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DearS What do You Think About It?
Link | by OkitaKun on 2004-07-21 20:09:50
Hey! I have to admit that at first that the name DearS wasn't going to be a good anime ..... I was wrong it turns out that its great. I have come to conclude that DearS has a little Chobits, little Yumeria, and little Mahoromatic mixture. The first ep was very funny and little ecchi, but that's ok.

"Lay down your swords"
"NO we won't"
"Then you DIE"
from Rk

Re: DearS What do You Think About It?
Link | by Larinon Larinon on 2004-07-21 19:39:37
I've seen just the first episode (downloaded the 2nd but haven't watched it yet), but I'm hoping it gets a little better. The potential seems to be there, so I'll stick with it for now. But yeah, definitely has some similarities with Chobits.
I do want to say that the opening song gets my vote for creepiest song of the year - you have very young sounding vocalists (the group Under 17) singing phrases like "I'm your slave" and "through the night", and the song itself is called "Love Slave"... *shiver* Now if only the darn tune wasn't so catchy...

Re: DearS What do You Think About It?
Link | by Wererat42 on 2004-07-23 06:30:47
Isn't it supposed to be something like Chobits with two alien girls? Meh, I might watch it after Full Metal Alchemist and Samurai Champloo finish downloading...

Re: DearS What do You Think About It?
Link | by Azbaby on 2004-07-23 09:14:51
well the fact is that teh group got voice thier voice altered so we don't no the true age until the site comes up and also teh fact is that after this 2nd eposide the story is like midori no hibi so i don't really expect much of a story line after this

Re: DearS What do You Think About It?
Link | by Nobody on 2004-08-01 07:29:32
I have no clue what Azbaby is trying to say unfortunately so I hope I'm notrepeating something Azbaby was trying to get at except the story is like Midori No Hibi which I disagree. Obviously the closest and quickest thing we can turn to is Chobits. The only similarity Midori no Hibi and DearS has is the main guy's voice actor (which may be what Azbaby was pointing out.) And yes, DearS has a storyline.. well, as far as I can tell. ;)
Honestly, I find the artwork to be unsuited for an anime but it works decently enough in the manga. The anime simply doesn't hold my taste right now but I'll wait three more episodes before passing real judgement on a whole. Then again, some animes take 10 episodes before they get anywhere.
I just didn't get the same jive I did when reading the first couple of volumes of DearS as I did watching the first couple of episodes. As a closing note, DearS isn't just about two alien girls; but it does focus on two in specific so far.

Re: DearS What do You Think About It?
Link | by Marle on 2004-08-18 17:26:35
i think dearS is copying chobits in a wide variety of ways. ren reminds me of chii waayyyyyy to much. Its pretty good except that hentai-ish teacher scares me...yeah

Re: DearS What do You Think About It?
Link | by tohru on 2004-08-23 08:47:48
I wanna watch this anime,but my area doesn't broadcast it!?i—Ü?j

Re: DearS What do You Think About It?
Link | by Steven on 2004-09-10 01:11:19
if u want to watch
i can send it to u through
but the speed will be a little slow
if u dont mind
my icq no
so if u want message me

Re: DearS What do You Think About It?
Link | by Ren-Ren on 2005-04-06 21:40:38
personaly i loved this anime. it did copy chobits a lot though.

Ren Ren o.o

Re: DearS What do You Think About It?
Link | by saikoubi on 2005-08-17 20:17:21
I loved the manga. Yes, it did copy Chobits in a wide variety of ways.

Takeya's a little different, though. You wouldn't expect him to be like Keitaro from Love Hima, or Hideaki from Chobits. He's not embarassed because he's got... Ren, it's because he's annoyed how she suddenly dropped into his life just like that. *snaps fingers*

Every time we hurry past each other, we hit and tear ourselves on impact, and we feel the pain of each other's wings

Re: DearS What do You Think About It?
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-08-18 08:30:12
Ren's really hot and umm i would let her learn to love not just immediate action to get into bed and stuff. But Chobits was better bc it was 13 episodes longer heheh..

Re: DearS What do You Think About It?
Link | by shirou_kamui on 2005-08-18 19:05:06


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