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New Stories
Link | by FTY on 2005-07-23 16:16:21
ok.ok... we all love anime and thier unique stories

and i was just wondirin if there are lots and lots of anime with love,action,drama,etc. and today they combine it.. what will our future hold? ... will it contain re- runs of todays anime? wat? wat? wat?!!!!!!! here if you have a new idea of a story line

Anime girls are Sexy.. Yes' Theyr'e sweet.. They Look so Tasty.. Hentai is wat i Eat..

Re: New Stories
Link | by Funsch on 2005-07-23 18:57:50
Hmmmmmm...... You got a good point there FTY. They're already doing it with movies, making new version of old movies (e.g. Ocean's 11) and making movies out of comic books or novels (e.g. Fantastic Four). It will seem boring if the same stuff is recycled over and over again in the future. I think Hollywood is just running out of ideas!

I think for anime, the Japanese will be CREATIVE enough to think of new and weird ideas. They've surprised many in the past and I think they'll do it again. But I think maybe they should go seek ideas aboard from different countries to add new ideas to there animes.

Well a new idea for an storyline would be maybe having an anime based on the life of peoples working in an anime production studio.....Hopefully this idea isn't taken already......

Re: New Stories
Link | by on 2005-07-23 19:02:55
I ditto what Funsch says and besides sometimes i wonder if people notice that american movie tends to show repeats over and over but in another version but as for Japanese...i can't wait to see what they have in store!! ^_^


Re: New Stories
Link | by hatsu on 2005-07-23 21:30:14
I once heard that there are only so many original ideas, and they are all taken. As to what we will see in the future, genre mixing! Personally, I can't wait for the alternate universe romance ninga collect em' all deep space adventure!

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

Re: New Stories
Link | by H on 2005-07-24 00:13:37
Maybe we should combine the real world with anime world, like... A man from the real world has fallen into the anime world... lol And they will take the pictures with the combination technique like the old SpaceJam... Maybe it's more interesting than SpaceJam cuz it is TV series and SpaceJam is a movie... Yah... An old thinking... lol Maybe there's people that think the same with me?

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: New Stories
Link | by chizuru_chan on 2005-07-24 03:59:28 (edited 2005-07-24 04:00:01)
I don't know much about the future than anyone do.But I think Hollywood, or japanese productions wouldn'thave a chance to run out of ideas, coz see..there's so much in life that has the ability and chance to inspire you , give you more fresh ideas,

Life starts simply , why change them?

Re: New Stories
Link | by Urchin on 2005-07-24 08:30:32
Yea, the Western movie world is going down. They even remake movies that are all ready out. Like what they did to the Ring and to the Grudge. The originals were amazing, and the actors were really good. I mean the main character in Ringu was from Great Teacher Onizuka the drama! For movies, I see a lot of sequels... Then of course, what in the world is Lion King 1/2??? ...Would that be considered a sequel? Does anyone know how many 'Land before Time's are out?
However regarding anime, I believe that they'll never run out of ideas. Has anyone seen Yakitate Japan? I mean, it's about bread!! It's an amazing show, about bread!! I've never been so enthusiastic about bread!! And what's best is that that show teaches you... How to make bread! And other laws of the makings of bread. If they can make bread making something fun and enjoyable to watch, then they can do anything!
However, there are some animes that are getting repetitive... such as gundam. There are already so many gundam series out, like G Gundam, Gundam Wing, Gundam X, Gundam Seed... But in a way... who can get sick of people fighting in giant suits loaded with firearms? and you can't forget the extremly gigantic lightsaber!


Re: New Stories
Link | by luxifer on 2005-07-25 02:15:36
HEY!! urchin i am 100% agree with you!! even if american already remake the film they will not more success tha te real one (japan for sure)and also even they already make a movie from the greatest mind even. they will not as successful than japan. The aphorism is "Japan can make an jetplane from a paper". That thing is Japan can make the greatest thing from the "most not brilliant thing" and worst thing. they can make it very excellent!! So the conclusion from new story question from FTY is "THE ORIGINAL THING EVER WILL MAKE THE MOST BRILLIANT AND EXCELLENT THING EVER"

Re: New Stories
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-07-27 16:42:20
I agree with aura chan :)

Urchin: The reason why they do remakes like they did to the Ring is because the original Ring was never released in the US and most americans dont go to the cinema to see an foreign-language movie, so they did the remake to try profit as much as they can, Hollywood will never run out of ideas!

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