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Beta Testing
Link | by gendou on 2003-10-07 20:43:43
This board is undergoing beta testing.
If you experience a strange anomaly, let me know. Thanks!

Re: Beta Testing
Link | by Guest on 2003-10-08 00:09:42
Look, you can post replies as guest!
Notice that html tags work.

Re: Beta Testing
Link | by ryukoshen on 2003-10-20 21:07:17
[modified to fix html tag error - you forgot to close the "" and it ate the rest of the page...i need to fix that :P]

Heaven doesn't want me and hell's to afraid I'll take over!

Re: Beta Testing
Link | by ryukoshen on 2003-10-20 17:08:46
Is there a list of HTML tags that work? or is there only like <B>, <I>, <A> and simple ones like that?

Heaven doesn't want me and hell's to afraid I'll take over!

Re: Beta Testing
Link | by gendou on 2003-10-28 11:52:20
until now there was a problem with the thread's reply count. It was not incrementing past one. this is because i cant program worth beans. now that it is fixed, i will do some surgury to correct the inconsitancies it caused.

Re: Beta Testing
Link | by gendou on 2003-10-28 11:54:14
no, minion, thank you for pointing out a possible vulnurability! any recommendation of how i might go about fixing it? i could check that the number of open and close carrots in the body are equal, but that still allows people to do a bunch of /close tags...which could destrow the layout of the page still....

Re: Beta Testing
Link | by ryukoshen on 2003-10-28 15:08:49
Im not too sure if I can help out too too much, because im not some sort of programming guru too ;D I can look through your source code tho, and look for things that are hard to see (like a ' insead of an ")

Heaven doesn't want me and hell's to afraid I'll take over!

Re: Beta Testing
Link | by gendou on 2003-11-05 11:29:28
a lot of times you will see ' instead of " because of perl. in perl, you can print out a string like this:
print "i like 'ducks'
which prints out: i lick 'ducks' followed by a return. but its a pain in the ass to get the single quotes to double quotes because you would have to use a backslash and then the code becomes harder to read. since html is keen and i can get away with it, i usually use single quotes when printing html tags.

Re: Beta Testing
Link | by Guest on 2003-12-14 22:25:30
So you're programming in perl?
You want to stop people from being able to post incorrect HTML that will prevent the page from being displayed?
My work with perl is limited and it's been a while. As best as I can remember a good proceedure to use is to set a list of allowed commands. Will that solve the problem? I donno. So maybe you want to create an array of variables. (integers, whatever it is that's a number with both positive and negetive values) Each allowed tag will have it's own variable in the array. B = 0, I=1, U=2, font=3, etc. For each instance of the tag, increment the appropriate variable. For each instance of the closing tag decrement the appropriate variable. Then check the list of arrays, for each variable grater than 0, add an end tag. Deny all other tags not listed... and make a list of allowed tags.

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