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Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by JJ on 2005-07-18 22:38:22
Its late so I really don't expect anyone to reply. So what's your take on this relationship?

Re: Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by Rui on 2005-07-19 04:06:16
I don't really know their story but they do look good together.

Oh, isn't it that Vega likes - obsessed if applicable - Chun Li? Or is this story just another version of Street Fighter? ^_^

Re: Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by Hibiki on 2005-07-19 06:27:05
vega is obsessed in street fighter 2 v
i think ken and chun li look better together
you guys do know which is hich right
ken=long hair
ryu=short hair

Re: Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by JJ on 2005-07-19 08:18:57
You can find a love story between Ryu and Chun Li on a website and its really quite good. go to

Re: Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by night_link on 2005-07-19 10:47:12 (edited 2005-07-19 10:48:01)
There's a site with one part that's totally against the idea of Chun Li and Ryu being a couple with reasons as to why they're just friends. The site's at

The problem is Ken already has a family and Chun Li has her "adopted daughter (something like that)", so... did you mean that Chun Li and Ryu were meant to be together or do you think that a relationship is still possible? My opinion is that I dont think it could work out if its gonna be more than friendship. The same reasons at

Re: Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-07-19 14:53:13
well I think its because Ryuu is "japanese" and Chun Li is "chinese" chun li is hot tho but japanese guys tend to stay away from the chinese girls at least thats wat i think.

Re: Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by night_link on 2005-07-19 20:44:47 (edited 2005-07-19 20:46:22)
That's funny. I wouldn't have thought that nationality would be a part in deciding whether 2 people could be more than just friends or not. I know many Japanese guys didn't stay away from Chinese girls during World War II... I don't want to get on anyone's nerves... I just wanted to say what I think here.

Re: Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by JJ on 2005-07-20 08:37:44 (edited 2005-07-20 08:50:14)
That person is dillusional on, only judging Ryu by what he does and not fully examining the situation that could be. C'mon she/he called Ryu EVIL people RYU!!!

Re: Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by night_link on 2005-07-20 10:19:09 (edited 2005-07-20 10:19:54)
Wow, I need to look closely at that, its been a while since I last looked at the site (I found it while looking for Chun Li mp3s). Well, Ryu is a man of few words... so *jokingly* I guess that's why the person judged Ryu by what he does. His fists do the talking... or wasn't that Yun?

Re: Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by X on 2005-07-22 14:57:40
I think Chun-Li and Fei Long look good together.


Re: Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by JJ on 2005-07-23 11:22:24
I'm sure they do but that's not the topic.

Re: Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by Saken on 2005-07-25 10:12:55
i read somewhere that vega raped chun-li wen she was 15-19....
im not sure if this is true but....


Re: Ryu & Chun Li
Link | by night_link on 2005-07-25 12:21:44
Whoa, I dont think Capcom would allow anything like rape in their character's profiles. I mean, sure Vega killed Chun Li's father, but to sexually assault her?

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