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Sad Songs
Link | by REMI on 2005-07-30 06:22:24 (edited 2005-07-30 06:22:51)
Hi ^^

Can anyone help me to find a sad song .. But It must be really good ^^

With all thanks ^__^

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Re: Sad Songs
Link | by j on 2005-07-30 08:53:32
Kimi ga nozomu eien - kimi ga nozomu eien

Re: Sad Songs
Link | by revoutionarygirl on 2005-07-30 11:22:26
Eternal Snow - Full moon wo sagashite
Myself - Full moon wo sagashite
Broken Wings - Trinity Blood

I hope you like them =)


Re: Sad Songs
Link | by reidash on 2005-07-30 12:34:37
Love Hina (Horie Yui) - 'Yakusoku'
Getbackers (Otoha) - Ichibyo no Refrain


Re: Sad Songs
Link | by on 2005-07-30 12:39:56
Well, a song that makes me sad is For Fruits Basket from Fruits Basket. It makes me all sad and stuff. ;-;

Re: Sad Songs
Link | by REMI on 2005-07-30 12:46:24 (edited 2005-07-30 13:09:07)
Thanks everyone ^___^ I`ll try to listen to these songs ^___^

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Re: Sad Songs
Link | by Zafiel on 2005-07-30 21:03:48
Komm Susser Tod from End of Eva is the most depressing song I have ever heard. Somone told me its only second to the infamous "Gloomy Sunday" (which supposedly drives listeners to suicide) in the depression-causing department.

Exitus acta probat

Re: Sad Songs
Link | by firemiste on 2005-07-30 22:56:01
scarlet from Ayashi no Ceres

Re: Sad Songs
Link | by hobo on 2005-07-31 01:11:10
never meant to belong from bleach. this song made my gf cry when we were watching rukia's flashbacks


Re: Sad Songs
Link | by Rui on 2005-07-31 02:57:01
Gravity from Wolf's Rain
Scarlet from Ayashi no Ceres

Re: Sad Songs
Link | by Stricken on 2005-07-31 15:09:57
Definitely Ningyo Hime from Chobits. Beautiful yet sad song.

Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-Chan = funniest anime theme song ever!

Re: Sad Songs
Link | by mysty on 2005-08-01 23:46:00
i think i have too much to even list XP lol

Re: Sad Songs
Link | by REMI on 2005-08-02 16:30:10
Thanks Again ^^ I`m realy glad ^___^

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Re: Sad Songs
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-08-03 00:08:26
Try Itooshi Hito No Tameni (slow version) and Nocturne from Fushigi Yuugi (they only SOUND sad, but they're pretty ^^)

Re: Sad Songs
Link | by Lunarkry on 2005-08-03 10:49:22 (edited 2005-08-03 11:06:57)
To me, sad songs are one thing in life I need to allow me to feel that I am not all that and sorta be an anchor to me in times of glory as to not get carried away.

1) Mugen No Kaze - Ayashi no Ceres (I cried watching the scene with the song)

2) Opening for fruits basket (can't remember the title...) >_<;; (I cried when Tooru was invited back home to Shigure's house with this song playing)

3) A Stellar death song from Gundam Seed Destiny... (Cried? - not a chance. I hated Stellar but the song's nice)

4) Gundam Seed sad, empty, space music... (Can't find the title but have downloaded here... :p)

5) Beautiful alone - Weiss Kreuz (very soothing and well, angsty to some extent)

6) Futatsu no Negai - DN Angel (Very touching~!)

7) 1000 words - (sorry, not anime... :p) - oops!

8) Amethyst Remembrance - Yami no matsuei

9) Sadness and Sorrow - Naruto (instrumental)

10) Loneliness - Naruto (instrumental)

11) Sailor Galaxia's death, chimey song (instrumental)

12) Everything for you - Fushigi Yuugi (It's more of romantic, really...)

13) Fields of Hope - Gundam Seed Destiny

14) Caged bird - DN Angel

Well, I can drop in some more but that's all I've got so far that I can think of which are not in anyone else's list... :p

Please, PLEase, PLEASE!! - nobody commit suicide after this!! >___<

Lunarkry... :p

Re: Sad Songs
Link | by REMI on 2005-08-03 15:01:57 (edited 2005-08-08 04:46:07)
Hi everyone ^^
I don`t really know what to say ^^ but thanks ^^

by the way Hotaru i tried Itooshi Hito No Tameni , i dont think it was sad but yet pretty ^___^ thank u .

and hobo your gf must be really a nice g ^^ i listened to that song but didn`t cry ^^

Lunarkry , i loved what u said about sad songs .. ithink it`s wise^^
and 4 that long list all i can say is woooow ^___^

thanks again and please ask about me after 2 weeks just to be sure that i didn`t commit suicide after this ^___^

and before i forget .. to all who love sad songs try to listen to :
Senshi yo Nemure -> MazinKaizer ... it`s soooo sad but great ^^
Saigo no Yakusoku (last promise)-> marmaladeboy ..i love this song , in fact my dear friend translated by himself 4 me as a present and it was wonderful ^___^

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Re: Sad Songs
Link | by hobo on 2005-08-03 15:30:43
maybe it was the flashbacks


Re: Sad Songs
Link | by eeekar on 2005-08-03 20:38:00
gravity from Wolf's rain usually leaves me depressed...
I like listening to it when it rains...

Angels are falling from heaven

Re: Sad Songs
Link | by Obsessed with Air on 2005-08-04 12:58:00
I'm suprised no one said Aozora or Tori No Shi by Lia.

I still stand by what I say. Air has great music.

Re: Sad Songs
Link | by H on 2005-08-06 02:15:07
Lunarkry has mentioned some good songs there. BTW, Fruits Basket OP title is For Fruits Basket.

Yup, just as REMI said. Senshi yo Nemure is a great sad song. I'm kinda shocked cuz this song is different from the other JAM Project songs. But JAM Project style is in the song!!! Cheers for Fukuyama Yoshiki.

Akatsuki no Kuruma --- GS
Stardust --- GetBackers
Kimi no Yume --- FMP
Sonzai --- DaCapo
Modoranai Hibi --- Midori no Hibi
Life is Like a Boat --- BLEACH
In the Moonlight --- GRAVITATION
Anti Nostalgic --- GRAVITATION
Kimi no Koe --- Kumo no mukou, Yakusoku no basho
Hitotsu Dake --- CCS
Chi ni Kaeru ~on the earth --- Starship Operators
Sorairo --- Fruits Basket
If Dreams Came True --- Air
Nostalgia --- Air
Northern Lights (ballad version) --- Shaman King
Over the Sky (angel feather version) --- Last Exile
Tsuki no Uta --- Texhnolyze
If I can't be Yours --- NGE
One Drop --- Tenshi no Shippo

Hohoemi wa Hikaru Kaze no naka --- Gundam F91
Takaramono --- Ai yori Aoshi~enishi. These one are very recommended!

I think I have to end it here... Too much to mention... lol

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

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