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if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by Rachel on 2005-07-25 16:00:47
If you can be with any anime, what anime would you be with?
If I were...*thinking* I would be with Saiyuki and the Sanzo Party!
Being there with the four hot guys and be were the action is...or the guys with Gundam Wing...TROWA!!!

...So to say...I should stop babbling and let you talk as well.
So please by all means share which anime(world) you would be in and the party you would be with...That would be fine!!! ^-^ So SEE-YA later!!!

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by Ryu on 2005-07-25 16:17:21
I know which one i would be in. LOVE HINA!!! I'll be managing and all girls dorm with cute girls in it. Doing my perverted thing as i always do.

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by Rui on 2005-07-25 16:51:19 (edited 2005-07-25 17:46:26)

I took this anime quiz and the results said that I belong to the world of Inu Yasha. It's ok but I prefer the world of Gundam Wing. Politics, war and mechas. ^_^

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by Souichirou on 2005-07-25 17:04:45 (edited 2005-07-25 17:05:53)
LOL i rather have a life in GTO as a student it seems more fun with a gang leader as a teacher hot chicks and crazy events all over the school

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by Rika-sama on 2005-07-25 17:27:43
OOH...thats hard...

Well, my first choice would have to be Peace Maker Kurogane becuz that show just freakin' rocks, and the second would be in Noir because Chloe rocks. X_X; Ack. I'm stuck...

Reason for PMK: I want to be in Peace Maker because you would just not beleive how many cute guys are in it. Plus, its in the feudal era of Japan, and there's just so much blood and sword fighting! Also, its hillarious! Who wouldn't want to hang out with the wolves of Mibu they have in PMK??!

Reason for Noir: I have an obsession with Chloe. She rocks and she is my idol. Get off my case! @__@;; *Sweatdrop*

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Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by JJ on 2005-07-25 18:45:07
Dragonball Z, and learn to fight!!!

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by caitlyn on 2005-07-25 19:46:02
i would probaly be in THE WORLD OF INUYASHA! i love that show! ^_^

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by Sor on 2005-07-25 21:21:23
Hmm... Chobits. Computers that can follow you around! XD -drools-

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
The world of Rurouni Kenshin, Vandread, or Full Metal Panic!

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by RzmmDX on 2005-07-26 03:03:48
yup Vandread and gundam seed woud be nice (maybe not)

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Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by luxifer on 2005-07-26 03:08:05
i want to be the main character from raimuiro senkitan ^_^. it sure very fun tee... hee...hee... ups!! just kidding. but i really want to do that *slurp*

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by dingoathrun on 2005-07-26 04:02:02
Huh....maybe FMA or Naruto..=P

~Dr3aMZoRr3aLiatY~ Et3rNaL dReAm3R

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by ruyvlopez on 2005-07-26 04:36:19
Hmmmmmmmmm! Let me think!
My first Choice is in the Magic Knight Rayearth World. (want to have my own rune god) Second, in the Wedding Peach World. (Hey, I only like that place because.....Hmmmmmmm! Think about it! Hey! I'm telling you I'm not a gay!) Third is in the Parallel World of Dual (like to fight with different machines) And Forth, even it is only an Anime Story that I made, in the World of KeyCode Programmers. Heheheheh!

Ruy Lopez
Sana OK Na Siya!

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by mimisi setsuai on 2005-07-26 06:57:08
I love the idea of different worlds, travelling, the occassional battles, finding and keeping love, and being in charge of one's self. (If of the Dark Tower series were an anime! T_T )So I suppose I'd say Inuyasha. Being able to hop between one time and another is somewhat like being in two different worlds. lol^.^

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by Kanojo on 2005-07-26 09:41:09
hehehe can't decide among fushigi yuugi,vision of escaflowne,rurouni kenshin and gundam wing!

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by sadame-chan on 2005-07-26 11:38:34
Get Backers. I'd be a hakobiya! ^^

Vision of Escaflowne. I'd be a cursed Draconian woman, mwahahahaha! >:)

Samurai 7. I don't care whatever may happen, as long as I'm with Kyuzo-sama! =^-^=

��空����愛��人よ? Kono sora no dokoka itoshii hito yo?

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-07-26 12:51:28
This is a tough question. Basically, whatever anime I choose, I get that world's abilities! That'd be cool...

Anyway, I'd choose maybe Gundam Wing, DNAngel, Fullmetal Alchemist or Yuyu Hakusho. Oh, and FLCL! But every online quiz I take says that I belong to Bubblegum Crisis, and then I saw the anime and thought... no I don't... Oh, and Boogiebop Phantom.

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by Katana on 2005-07-26 13:12:02
Thats a tough one.....I would be in Inuyasha! ^_^

(press button at the beginning of the line to stop video. video may take a while to load.)

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by on 2005-07-26 17:01:49
Woo. This question makes me have fits of the giggles. xD But anyways, I would have to say either Fruits Basket (Kyo!), Yu Yu Hakusho (Hiei!), Naruto (Just so I could kick some ninja booty!), or lastly Spiral ~Suiri no Kizuna~ (Kanone!). BTW, those are in no particular order. I just can't make a decision.

Re: if you can be with any anime...?
Link | by fantasymania on 2005-07-26 19:22:49
thats a real hard one..hmmmm, gotta choose from either saiyuki, escaflowne, .hack(just interested on the game :D) and yami no matsuei!! >_<

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