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History of the "F" Word
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-08-02 14:12:29
This is funny as hell. You gotta watch it. ^^

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-08-02 14:13:55
Please keep the volume low >< Don't watch in front of parents!

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by night_link on 2005-08-02 17:38:23
AHAHAHA!! *tear from laughing* Yes, that was funny, although I already seen it somewhere before, it's still good to laugh again. It's fine, all whole bunch of people nearby, who've never seen it before, had a good laugh too. It's good, because they had tests and needed something to be happy about.

By the by, Hotaru it's nice to finally have a chance to see your signature!

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by Asuka on 2005-08-02 17:44:59
*laughs non-stop*
Damn this video is so funny!

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by luxifer on 2005-08-03 01:09:46
hahaha! that's was the funniest thing i have ever saw this month!

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by clonezeroImage hosted by on 2005-08-03 03:07:55
lol nice nice nice!~!!

Image hosting by Photobucket cute^_^

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by Menos Grande on 2005-08-03 10:22:51
Yeah, that's pretty old. Still kind of funny.

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by sadame-chan on 2005-08-03 12:28:48
Oooh, Vivaldi's "Spring". That piece almost always seems to end up in the most fascinating situations.

Love the video! I kept sniggering so as not to wake up my sibling. Whar made it so funny was that the narrator was dead serious in explaining. Snort.

��空����愛��人よ? Kono sora no dokoka itoshii hito yo?

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-08-03 12:30:46
I know! ><; that's so freakin' awesome. ^^

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by sadame-chan on 2005-08-03 12:35:18
Man! If I was assigned to voice that, I wouldn't have said one sentence without rolling in laughter! How could he say all that F Word shit with a straight face? It's insane, I tell you, INSANE!!! ^^

��空����愛��人よ? Kono sora no dokoka itoshii hito yo?

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-08-03 12:52:54
He must be a professional. That was great, though... Check out the other videos on the site, especially the End of ze World and Farting Preacher part 2.... So great...

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by Radishman on 2005-08-03 14:05:09
Cute. I think my Drama teacher told me once that the word fuck is actually an acryonym. FUCK. He said that it meant Fornication Under Consent of the King. I guess in medieval times if they wanted the kingdom to expand the table encourages the knights to mess around. Yay?

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-08-03 14:49:28
I heard that, too! But my psych teacher said it was completely untrue... I dunno, I listen to that man too much...

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by baldy on 2005-08-03 14:55:21
Y'know, my french teacher said that as well, 'cept she said it WAS true.

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by FTY on 2005-08-03 16:18:56
Ahahahahaha!!!!!! man that was a very fuunny show ns job guys...

Anime girls are Sexy.. Yes' Theyr'e sweet.. They Look so Tasty.. Hentai is wat i Eat..

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by Eeda on 2005-08-04 00:03:38
HAHAHAX! Cool! Except... I got caught by my mom....And she told me to...Restart the video and let her watch the whole thing!! Haha! ^_^

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by H on 2005-08-04 23:06:54
hahaha it's funny

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-08-06 15:03:52
Wow, that's very interesting. So many ways to use the 'F' word...

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by tamashimaro on 2005-08-19 21:37:20
yea ahahhaha i remember this..hahahha is funny

Re: History of the "F" Word
Link | by Kaiya on 2005-08-22 18:12:20
It's not everyday you see something both humourous and enlightening.

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