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Link | by K.o.R on 2005-08-12 16:22:19
Would anyone be interested in these?

I had too much time on my hands, so I cobbled together some small videos with karaoke lyrics for some Slayers songs (the three TV intros plus the Motion Picture ending theme). Because the video is so basic it only adds around 2megs on top of the mp3 size. If anyone's interested (and with Gendou's permission) I could upload them here ^_^.

KoR-aoke Simple DivX Videos with karaoke for JPop and anime songs

Re: Karaoke
Link | by gendou on 2005-08-12 18:50:05
i wont host the videos on my website, but you can upload them to your own webspace and post the links in the forum, if you like.

Re: Karaoke
Link | by K.o.R on 2005-08-14 13:08:36 (edited 2005-08-15 13:05:00)

Well the main link is in my sig, probably the best way to dl them is via BitTorrent (I'm seeding most of the time but obviously I can't leave my comp on all the time :P )

Torrent file links:
Midnight Blue
Get Along

KoR-aoke Simple DivX Videos with karaoke for JPop and anime songs

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