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This has been bugging me for the longest!!!!
Link | by ZangetsuResolve on 2005-07-21 02:14:31
I wonder if anyone can please tell me why in every anime i've seen when some people are talking they seem to cut themselves short like when someone says "this is....." then thats it does anyone have a general logical explaination for this?

Eat Cheese!!!!

Re: This has been bugging me for the longest!!!!
Link | by luxifer on 2005-07-22 07:32:09
it mean that the one talk like that was in a complicated manner so he can't say something directly.

Re: This has been bugging me for the longest!!!!
Link | by H on 2005-07-22 22:45:04
Maybe they're shocked with what they've seen? Like we said, "What the...?!"

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: This has been bugging me for the longest!!!!
Link | by harukou on 2005-07-23 04:59:55
Well what if u were in a polite conversion and u waz sayin"You know,i feel weve dirtf apart,i think we should.."*girl/guy getz shot in the head.Well its either because the person iz periocupaied w/sumthin else,or sumthin big happended,or cause the writer/story teller want to create suspense.

Re: This has been bugging me for the longest!!!!
Link | by ZangetsuResolve on 2005-07-23 08:03:22
well there must be alot of suspenseful scenes in most animes that I watch but thank i finally can stop saying "FINSIH THE D#MN SENTENCE!!!!" =)

Eat Cheese!!!!

Re: This has been bugging me for the longest!!!!
Link | by 遥かレイ on 2005-07-24 12:46:12
I don't know if this the reason but in the Japanese language incomplete sentences are common. One reason is because saying the entire sentence may sound too formal in a casual conversation.
For example お名前え は?(your name...?) sounds less like a court interrogation than お名前えは何です か?(What is your name?)
Another reason might be that the character wants to avoid saying something so he/she only says the first part and the rest is supposed to be understood.
But it seems that whenever I'm watching anime and the charater cuts himself short in the Japanese dialog ("This is...") the rest is spelled out for you in the subtitles("This is really wierd").

Re: This has been bugging me for the longest!!!!
Link | by mimisi setsuai on 2005-07-26 07:06:16
It doesn't seem odd to me lol. Every anime I've seen has 1 day - a week in each episode. People do that a surprising amount in a day/week. Keep an ear open to the people around you and listen for people doing it lol^.^

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