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Link | by DAkonohamaru on 2005-07-14 23:07:51 (edited 2005-07-14 23:08:22)
Some people think I'm crazy, but I like the Old School Gatchaman ending theme "Gatchaman no Uta." I was just wondering about other people's opinions on the song, or if there is any other music from the series that is any good.

Re: Gatchaman
Link | by yuki on 2005-07-15 06:21:52
Gatchaman is great anime.I think.I've never watched it though.
My father used to watch it when he's young...

Re: Gatchaman
Link | by kingofpain26 on 2005-07-16 05:49:09
im not sure which one it is,.. but I like the Opening/ closing? theme where the children are singing,..

Yuki,.. you just made me feel old, I used to watch it! Both the japanese Gatachaman and the american Battle of the Planets version

"SOmetimes you have to just leap, and build your wings on the way down"

Re: Gatchaman
Link | by DAkonohamaru on 2005-07-16 09:20:36
The one with the children singing is the Opening, King.

Re: Gatchaman
Link | by kingofpain26 on 2005-07-20 01:32:51
yeah,... but werent there more than one opening? these was one sung with appears to be a grown up man, with children singing in the backgrown,(the one that starts with :Da da da!) and another with just children alone.

"SOmetimes you have to just leap, and build your wings on the way down"

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