, people will step over other people's lives just to breifly lenghten thiers. I thought about the meaning behind suicide, you should too before you try anything crazy.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The depression thread
Link | by nightmare on 2005-08-16 15:57:42
im not going to comit suicide for one reason and one reason ONLY! Read "a cantical for lebowits" chapter 28. so thats that, i plan to suffer through life until God sees fit to change my life. (IF he does)
and one thing to andreyev: LIFE IS NOT PRECIOUS!!!! life is hell! all you will ever find in life is pain, suffering, sadness, and death.

and to eeekay: i want a girlfriend becase i believe that having a girlfriend will change my view on life. like life wouldn't be meaningless if i had a girl to protect and comfort. and maybe actually feeling love will erase my dreary outlook on life. (MAYBE)

Re: The depression thread
Link | by eeekar on 2005-08-17 00:28:22
well, if you DO find a girlfriend and she breaks your heart, then
your life wouldn't be any better, right?

Angels are falling from heaven

Re: The depression thread
Link | by andreyev on 2005-08-17 08:05:47
if life is hell, why do you choose to stay alive? death is better for you ...

by suffering, by feeling pain, i can find what is precious in my life. if you just want to feel happy, death is better for you.

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

Re: The depression thread
Link | by クリッチ ^__^ on 2005-08-17 08:13:39
*Sigh* -_-

ã?°ã?‹! ^_^

Re: The depression thread
Link | by nightmare on 2005-08-17 13:13:00

and eeekay: i said MAYBE!!! but im talking in terms of while she loves me. my life will be alright...for a time.

Re: The depression thread
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-08-17 14:02:24
I cant believe that some of you embrace suicide as a mean to escape from your life.
A person has the most power to change his own life, if his life is hell, then he should make everything that's possible to change it, but he must have the will. that person will never know if his life will be hell, that is his decision.

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