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Wrong Song Artist
Link | by Rizy on 2005-08-05 20:35:18
Hey, is there anything I can do if there is a missing artist or the is totally wrong for a song already up? Is there a way to request to change it or is there nothing I can do ^_^'
I've seen some songs I like from a certain OST that I know the artists are wrong so..

Re: Wrong Song Artist
Link | by reidash on 2005-08-05 23:59:44
Just post the corrections and Gendou will fix them.


Re: Wrong Song Artist
Link | by G on 2005-08-06 21:21:26
Hi, there was an error with one of your uploads. If you look at the Yakitate Japan! secion, you said that you would release "Promise" by TiA on August 3rd. However, the song your actually uploaded was by a completly different band and file all in itself. Just listen to the TV version and the full version to hear for yourself.

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