Can Water be the next energy resource?
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by kawaii_ryu
on 2005-07-20 22:57:22 (edited 2006-02-07 02:29:56)
We have alot of Water, sea, lake, river, etc. Crude Oil In our world is decrease fast, if we not found alternate energy resources we can have many problems. Water (H2O), contain a Hydrogen that can be react by fusion, i think Hydrogen in Water can be usefull... Write your opinion or theory about this thread... |
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
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just to clear something up: HYDROGEN IS NOT A FUEL SOURCE, IT IS A FUEL STORAGE MEDIUM.It still takes ENERGY to separate the proton and electron inside a hydrogen fuel cell. Nuclear fusion and fission, now those are energy sources. Both of which have their advantages and disadvantages. Both are dangerous. In a recent slashdot article, it is said that france will build a fusion reactor. Cool stuff. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
nice to know that I can have a car and a h-bomb both at the same time. why not just use hamsters for an alternate energy supply. Gyahahahaha. I can imagine Gundams running on hamster energy. Hehehehe. But back to the topic, if what I remember is correct, there was a scientist here in the Philippines who was able to invent a car that runs on water. But since the government did not give any attention to it, the inventor had to sell the patent to Korea(i think). There are also vehicles in Japan that runs on methane gas processed from wastes. |
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
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hydrogen fuel cells are safe. your body is made up of mainly water, and water is 2/3 hydrogen, that makes you made up of hydrogen for the most part. your not a hydrogen bomb, just because you have hydrogen in your cells. you may have been confused when i started talking abuse fusion and fission, both of which are dangerous. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
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by EricSoLazy
on 2005-07-21 15:13:06
Umm about the car that runs off water.. near impossible unless its a steam engine car. Hydrogen fuel cells uses reverses the process of electrolysis, if you were going to take water and put it through electrolysis (use A amount of energy) then use a fuel cell to reverse it creating less energy (say B energy) because fuel cells are not perfect. Snice A is greater than B you would need a battery to constantly have water undergo electrolysis, and maybe have that battery recharge with the brakes.. but the effeincy of that system is quite low... so simply put.. a Hydrogen fuel cell car wont work with water as a fuel.. the methane yes. You can buy a fuel cell car in america too, but right now the price is near 100,000. fuel cells are expensive.. wait 20 years.
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
About the hydrogen fuel cells. does that mean the talibans won't buy them since they are safe? just joking. That news about the car that runs on water was reported 3 or 4 years ago so I can't remember much of the details. |
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
Well... Water can be new energy resources heh ? I think its very small possibility, but may be it can ! someday engine were cold, no co2 were out form burnin Oil, we live in good air, take it easy, we must be research alternate energy... |
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
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by humblemonkey
on 2005-07-23 22:48:57
Wait 20 years? I dunno, probably longer... as long as big oil business gets their way, anyway. There was an article recently about an entrepreneur who created a plant that converts salt water into electricity, and is attempting to market the plant in the future. Cleaner, more efficient, and readily available. There are all kinds of different ways to produce energy from water. It all matters on how people are able to put that technique into effect. |
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
hmmm... As i know... The universe was created by means of 1 crucial element and that is the 1st element that is stated in the elements list(Hydrogen) so ya i have to agree that we can make energy out of water but i think well add another element (srry if i sound like a kid) to make it work....
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Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
first fuel cell have probems they can cause climate changes over time and they will eventually find another more efficient fuel soure that they(people who invest in energy sources) can sell for more
Death is the gift a blade shall bring,
death is the gift a blade shall sing
why is it my life sucks so much I mean it really sucks
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
back to the topic. i think water is a very useful energy resource. it is an unlimited energy because in the dam water is supplied by raining annd raining. so it's very useful |
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
i'm dreaming that in the near future, human kind will use water as main source of energy. It is possible only when we could create cold fusion reaction. hydrogen + hydrogen, and it will release vast amount of energy. hope it comes to reality.
God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
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by EricSoLazy
on 2005-08-09 19:44:14
HHO is chemicaly impossible, two hydrogen molocules bonded together cant bond to another element. Water is not a fuel. In fuel cells and fusion HYDROGEN is the fuel, not water, water is a wonderfully stable substance, in fact it is the base for which we judge all others, it is NOT a fuel.
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
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by yumeNOnaka
on 2005-08-09 20:07:29
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I agree. But we can get Hydrogen form water by electricity. Ummm... Hydrogen which we have Is So Much. Oil become expensive and drained but we have chance to search something to replace Oil.
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
agree with still_cute, i mean it's not the water, but water is an infinite resource of hydrogen needed in cold fusion reaction. hydrogen + hydrogen = an element (don't know the name) + releasing vast amount of energy.
God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
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by yumeNOnaka
on 2005-08-12 01:21:00
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Ummm its maybe water can't be used for replace oil directly... Hydrogen, as i know, its a simple material in our world, this material couldn't be realease energy directly, but its must be react by smoething else to gain energy. Hydrogen in CH4 can be get form simple reaction. We can make alcohol right ? alcohol can be burn, but its energy too little. I sure that beside Hydrogen, an important material is Carbon, (that material a lot too). So, acctually renewable energy source its much, but we still search it.
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
There are sooooo many ways to get hydrogen that I don't think water will become particularly valuable, especially since water cover 75% of the earth's surface. ![]() |
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
Ive seen little remote control cars that run of water but I think we first will use E85 before hygrogen
Death is the gift a blade shall bring,
death is the gift a blade shall sing
why is it my life sucks so much I mean it really sucks
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
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by yumeNOnaka
on 2005-08-22 02:41:47
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Whew... evard... its so interesting, where you find that info?
Re: Can Water be the next energy resource?
Fuel cell uses hydrogen and oxygen gas to generate electricity and then produces water as its waste. Somehow, if we can seperate oxygen atom with hydrogen atoms, we can acquire new oxygen and hydrogen gases isn't it? An unlimited energy soruce, perhaps.. ;p
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