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Link | by inu on 2005-07-30 18:33:07
hi anyone like inuyasha? Sry if this has been posted already i am new here

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Chick-yasha on 2005-07-30 19:38:05
There alot of use. & I'm one of them.
"The best tip of all time."
DO NOT ask why there is no Inuyasha!!! This is the quickest way to get banned. B/c people ask like once or sometimes twice a week.
There should be planty of other topic on IY. But it's always good to know there are more IY fans.

Never date a guy stranger than you. If so, make sure he's loaded.

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Mrs Asakura Hao on 2005-07-30 23:20:11
I LOVE Inuyasha!!!!!! It rox 4eva!!!!!! Cute Kirara n Shippo, Beautiful n pretty Kagome n Sango, Strong willed-headed Inuyasha, Pervert Miroku, Evil but handsome Sesshoumaru, Fun lovin Kouga, Strong Ayame, STUPID EVIL Naraku. Anyone share the same the same STRONG passion as me??? Hehehe...

Nakamura Ayumi ^_^ HAO ROX 4EVA!!!!!!!!!

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Ayumi on 2005-07-30 23:59:58
Yummy Queen: WF you are SO dead....

Are miracles worth believing? We'll just have to see, don't we? What you see, that is reality. What you remember, that is illusion. Ps: Why are you looking here? Coversation above!

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Mrs Asakura Hao on 2005-08-01 03:54:57
Hahaha!!! Gomen lah, Ayumi. U no I LOVE Inu like xiao one mah... The other anime i crazy 'bout is S.K. mah... Yz oso like Inu but she more crazy bout Bleach... Thank god she dunno this web or else I'm dead...

Nakamura Ayumi ^_^ HAO ROX 4EVA!!!!!!!!!

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by on 2005-08-01 09:18:29
Inuyasha... what a waste. It doesn't even have a decent ending. o_o No offense to the fans, I just don't like it.

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Tidus_Yuna on 2005-08-01 13:12:01
inuyasha was good but i was disappointed by the ending what a waste

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by rose on 2005-08-01 14:12:49
I like Inuyasha, but some people are acting like it's the best anime ever. There are others then just Inuyasha that are good, but Inuyasha is a good anime.

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by クリッチ ^__^ on 2005-08-01 14:14:26
Inuyasha has its ups and downs.. its just.. after you miss like 3 episodes you get soo out of the loop its nearly impossible to get back in... *Me*

ã?°ã?‹! ^_^

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Eeda on 2005-08-02 06:34:16
Inuyasha Rawks! I just finished watching the last episode...*sigh*
Inuyasha and Kagome are so sweet...Too bad...The end... Wonder if there's more...Hmmmm....i wanna see Sesshomaru again...hehee...

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Loki on 2005-08-02 21:55:47
Inuyasha IMO sucked, well at least the anime did anyways, I mean, whats up with the ending? That came outta nowhere, I wont say anymore for those that haven't finished yet.

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Hikari on 2005-08-05 19:45:56
I believe that we have our own opinions about Inuyasha. Some may say it rocks, others may say it sucks. But it's their opinion. We have our own, so let's not judge them.

Here's what i can say about Inuyasha. Inuyasha rocks. The story is nice and the characters are very sweet esp. Kagome and Inuyasha. I have seen movies 1 & 2 and it's awesome!

Hikari Mienai

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Bernz on 2005-08-06 03:01:45
I m a fan of InuYasha and like everyone i too am abit dissapointed with the ending but some say there will be a second season or something to finish the series.

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-07 11:52:41 (edited 2005-08-07 11:54:53)
I was a huge fan of the Inuyasha, but my spirit died when it ended. Inuyasha real does things better than any other anime and also messes up big time just like other animes. Its plot id say is unmatched to this day yet. However it presents it slowly and never gets the story going. Inuyasha can really make the diehard fans though, my wallpaper is Inuyahsa. People who didn't like Inuyasha were probaly displeased with repetitive action scenes and a great story that makes little progress.

Worst type of ending ever: anime series is over, but the story continues with the manga. (screw the damn manga)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Rhapsody on 2005-08-07 18:36:36
I don't quite understand the ending -.-


love I Love Kurosaki Ichigo!

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-08-11 19:50:36
To answer your question, I do like InuYasha. There are many of us...

BUT! I refuse to watch the animes. I only read the mangas. That's because I've heard that the story ending in the anime version sux and the story continues in the manga. Unfortunately, Viz is taking their time translating the mangas and releasing them in the US. They release a new volume about every three months and there are more than 10 left to go...they better speed it up or it'll take years.

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Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Rukia_chan on 2005-08-19 22:49:16
Inuyasha is like the beast anime everr!! although there's obviously something wrong with the ending, there should be an inuyasha 2!! But i like the characters n the story line too!

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Bernz on 2005-08-19 22:55:00
The ending was definally dissapointing and the show was repetative although the storyline was good. Its a good anime and i m still a fan of it. There has got to be a second season cause the first did not really finish. To relieve those who r seriously dissapointed i suggest u guys watch the movies. The movies are far better especially the 3rd and 4th. They are REALLY REALLY nice.
( Dont be mad at me if u dont like the movies, i m merely suggesting )

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by Rukia_chan on 2005-08-19 23:09:25
yeah i also liked the movies, the movies have good songs too..although the graphic (movies 1-3) aren't dat good. but my fav is the 2nd movie, it got inuyasha kissing kagome ^-^

Re: Inuyasha
Link | by chizuru_chan on 2005-08-20 01:04:52
a 'beast anime??'what do you exactly mean by that,rukia_chan?
Anyway, i also think inuyasha's good, since my uncle likes it to...

Life starts simply , why change them?

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