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Just wanted to say thanks
Link | by Sephy on 2004-07-17 01:19:23
I'm new to this site and I was really surprised when I first got here. I'm very happy with the site, and I would just like to say thank you for putting up such a great place. I understand all the time and effort that goes into something like this, so yeah, I just wanted to offer a humble Thank You. ^.^

The world is naught but creeping evil.-V.C.M.

Re: Just wanted to say thanks
Link | by gendou on 2004-07-17 12:12:12
your very welcome! thanks for taking the time to write this, it means a lot to me that people enjoy my site.

Re: Just wanted to say thanks
Link | by DragoonX on 2004-07-20 06:29:00
Thank you for making this site for all the Anime fans out there. I know they all appreciate having it here to get some great music. When I'm angry or sad I listen to the music and my stress is gone and I feel better. Once again thank you!

Re: Just wanted to say thanks
Link | by EmeraldWeapon on 2004-07-24 22:46:14
Basically what everyone else said. I've been looking for a site like this for awhile now, and I'm glad I found this site. Thanks a bunch.

Re: Just wanted to say thanks
Link | by Marbles on 2004-07-28 06:03:57
Yes, I would agree, this an amazing website and thank you very much for maintaining it!
*big mexican wave for Gendou*

"Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?"

Re: Just wanted to say thanks
Link | by 明 on 2004-07-28 07:44:01
i've searched EVERYWHEREfor Tantei Gakuen Q's songs... I'm so glad you have FOUR of them!! thanks a bunch!


getsuyoubi kara asanebou, kayoubi yake ni harahetta
suiyoubi sushiya no tetsudai, mokuyoubi DATA atsumeteta
kinyoubi hitasura hashitteta, doyoubi wa minna de BOWLING
aozu de DOWN no nichiyoubi!!
[ c a p t o b i n ]

Re: Just wanted to say thanks
Link | by gendou on 2004-07-28 11:55:07
/me takes another bow

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