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Brilliant minds: original stories
Link | by kirima on 2005-07-12 19:01:17
This is similar to something I posted in the anime section, but now it has broadened. Has anyone ever thought of doing an original story? Whether it be a novel, a childrens' book, an anime, a manga, a television series or a movie, what is it?

I'm currently writing a two-part novel called Neoterra. Part one follows a girl named Lila Wiles who has a dual personality disorder. She spends the majority of the first half as Sora Addison (her alter ego), who aids the main villian in his quest to destroy reality. Part two picks up with a girl named Terra. A person named Anna comes to visit Terra, telling her that Terra is the reincarnation of someone named Ruby Kusaka, and that she must come back to her old life. When Terra agrees to become Ruby again, she comes back and finds that her old city is dealing with the aftermath of Sora and Adrian Addison. There are other aspects to the story, but it would take too long to write out.

Re: Brilliant minds: original stories
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-07-12 20:45:13
Your story sounds interesting. I'd like to read it once you finish it, if thats ok. But take your time; even the best writers don't write as well when rushed.
I used to try and write somewhat original stories. I still have all kinds of ideas for stories floating around in my head, but I could never write anything; never been able to finish. Hopefully you won't have that problem. :)

Re: Brilliant minds: original stories
Link | by Tasuki17502 on 2005-07-12 23:12:46
Same for me, most of the really good plots I ever think of never get finished. The one story I have been doing lately revolves around a woman fighter and her 'pack.' She (along with many other humans) can talk to the god-like animals of acient times, and lives with them. The story is kinda like Mononoke Hime, except it is set in a time of war between nations and not humans and animals. It also has more varity animal-wise because it has griffins, wolves, tigers, dragons, and whatever else I may wnat to add later. It is forever inspired by my wanting to ride a wolf, despite the fact that wolves are not even big enough to ride. But all things we desperatly want to do in life seems to be impossible to accomplish out of our dreams, ne?

Dubbed? No thanks. I prefer my seiyuu to what you call "a really cool english voice." ^_^ Visit my Xanga for contact info, or to simply read more about me.

Re: Brilliant minds: original stories
Link | by eeekar on 2005-07-13 00:21:39
I usually create plots for comics...
It never actually progressed into a full blown comics 'coz I
can't draw...I do research for the story but if my boyfriend (he draws)
doesn't like it, I stop.

Angels are falling from heaven

Re: Brilliant minds: original stories
Link | by ruyvlopez on 2005-07-13 03:33:41
I have also a dream to build a anime series. But it is very impossible because I can't draw a beautiful manga/anime characters even a sketch. But with the help of imagination, music, and dreams, I created 3 Anime Stories. If you want to read the full story, ask me. One of my Anime Stories are as follows...

Code of BIAS (Bio-Integrated Armored Suit)

The story starts in a private school. A physically weak but intelligent and easily fooled student named Ray dream to be one of the pilots of CZ Guard BOT who protect people againts Cyborg Huge Monster developed by an unknown Villan. He is always being protected by a senior student, Marie Beth from the students who critizise him. But an accident came when Marie Beth died in front of Ray during a sudden attack of a huge catterpilar like cyborg monster in a shopping mall. In his Ray's range, the newly developed RX-25-BIAS of the Zura Corp reacted and suited up to the body of Ray in order to fight and prevent the cyborg monster in destroying the City. Ray and the RX-25-BIAS are the components in order to unleash the power of the Code of BIAS.

Main Character:

Ray - Weak, easily fooled, but intelligent student. He has no known parents. Born in an orphanage far away from the city. Age: 17

Laica - She is a student and one of the members of a Military Force known as Zura Corp. She is bautiful, long haired lady, and intelligent girl but she hates boys. She also one of the expert in piloting the CZ Guard BOT. Age: 17

Sylvia - She is a Pop-Star Singer and Teen Idol who always escape to his manager in order to buy expensive things in a shopping mall. She is from a family of rich and famous composers and actors. Age: 17

Dorothy Mae - A mysterious lady who build the BIAS. She also the first pilot of the RX-25-BIAS. But she was died 9 years ago due to the battle againts the leader of the Unknown Villan. She dies with the Secret of the CODE of BIAS untold. Age before Dies: 32

Sarah - The Assistant of Dorothy Mae in constructing the BIAS. She is now the Chief Commander of the Zura Military Corp. She also the school principal where Ray and Laica studies. Age: 27

Lazaro - The Leader of a secret force who wants to conquer and rule the planet. There is no concrete information on his identity. Age: Unknown

This Anime Story is being developed by me. I hope I can create an Animation Series using this story. I am planning to create an RPG Game based on this story. SO PLEASE DON'T IMMITATE MY STORY. MAKE YOUR UNIQUE ANIME STORIES. OK !!

Ruy Lopez
OK Ba?

Re: Brilliant minds: original stories
Link | by Rui on 2005-07-13 04:46:24
Like humblemonkey, I'm having problems writing my story.

Well, hope you'll spare time for this.

Basically, it's a "prelude" to the main part of the anime I have always been imagining. It's about some kingdom whose king had two sons. The oldest - the heir - is murdered during a gathering along with the nobles of the kingom. His younger brother, luckily, escapes and goes back to his father only to find out that his own father ordered the assasination of his brother and the other royals.

He leaves the kingdom then and from the outskirts of the kingdom finds a community excommunicated by his father. Well, the story goes with him becoming one with the community, and eventually, its leader. He then helps in establishing that community into a small kingdom which will be the target of the kingdom where he originally came from.

***The kingdom of his origin is Astrid. The community he establishes as a country years later is Lvov.

Thanks for listening to my ranting. ^_^

Re: Brilliant minds: original stories
Link | by kirima on 2005-07-13 12:09:41
Okay, it looks like everyone here has creativity coming out of their ears! I'd love it if you'd email me anything you have written so far, any of you, if you're ready. Or feel free to post it.

For those of you who're working on manga stories but feel you can't animate, there are two ways around that -
1. Learn! Brilliang manga artists aren't born manga-ing.
2. Get someone else to do it! My favorite manga was written by Japanese novelist Kadono Kouhei and illustrated by my manga hero, Ogata Kouji. I'm planning to illustrate my novel, but if it ever turned into a manga, I'd probably get someone else to do it.

Re: Brilliant minds: original stories
Link | by Joshua on 2005-07-13 16:51:59
You guys are very creative. If you like to write and just cant seem to finish a story then you should join up with the slowly growing forum RPG i have going here. I always love it when new characters join in. Its in two places right now. You can check out the old one a few pages back in the other fourm and you can read the whole story so far edited by yours truly on the first page of the other forum. Its listed as Forum RPG Upgraded. I hope youll me and all the other cool on people in the rpg.

Re: Brilliant minds: original stories
Link | by baka on 2005-07-14 18:57:26
i had an idea for a manga im just too lazy to get up and draw it

my idea:: a family who is part of the yakuza is slaughtered after a new boss takes over except the youngest son survives.
knowing he couldnt take down the yakuza himself he tracks down an old shaman from his early childhood memories in hopes that the shaman can give him enough power to defeat the yakuza.

when he finds the shaman, it turnes out the shaman had a similar experience with the same boss and decides to help him out of spite for the yakuza.
so the shaman seals five demons inside of the kid . and the demons can only be released by taking off one of five rings on his hand (each ring being for a different demon.

what do you think?

trying is the first step towards failure

Re: Brilliant minds: original stories
Link | by baldy on 2005-07-15 19:45:25
I've recently finished a novel titled, "Take a Shot at Destiny." I feel too lazy to write about it, so linky linky!

Re: Brilliant minds: original stories
Link | by Fhuren Sky on 2005-07-16 22:13:28 (edited 2005-07-17 04:32:35)
I have a story based on robots all war
I named it “X-RACE”

This the story : there was once where human already forgot god and they have no leader. Menace is everywhere and fighting. Because of darkness left by the missing god they become afraid..... selfish... angry..... sad...... and furious...... Then they began fighting each other brutally untill die. Then began killing each other no matter family or friends.
People who have the same hatred anger ang selfishness make groups and become strong each day. As the technology increase they make an “endless fighter” named “RACE” and “X-RACE” the one who pilotted it. There was two ways to make a RACE. Sacrifice and Machinary. Machinary is the basic way to make a RACE by build it with strong metal and adamntanium the race is “iron heart” “Nitroxel”(Nitro+Axelrate[accelerate]). The second is by sacrificing but, there is two way to sarifice. First by sacrifice hardworking and mystic powers this RACE named “white bladed wizard” “Letinixial”. And the last is by sacrificing Human flesh and hatred this RACE named ”red demon” “Arc-Gavado” ( why i put – in the middle of the name? Because the Arc-Gavado once made from the temple of gavado in the middle of dessert to produce strengh for Arc-Gavado but now they don’t need them anymore because they can produce strengh by the other way, i will tell ya’ later) The three of them are fighting fiercefully and brutally. Because of that the balance of the world is annoyed and an overdrive happen. 15 years after that war happen they are don’t fight brutally anymore because they afraid the world destroyed because the balance is near death. Then the people that already sick with this war make a organization name “nexus mecenaries” (they looks like a group bandit mourn on the different RACE theis vision is to make the world pece again. Is thet true?) Fhuren Sky is the main Chara on this story (he have short blonde brown hair, tall body near 185cm, aged 20, he looks like kyosuke from OG2) his family was lost in the war, his mother died when he was borned, his brother lost when they was attacked by RACE, his father killed by a man with Black and white masked. He was seeking revenge for his father and trying to find the masked killer. Is The world balance can be natural again? Is Fhuren found his brother? Is he can seek revenge for his father? Is he already choose the right path? Coming soon....

Nitroxel->don’t attack->Letinixial->don’t attack->Arc-Gavado

Nitroxel’s attack: Arc-Gavado (because Nitroxel thing they are very dangerous)
Niroxel don’t attack: Letinixial (because Nitroxel thing Letinixial is the kind RACE)

Letinixial’s attack: Nitroxel (because they thing the Race Nitroxel made was very harmful polluted)
Letinixial’s don’t attack : because they thing Arc-Gavado made RACE ny using the same way “sacrifice”)

Energy chart:

Nitroxel: Energy pack(uranium, electricity, and gasoline)
Letinixial: Mystic energy orb
Arc-Gavado: Hatred
Sorry i can’t write more than that. Altough i have tons of story in my head.
Maybe i will updated them
But if you have question you may asked me anything i will answer it ASAP.. ^_^

Itsumo sasaete kureru hitotachi ni Higorono omoi wo kometa rhapsody... Appreciation no kimochi wo todoke

Re: Brilliant minds: original stories
Link | by THE WORLD on 2005-07-17 02:33:16
I write since I was on 3rd grade (elementary). The first thing I write is a fanfic of Justice League (Rival Schools) then I write a combined fanfic of NGE and GW when I was on 4th grade. When I stepped to the 6th grade I realized that I have to write my own story, based on my wild imagination. Than I write many series, "New Legend of Savior", "OverLap", "X(Cross)-Blitz", "Golden Blade", "1/2 hALf", and many more...

"Savior" (write this with Revolution) --- 2200, the world is almost destroyed because the people is waging wars everywhere, plus there's a giant meteorite that collide with the earth. Eurasia and Africa have to return to the medieval age because the technology and the electricity are totally destroyed by the meteor. America has to suffers from water loss. The meteor contaminated the waters. The story unfolds when two boys are joining Japan's army. They are Hikarigaoka Ryuukage and Kusanagi Shinryu, Ryuukage's best friend. Ryuu is clumsy, he has no looks, no style, and worse... he's a perfect pervert. His family is trained generations by generations to endure great sadness. He has an enormous chi power and has a superb ability to use the brain more than 30% of its ability!!! Shinryu is the perfect bishonen, genius, a sportsman, good-looking, and anything goooood. They leave their highschool life and hopes to restore the world to its original.

"OverLap" --- KamuraGakuen is a famous highschool with its soccer team. Their soccer team is number one in Tokyo, but always lose at the InterHigh first match. Miyamoto Tenkai is a boy who loves to play soccer but he has no skills. He can only juggles the ball two times, his accuracy is almost zero, no stamina, and he doesn't have the power to shoot. Everytime he plays, he always take the defender position and always tried his best to stop the opponent's striker. He has a unique ability to respond to his teammates quickly and always ready to receive a pass from anywhere. He also has a habit to stay on the back row when the team is all-out attack and to take an offense position when the team is all-defense. Then, the coach realizes Kai's potential. Kai can do overlaps without being detected by the opponent! He just came out from nowhere towards the goal. Kai always enters the field at the second half just for about 20 minutes, wearing the number ZERO.

"X-Blitz" --- Japan created the MMORPG called CrossX. CrossX is almost the same like "The World" in .hack series. The differrences is, it is a fighting game where you can create all of your character's move (including a projectile-type attack like a hadoken!) and sense the pain virtually (so you have to be a martial artist if you don't wanna lose foolishly)! Tendou Azuma just graduated from RaitaGakuen 2 years ago. He's a national Karate champion when he's in 3rd. A CrossX premium user, famous with his username : INAZUMA, and his finishing technique : Cross-Blitz. He won CrossX campionship many times. Losses his part-time job 5 times and desperately looking for a job. Fortunately, his ex-mentor and teacher at the highschool called him and offered him his position as a teacher and the Karate club instructor. Azuma has no choice but to accept it. Azuma's life is a bit awkward now. He has to take care of the school business, many of the girls are chasing him.

"Golden Blade" --- Earth received an alien attack. The aliens are very strong and are invulnerable to bullets and beam attack. The only way to slay them is using swords and other sharp melee weapons. The government is looking for some worthy soldiers. Kitakawa Toumaru is a man with the attitude. He always looking for a worthy opponent to fight. He joined the army just for fun. When he is on duty, he killed the aliens recklessly and doesn't care for his comrades. This made him the ace of the team. Then, he receives his prize for his achievement, A golden blade which can speak. The golden blade always tells Toumaru how to act politely and a little bossy to him. Toumaru teams up with the golden blade to destroy the aliens. He's shocked when someday, the golden blade turns into a very pretty girl named Kina. Kina always follows Toumaru everywhere he goes. She also make great troubles and Toumaru has to protect her from the aliens. The story develops deeper when Kina can speak with the aliens.

"1/2 hALf" --- An angel named Airgs, falls in love with a devil named Wave. The other angels and devils don't agree with their relationship. God is on a long vacation and Lucifer himself take it easy and don't wanna bother them, until Wave is pregnant. The child from a devil and angel is said to bring something very nasty to both of the races. Airgs and Wave escape to Earth and The angel in command, Rixhteoth, orders the angel army to chase and slay the baby. They have captured Airgs, but Wave is still on loose. Before they captured Wave, she casts a spell that teleported the child and make him undetected. The child was founded by the Sakurai family in their bedroom. They christened him, Sakurai Yuuki. Yuuki was raised like a normal boy and lives a normal life, until he meets a wacky stranger. The stranger offers him his job, saying some stupid thing about destiny, he gives Yuuki his address. Yuuki is confused and can only asks the stranger's name before he dissapears from his sight. The stranger shouted, "I AM THE ONE!"

"If you want to be a man, be like Bo-bobo" - me

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