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New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by gendou on 2005-07-21 17:44:48
The fight against hotlinkers is a never ending one.

Hotlinking is the act of using links to on your own private webiste or posting these links in a forum.

Hotlinking is bad because 1) it drains the bandwidth that i pay for in order to share music with my members, NOT the members of some other site! and 2) Credit is not given to me for my hard work, and instead some theif gets praised for his wonderful collection of (stolen) links.

Every minute, dumb people are born. The kind who think they are so cool just because they can copy-paste. Well, for them, it is time to wake up.
It takes more than links to make a REAL website, and the fools who steal mine will soon learn a valuable lesson.

In order to combat hotlinking, I have come up with many advanced security measures. This is so that YOU get my bandwidth, and not some people on some OTHER website.

A new tactic I have just adapted works much like the fabled trojan hourse: The hotlinkers take links to my media files and post them on their free website. The terms of use on the website do not prevent them from ripping me off; what do the admins of website X care if the bandwidth of website Y is wasted? Well, they do care about their OWN website. More spacifically, the CONTENT the evil hotlinkers have posted. Once the links have long expired, they no longer point to music on my website. They eventually point your web browser to a pornography page instead! Because pornography is unacceptable content on many free websites like or, as soon as I let the staff know of the abuse, the hotlinker's website is deleted.


Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by night_link on 2005-07-21 18:00:26
Long live Gendou! Even though, as Gendou puts it, the fight against hotlinkers is a never ending one, I KNOW will still stand no matter what happens!

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-07-21 19:05:05 (edited 2005-07-21 19:06:08)
thats great.. what an evil idea

plus.. the gaint bold font on the homepage is new right... i think i would have noticed that


Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by sin_cal on 2005-07-21 19:12:18
yehey!!!!! there's no some suckers to hack this site. good one
Gendou -sama. Gambatekudasai !!

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by hi on 2005-07-21 20:40:22
What a wonderful idea Gendou these fools well suffer your animation wrath. I laugh in their faces what idiots. Do they actually think they can dope someone as smart as you once more I laugh in their moronic face. they are kuso yarous,and the kuso atamas and kisama

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by Sapphy on 2005-07-21 21:15:16 (edited 2005-07-21 21:16:59)
Nice One!! Not that I've been doing things like side "hotlinking" I honestly find no point in doing so. However, what I HAVE been doing, is letting your site get known so that you have more users willing to help with contributing to the anime media.

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by BladeManEXE on 2005-07-21 21:37:10
I may not be one of the normal posters on the board, but isn't that a little extreme? After all, I know of sites that send hotlinking to a specific page saying it's hotlinking that caused you to be there, even when clicking on a link to media like MP3 files. But if this keeps the site up and going, I suppose I can deal with it... But what if it's an 8 year old who hotlinks and then decides to click on the link five months later?

Bad habits are hard to break. Good habits are hard to make. But unfortunately, neither usually involves swords...

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by hobo on 2005-07-21 21:47:14 (edited 2005-07-21 21:51:01)
i have to agree with BladeManEXE on this one. if they happen to see porn, their parents might sue someone.....


Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by Chronix on 2005-07-21 21:58:00
Might I recommend using gay porn sites? Just a thought.

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by hobo on 2005-07-21 22:01:58


Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by *vx13* on 2005-07-21 22:05:41
Woah awesome job. down with hotlinkers. lol... pornsites

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by yoshinasha on 2005-07-21 22:16:14
Die hotlinkers!

There are other scripts out there on the net that restrict hotlinking as a side benefit. For example, offers an anti-leecher PHP script (RubberWaLL Antileech) that is known to cover the address of the source file while making protected content only available to a select few (or for, registered users).

I, for one, hope for a significant decrease in the number of hotlinkers very soon. :)

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by クリッチ ^__^ on 2005-07-21 23:14:30 (edited 2005-07-21 23:15:09)
Ahh... I pitty the kid who tries to dl a song and finds himself looking at porn with his parents watching... =/

ã?°ã?‹! ^_^

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by Rui on 2005-07-22 00:13:39
Bright idea Gendou-san! ^_^
That's one of the most evil tactics I've ever heard of.

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by dyaoka on 2005-07-22 00:54:41
wow. great idea. :D

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. i laugh at you. hehehehehehehehehehehe.

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by gendou on 2005-07-22 01:00:35
BladeManEXE makes an interesting point. I am very careful to only "dirty" links which are HEAVILY linked to, and VERY old. This way, people who follow the rules will not "accidently" get sent to a porn site. In other words, malicious intent would be needed to be caught by this new security protocol. As for the 8 year olds, it clearly states in the rules you MUST be AT LEAST 13 years of age to register. Any 13 year old who decides to hotlink is threatening the freedom of ALL 80,000+ visitors of this site. I do not think this measure, nor any of my other security measures are "too harsh". Plus, if they dont like it, they can just leave! More bandwidth for the rest of us.

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by hiryu on 2005-07-22 03:50:32
hope they're not smart enough to counter it...


Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by Galford17 on 2005-07-22 04:09:50
hopefully this will work out in the end.....

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by Alexandrite on 2005-07-22 06:06:29
This is a very good idea and hopefully iit will work as you had planned. Good job Gendou-san!

Re: New Weapon Against Hotlinkers
Link | by Inukumi on 2005-07-22 07:42:59
Bwahahaha! nice tactic....

Sed trahit invitam nova vis, aliudque cupido, mens aliud suadet: video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor....

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