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Has anxious for the Mario Mix version?
Link | by night_link on 2005-07-26 09:29:19
Yea, so there's the Mario Mix DDR version for GameCube and the only DDR version for GameCube might I add. If you haven't tried it, what do you hope it's going to be like? If you have, what's it like? I haven't tried it yet, but from the sounds of it (haha, I know... "no pun intended"...) its going to be as popular as the Mario Party series.

Re: Has anxious for the Mario Mix version?
Link | by Zero Stage on 2005-07-26 21:31:59
That one... i think i want to get that one, even if its my first

Boogity Boogity Boo!

Re: Has anxious for the Mario Mix version?
Link | by Sapphy on 2005-08-03 08:56:37
I so totally agree! That's what the DDR and ITG series of PS2 games were missing that this one has; the mini games. I'd love to see how they make use of the dance pad for the mini games. It'll be tons of fun.

Re: Has anxious for the Mario Mix version?
Link | by ParaParaJMo on 2005-08-03 23:51:37
I should have gotten thsi game in Japan when I had the chance. But by the time I found it, it was too late and wouldn't have room for my luggage.

Anyway, I hope it has a maniac/ssr mode. Even though Disney's Rave was also great, it didn't have manaic/ssr mode.

If Guns Kill People Then Pencils Mispell Words

Re: Has anxious for the Mario Mix version?
Link | by TenSpot on 2005-09-26 08:32:11
Initially I was interested in buying it, but then I started hearing the rumors that it was only going to have Nintendo songs on it. This means that none of my favorite DDR songs will be in it. Also, if I did want to listen to all of the Nintendo songs, I could just go back and play the games that they were fro, letting me reminesce about the good old days of my youth.

Re: Has anxious for the Mario Mix version?
Link | by psoplayer on 2005-09-26 21:37:40
I really have completly ignored mario mix. There wasn't anything about it that would make it appeal to the ddr crowd except for the nintendo characters and the console it will reside on, so it's just nintendo being late on the bandwagon again.

Re: Has anxious for the Mario Mix version?
Link | by Slavik81 on 2005-09-28 13:47:35

Why could they not just port DDR to the GC?
I mean, really?
Mario Mix is a cool idea, but most people just would like the regular version. So why are they going out of their way to give people something other than what they want?

Despair From Darkness

Re: Has anxious for the Mario Mix version?
Link | by kitten on 2005-10-21 23:18:07
They probably have this in japan but they should have anime ddr.
but mario ddr? i heard the music is ok sounds like a 7 out of 10 but im not completly sure

Don't walk behind me i may not lead;Don't walk in front of me i may not follow;Just stand beside me and be my friend

Re: Has anxious for the Mario Mix version?
Link | by cheesethrower on 2005-10-23 14:28:04
What really annoys me about MarioMix is that apperantly people are saying that the hardest mode in that game is comparable to a 6 footer on ddr. :\

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