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A book people should consider reading
Link | by DAkonohamaru on 2005-07-18 01:43:28 (edited 2005-07-18 10:20:33)
Since I'm into journalism, there is one thing that gets on my nerves:
Bad grammar and punctuation.

The only way to correct lousy grammar is to pay attention in English class. However, there is an interesting book you can pick up for punctuation. But first, a little joke.

A Panda walks into a restaurant, orders a Salad and eats it. When he finishes his salad he pulls a gun, fires two shots into the air and heads for the door. The Hostess, flabergasted by this display asks the Panda what he's doing. The Panda says, "I'm a Panda. Look it up."
He then throws her a nature book and walks out the door.
The confused hostess flips through the book, and finds the entry for "Panda". it reads:

Pandas: Native to China, Eats, shoots, and leaves

So if you are annoyed by punctuation like I am, I expect you to either buy this book, or find it at your local library!

Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by hobo on 2005-07-18 01:49:08
i saw that book on my teacher's shelf but i didnt finish it. no offense, but it was pretty boring. srry bout my grammar


Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by gendou on 2005-07-18 06:58:30
i dun kno how to spel or how to grammer!

Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by DAkonohamaru on 2005-07-18 10:20:03
To me Grammar really nly matters when it's something formal, like an article in the Paper or A sign in a window.

Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by Sammi on 2005-07-18 16:26:25
Grammar and spelling are very important to me, and I do try to type everything out properly, even when I'm on MSN chatting or posting something in a forum. I write fanfiction so it's harder not to spell everything out and not use contractions and stuff "lyk ttyl, g2g an' sry". It's really annoying when I find fanfiction filled with ICQ shorthand. Really, have we all become lazier with the advancement of technology?

Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by hobo on 2005-07-18 19:07:58
i'd say yes, we have


Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by DAkonohamaru on 2005-07-18 21:16:33
Definitely Lazier!!

Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by Rui on 2005-07-19 04:52:14
Grammar has to matter to me. Our school's known for excellent english and debate. And yeah, when one debates, he/she must be careful with his/her grammar. But it is sometimes difficult to watch over it. I just say some words that aren't coherent with each now, I guess?

Anyway, yes, we have definitely become lazy even when communicating. That's why there is a tendency for us to be impersonal.


Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by Inukumi on 2005-07-19 07:17:44 (edited 2005-07-19 07:21:37)
^_^;...... I have problems with punctuations...

Sed trahit invitam nova vis, aliudque cupido, mens aliud suadet: video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor....

Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by Saken on 2005-07-21 09:01:45
It's time to loosen up my man! If you're here for fun keep at fun, do not mix business with pleasure!! Man, it's like you were raised by a pack of executives or something!


Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by Sammi on 2005-07-26 17:21:03
The panda story would only be funny to those who got the joke, i.e. people who know the basics of punctuation.

I believe that using proper grammar and punctuation marks (at the right places) is a form of showing your respect for the language. I don't mean to sound arrogant or anything, but knowing proper grammar and punctuation measures your intelligence (yes, that's very important in the real world), not how 'kool' you are.

Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by Aikya on 2005-09-19 15:45:24
i agree..>.< though outside of school i don't give a damn...I'm just one big walking contradiction...^-^ and i enjoyed the brightened my otherwise dull day...(bad grammer and punctuation, and to think i be a fanfiction writer)

'It could be worse..^-^ but i have you'

Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-09-20 06:44:17 (edited 2005-09-20 06:44:57)
I find online most people use what I call netspeak. I think grammars is impirtant as well. I always try to go back and find all of my errors and correct them.

Gendou, if I may suggest a way to edit posts before they are made. That wold eliminate mistakes and allow for the checking of any formatting.

A gift for all of you. I use this all of the time when online, there's even a link on my tool bar.

Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-20 16:45:28
That was the funniest joke I've heard in months! Did you invent it?

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Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-09-28 11:51:05
i've read that book!!! it was recommended to me by my english teacher!

nya........... hehe.

Re: A book people should consider reading
Link | by Sturm on 2005-09-29 08:59:25
The giver

"Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal"

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