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Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by Seki on 2005-08-11 05:17:35
What are everyone's saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime?

Mine are:

* When Hitomi says goodbye to Van, I was like, "Hitomi, stay with Van!"
* When Narumi was crying his head off when Haruka was in hospital in the beginning of Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
* When Narumi says goodbye to Haruka at the end
* When Mina was at the train station with Maiku at the end Onegai Twins
* When Itsuki was dumped by Kasumi at the end of ep 14 (i think) of 4th Stage

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-08-11 05:47:25 (edited 2005-08-11 05:48:09)
U watch H animes too? cause Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien was one of the most perverted animes i ever saw i think? except for vampire princess miyu and bible black i think.

Well my sad scenes are.
Naruto: When Gaara told of his lonely childhood and all the others ppls.
Bleach: Ichigo's mom dying, and Ishida's sensei dying.
AirTV: when the purple/white hair guy died and turned into a crow?
GundamWing: when Treize dies and everyone on earth grieves.
GSeed: when the child who gave Kira the paper flower dies on the cargo ship.
GSDestiny:when something bad happened on the minerva ship forgot wat tho.
TrinityBlood: When the Nun person died and Albel cries and the song comes on.

well the list goes on forever so ill stop here.

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by Seki on 2005-08-11 06:01:25
Well, Kimi ga nozomu eien only got like 3 or 4 scenes which ppl might consider perverted but I thought the story was pretty good. I actually didnt watch it for the fan service. I watched Onegai Twins and Teacher, but I dont think they can be classified as H anime either.

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by EvianLain on 2005-08-11 07:25:34
AirTV: Misuzu left her father and ran to Kamio(Haruko-her aunt) and when Misuzu was dying :(
Rurouni Kenshin(Betrayal OVA): Battousai slashed Tomoe and then she made the crossed scar on his cheek.
Fruits Basket: Kyo transformed and ran away...
and if i can think somemore ><

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-08-11 19:44:42
In RahXephon, when Ayato destroys Hiroko's dolem without realizing that she was the one unwillingly controlling it, and she uses her last strength to tell him she loves him.

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Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by hobo on 2005-08-11 19:49:05
hey Skinny Chouji, what about the GSD's 1st ep before the intro? you know, when shinn's family dies


Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by Sor on 2005-08-11 20:13:53
In Wolf's Rain, when Toboe died. I actually cried. I never cry. XD; And Violinist of Hameln was pretty angsty.

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by riezawa on 2005-08-11 21:07:57
These are all obviously spoilers, so...

#1-Grave of the Fireflies - At the death of the little girl ;-;
#2-Angel Sanctuary - When Katou died

And a lot of series where main character(s) died...

Let's dance!





Shameless plug alert

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by revoutionarygirl on 2005-08-11 22:00:03

Hitmoi had to leave Van to go home. - Escaflowne
Kyo turned into the cat's curse and Tohru had to save him - Fruits Basket.
Sakura had to lose all her memories. -Tsubasa
Lacus was about to get shot my Athrun -Gundam seed
Aki had died by his twin's sisters' hands. - Ayashi No Ceres
Mitsuki was about to die and Takuto and Meroko was no where to be seen - Full Moon Wo Sagahite
Chikai lied to Maron about not knowing her true identiy as Kaitou Jeanne. - Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Inuyasha was about to turn into a full demon and Kagome was needed to rescue him - Inuyasha Movie 2

yes.. that's all I can think of..for now....


Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by andreyev on 2005-08-13 02:22:54
i think many scenes in Gundam SEED is sad.
the death of many people, from Earth and PLANT.

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by byakuya on 2005-08-13 03:01:02
sad parts in anime? for now...

Gundam SEED: when the little girl died and that Kira cried and when Nicole died...
Ayashi No Ceres: when Aki died
Air TV: when Misuzu is dying
Naruto: when Gaara told Naruto about his childhood stories
Rurouni Kenshin: when Tomoe died
Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection: throughout the anime
Fullmetal Alchemist: almost all of the sad parts

these are the only I can remember

i'm too busy to write a signature...

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by lei8iel on 2005-08-13 05:25:53
Rurouni Kenshin: when Kenshin accidentally killed Tomoe
Fushigi Yuugi: when Nuriko died

dies mono dies

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by RzmmDX on 2005-08-13 06:32:05
gundam seed....when genesis didn't hit the earth...DAMN U JUSTICE DAMN U!

Ģöţ ñõţħįňģ Ţθ ĻÖŠĔ, ĕυεгұтђīŋġ ŧÅ? ĢĄİŇ, ₣řέёÄ?Å?м ằήđ Ĵůśťїçè, ČθгŗůÏ?ŧìÅ?Å‹ ằήđ Ä‹Å?ňƒīņěΜәπŧ, Vâļóůѓ ịή βαŧŧļé, Ħõńòґ ÏŠÅ„ Ä?Ä•Ä?ţħ

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by Aries on 2005-08-13 21:09:13
Samurai X: When Tomoe died in Kenshin's arms and completed the "x" scar on his face with the one from her fiancee

Millenium Actress: When you find out Chiyoko was just chasing a shadow.


Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by kirima on 2005-08-13 21:46:25 (edited 2005-08-13 21:47:43)
Millenium Actress, all the way. I actually cried.
Grave of the Fireflies was, overall, a sad movie.
...Damn, both have already been mentioned.

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by sphere on 2005-08-15 06:04:14
Fruit basket - when momiji tells Toru that his mom chose to forget about him (meaning she doesn't love him)
saikano - when akemi is dying
Air- when mizusu is suffering in her last moments
ayashi no ceres - when chidori dies

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by on 2005-08-15 06:42:17
I totally agree with sphere about the Momiji part. That part made me cry sooo much. TT_TT

Wolf's Rain - When Toboe and Tsume died. T^T

Rurouni Kenshin - When Tomoe died.

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by animeallen on 2005-08-15 06:52:29
Oooh! Good topic!

*Full Metal Alchemist - When Edward and Alphonse got separated.
*Hunter X Hunter Greed Island Final - Gon finally meets his father!
*Card Captor Sakura - Lee goes back to Hong Kong
*GTO - Last episode! (nyahahaha! I can't believe this almost made me cry!)
*Gundam Seed - The LacusxKira and AthrunxCagalli sad scences...

I think there's lotsa' more but these are all the ones I remember, ne?

animeallen, keywords are:
Drummania | Guitar Freaks | GFX Designer | WebDev | noyPi

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by Revo on 2005-08-15 07:40:35

Spoiler Warning:

That's Kaito not Ging.

Re: Saddest or most heart wrenching scene in anime
Link | by Yunalesca on 2005-08-15 11:31:22
Fullmetal Alchemist// When Nina the Chimera was destroyed. Hughes's death-- this one absolutely killed me. He was my favorite character. ;_;

Gundam Seed// When Miriallia found out that Tolle was dead. Also, when Cagalli was holding the gun to Athrun on the bed, and she said "So Kira had to die?! And at the hands of his best friend?!" (or something like that). Mwu La Fllaga's "death"-- I felt so bad for Murrue. When Yzak blew up the civilian ship. Fllay's death. When Lacus sang "Mizu no Akashi". Nicol's death.

Gundam Seed Destiny// Stellar's rampage, and Stellar's death.

Evangelion// Misato's death in End of Evangelion. When Misato found out that Kaji was dead. When Shinji found out that it was Touji in the fourth unit's cockpit.

Cowboy Bebop// Julia's death. Gren's death. Spike's death at the end.

X/1999// The entire ending.

Wolf's Rain// This whole show was sad. >_>; But when Toboe and Tsume died, and when Cher died.

Witch Hunter Robin// The ending. Also, when Robin was told to hide when Amon went out to face the enemy-- she was just left there to cry.

Saikano// This whole anime was depressing.

Grave of the Fireflies// Once again, the whole thing was depressing.

Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X// Tomoe's death. The ending of Samurai X: Reflections-- Kenshin and Kaoru's death.

Perfect Blue// When Mima had to act out the rape scene, then afterward when she went home and freaked out.

Fushigi Yuugi// Nuriko's death.

Elfen Lied// Mayu's backstory. When Nana and Lucy are fighting. When you think Nana gets put to sleep. Lucy's life story.

Ayashi no Ceres// Chidori's death.

Trigun// Wolfwood's death.

There are so many more, but this post would get WAY too long. ^^;;

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