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any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by KaeKo on 2005-07-10 01:11:40 (edited 2005-07-10 01:13:46)
yeah i know it ain't the best idea...but i couldn't resist myself.
what with the sixth book coming up and all.
i just thought it would feel good to be able to talk about it with you guys...

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by SnoW on 2005-07-10 02:41:33 a harry potter fan too!!!!book 6 is coming out n im veri excited man!!!!cant wait to c book 6 on 16th of july.......which country r u from??

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by Kiya-chan on 2005-07-10 19:08:18
I know... it's kinda hard to beleive that there will be only one book left after 6 comes out O__o that went by fast...

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by Koshiro on 2005-07-10 23:28:01
oh yeah 16 July 7.01am!! I can't wait either... I feel happy to know that i'm one of the first few countries to see that day and time...

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Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by KaeKo on 2005-07-11 00:31:37
and the fourth movie is gonna be out too, this November.
wonder what they're gonna slash this time..(it really bugs me when they don't show as much of the Weasley twins as they should. i just love them..)

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by SnoW on 2005-07-11 03:12:30
Ani of u guys are From singapore???is it true that after the 4th movie,there is likely be no more filming of harry potter movie?i heard this news from my friend that theres a 88% that they will not film ani more......but i thought that they have already plan to film the 5th movie........

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by eeekar on 2005-07-11 20:56:13
I heard the rumors about the movies too...
They also said that if they WILL shoot another one, Draco won't be played by Tom Felton anymore... :(

Angels are falling from heaven

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by KaeKo on 2005-07-11 22:00:55
>>SnoW : Sorry, i should've answered you before. i am not from singapore though.
however , i don't know what to feel, i am quite neutral about the movies. i mean they never are up to expectations are they? but i guess that's why we are Fans. no movie can be as good as our own imaginations.

>>eeekar : Why not Tom Felton? what's wrong with him? i kinda like him though. but if they bring in someone better, i got no problems. let me know where you guys are getting all these info.

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by eeekar on 2005-07-13 00:19:13
Well, they said that Tom Felton is too old to play the role...
These rumors have been going on for quite a while now...
Mostly in forums.

Angels are falling from heaven

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by SnoW on 2005-07-13 02:16:54
wonder if they will film harry potter 5th movie.......i think the 5th 1 should be quite interesting le......coz lord voldermort is coming out!!!!
KaeKo>>so...which country r u from??

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by Fall on 2005-07-13 09:35:29
i don't get it what's so good about harry potter? someone enlighten me

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by Aria on 2005-07-13 12:56:30
i'm excited that the 6th will be coming out at last...i already reserved a book for my own...but the bad part of it I'm starting school on the 18th and I don't know if i have some enough time to read it...i haven't been some site so don't know anything about the 6th book....but a friend told me that the half blood prince is not Voldemort...


Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by SnoW on 2005-07-14 01:48:59
ya...the half blood prince is not harry or lord voldermort....ani one order a adult version 1?or u order the chidren version 1?

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by KaeKo on 2005-07-14 02:54:58
whoa! man....hold on a second! what is this about two versions? it seems there might be something i still don't know about the books.....

well, i'm off to checking the net on Tom far as i know there will be a 5th movie and tom felton might be in it. but u never know.

fill me in on the version thing u are talkin' about......and i am kinda disinclined to answer that question.....sorry. please, do me a favour and don't get offended.

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by KaeKo on 2005-07-14 02:58:10
BY the way, Fall: actually, enlightenments of that kind needs more space than this. all i can say is you'll hafta read the books. if you've read them and still don't figure out why we're making such a big deal out of them , then... say so and we'll try and fill you up. ok?

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by baka on 2005-07-14 04:11:19
im a fan , in fact i pre ordered the new one so on the 15th at 12:01 i am gauranteed a copy .

trying is the first step towards failure

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by Aria on 2005-07-14 06:47:29
i don't know about the version thing?does it have two versions?well, i don't know if it was either the adult or children's version...if ever there is a two version...well, right now i don't have any problems with that...even though if it has the childrens version i don't mind at all.


Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by Juno on 2005-07-15 12:29:51
Haha I am a total Harry Potter fangirl. ^^ I'll be at Wal*Mart first thing in the morning tomorrow, ready to snatch away a copy for my eager eyes....

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by SnoW on 2005-07-16 02:23:35
:o.....erm....the verion thingy i tink onli in singapore than have ba.....i ordered the UK version 1......the children version cover page shows harry n dumblerdore with a fire surrounding them in circles......while the adult verion that i ordered shows a tattered book....

Re: any Harry Potter fans..?
Link | by KaeKo on 2005-07-16 10:11:06
hmm...well i guess the two versios (children and adult) differ only in the least i hope so.

also, those of you making your way thru' book 6 , please have a heart and don't post any spoilers.

and, well i guess tom will rather be fishing next year than play Quidditch. he'll be 18. too old they say....
(too old? not for me..)

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