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Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by ZangetsuResolve on 2005-07-20 06:46:58
Before mines used to be Lineage II but i got tired after lvl 50 and didnt want to pay for it anymore lol. But i found a really neat MMORPG its free so u know its graphics wont be as good.......(usually a known fact about free mmorgps) but its fairly decent.

Eat Cheese!!!!

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by Angel of Darkness on 2005-07-20 11:57:14
I played .hack and its has one hell of a long story.
I have just finished volum 1.
anyway I say that hack should be an online game.

people will destroy this beautiful world...

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by クリッチ ^__^ on 2005-07-20 14:01:19
I used to play World of Warcraft and that was a big time suck for me.. I used to be a very hardcore gamer, but i just woke up one day and was like... you know... that feeling when the game just gets boring and unappealing for no reason at all -_-;; World of Warcraft is a great game for anyone wanting to play MMORPGS, probably the best out there. Ive played FF XI, City of Heroes, and Ragnarok Online too and those all were pretty fun for a while, but for some reason those could only hold onto me for just a month or two while WoW held onto me for a little over a year... Weird... O_o Well.. now that i think about it.. shouldnt this thread be in the Game section?

ã?°ã?‹! ^_^

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by BlueX on 2005-07-20 17:51:53
I play Ragnarok Online is fun...

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by ZangetsuResolve on 2005-07-20 19:13:43
lol isnt it like $23 a month to play a 2D based game.......!!!! are u mad Lineage II only cost 10 or was it 11 a month and it was the realistic graphics

Eat Cheese!!!!

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by Sima Matt on 2005-07-20 19:48:25
" lol isnt it like $23 a month to play a 2D based game.......!!!! are u mad Lineage II only cost 10 or was it 11 a month and it was the realistic graphics"

And graphics obviously make a great game.

I've been playing Maple Story recently but it's been getting dull...I usually prefer offline games.

~ Get Up! ~
~ Stand Up! ~

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by RaiL on 2005-07-20 21:13:55
i used to play PSO,RagnarokOnline and Risk Your Life all the time....but now i stop....dunno why,maybe coz its kinda boring....
u guys try to think 1st...u train,ur level up,and train more ,and up,and train and up and train.........what the heck.....

[oversized signature removed]

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-07-20 21:31:37
I used to play FFXI on the PS2but I don't have the time or the money anymore...
my computer's too crappy to play anything, so its either that, or lineage 1 (which is like 15 bucks for some reason) ;;

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by ZangetsuResolve on 2005-07-20 22:14:48 (edited 2005-07-20 22:15:10)
Blah i used to play Maple Story but that got old really quick i hate that game and will never go back to it......*removing MS as i type*

Eat Cheese!!!!

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by Judgement on 2005-07-21 05:47:05
I used to play Pristontale. Untill they asked PTP for it.
And i played runescape for a little while (STUPID GAME!)
Ragnarok online
and i played Rose online.

Now i don't play any mmorpg's anymore.. only quake3 arena

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by luxifer on 2005-07-21 06:10:58
i have played Gunbound "boring"
Ryl"too slow loading(heavy computer)"
Diablo 2 "nearly good"
Nexia "in the past it is good, but now it is junk"
Rose online "still international"
i'm looking forward for ffx1

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by Jester on 2005-07-21 10:55:11
The only MMORPG I play(thank God)is Ragnarok Online and sadly it ain't my favorite. Wish I could kill those damn kill stealing, looting BOTTERS and money sucking, lazy GMs in the real world.

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by Inukumi on 2005-07-22 07:51:55
It would be pROSE online[ish 3D XD] and ragnarok online [ish fake 3D XD] even though i dont play them... cause my computer will crash if i did try installing T_T

Sed trahit invitam nova vis, aliudque cupido, mens aliud suadet: video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor....

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by ZangetsuResolve on 2005-07-23 08:10:04
Im playing this new MMORPG,well its not new its been out for some months. Its called Gate to Heavens and its totally free. yea it has some decent graphics but the PK system is too easily abused and makes it hard to try and lvl on the pk maps.....worst game after they added in there patch like a few days ago.make it easier for pkers to kill u and harder for u to do damage. Im going to quit that lousy game.

Eat Cheese!!!!

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by riceboi69 on 2005-07-23 12:56:44
I've played KO before and from what i remeber it was a pretty nice game.. i recommend u guys to try it out..

heres the link>>>>>>>>>

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by Kouzumi on 2005-07-23 21:09:15
Ragnarok online <_< Im just adicted xD

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by Miharu on 2005-07-27 04:34:58
I have play Ragnarok Online. I think that game doesn't have any diffrent than chatting. Time after time, I feel boring and since that I never played MMORPG again.

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-08-09 06:45:28
there's a lot of good mmorpg's out there...gunbound rocks!!!if you play it with a friend..ragnarok is cool but too cartoony..has anyone tried KNIGHT yet? its a very Solid game..there's also Khan online and of course my current fave Gunz online!

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by Atelier on 2005-08-21 07:08:43
I like Risk Your Life.
Do you have this game in your country?

by set-chan

Re: Whats everyone favorite MMORPG? if u have one
Link | by midori hakkai on 2005-09-11 03:50:21
Ragnarok Online and Gunbound. It's getting pretty boring though.

"Even if you destroy this world, the world you wish for will never come..." ~Cho Hakkai~

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