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Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Link | by harukou on 2005-07-24 17:36:26
i waz just wonderin.y do we have to have proper grammer and stuff?
im not sayin its bad or that i dont use it time 2 time..

Re: Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-07-24 18:00:44
I guess its a bit important, since this is an international forum many people dont know the english slang words, so I think we should try to write better for others to understand better

Re: Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Link | by StriderNeko on 2005-07-24 18:59:24 (edited 2005-07-24 19:01:13)
I also feel it's somewhat important to write in close-to complete sentences and phrases...

Not only is it an international forum with many people unfamiliar with slang, even net slang, but it's also a pain *big time* to read lots of "hrd 2 reed l33t sp34k; it jst gts 2 hrd 2 rd 4 u somtims;..."

It's not that slang is inherently bad, but I'd keep it readable & legible, especially when posting a problem or question, to make sure everyone understands you; My personal rule of thumb is to ask if I would be able to read the phrase in a magazine or book without getting annoyed or frustrated at it :)

Re: Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-07-24 20:18:16
Proper grammer is highly important in the business world. When you are typing or talking to friends its not all that important. But proper grammer and communication is vital for business as to not cause miscommunication and misunderstanding. So I like to try and use proper grammer so its easier later on.


Re: Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Easier to understand

Re: Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-07-24 23:04:20
wat r u takin bout? gramer n spelling arnt importnt
I nvr had a prb wit it :p

Re: Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Link | by harukou on 2005-07-25 00:54:50
hmm,i agree w/ the buissnes part of a youth group and i have to talk to senators and stuff...i rember one of my friends waz talkin really werid ...i waz embarrased cause he said some dumb stuff...
but i dont really..

Re: Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Link | by StriderNeko on 2005-07-25 02:20:48
I agree that it is indeed part of the business world; When I speak to software vendors, customers, etc..., whether in person, on phone, or by e-mail, there's no slang or shorthand used whatsoever; Not only can you not risk someone not understanding an instruction or some agreement you gave or they gave you, but it's also very unprofessional to use shorthand in an e-mail;

Re: Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Link | by Sekami on 2005-07-25 11:38:51
In my honest opinion, grammar and spelling makes your posts (like on boards and forums) show more importance. I doubt people would reply to a person that has such poor grammar and spelling because they probably can't even understand or comprehend what that person is trying to say. And like what StriderNeko and Shiriu said, this is an international forum so if you use proper grammar and spelling, I bet many would appreciate it.

Re: Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Link | by Rui on 2005-07-25 17:11:39 (edited 2005-07-25 17:16:33)
Grammar and spelling are important. Well, everyone has said the points and I agree to all of them. With what EricsoLazy has said, written, I'll extend his point to this forum. Yes, grammar and spelling are important when you are going to converse with someone in a corporate or business setting. Then again, why not try being watchful of our grammar and spelling even in this forum so we can lessen misunderstandings of anyone's statements? Also, the forum becomes educational because we can watch over anyone's grammar and spelling.


Re: Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Link | by baldy on 2005-07-27 20:10:51 (edited 2005-07-27 20:11:23)
I'm a writer, and thusly a huge proponent of correct grammar/punctuation/spelling/whatever. Why? Intelligence. I can't stand stupid people (sorry, but I can't), and if there's anybody else out there like me, a post that has only two correctly spelled words will simply go unnoticed. So, I suppose I'm agreeing with Sek. Correct usage of a language (any language) makes you seem more important, because it makes you seem more intelligent, and people (I hope/pray/want desperately to believe) would much rather converse with an intelligent person.

Re: Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Link | by Rei on 2005-07-27 21:19:22
It annoys me greatly when people don't type out full words. Incomplete grammar and punctuation I can deal with to an extent, but when people say "ppl" instead of "people" and other shorthands my first reaction is, "what a lazy person! They can't even type out 3 more letters!"

As most people have said, proper usage of your native language makes you appear more intellegent and genuinely more aware of your presentation.

Re: Grammer,Spelling,Is it that important??
Link | by camui on 2005-08-06 01:15:11
If you don't want to be laughed at... I guess it is necessary/important... ^_^


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