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Want to help but can help ....
Link | by Exgalado on 2005-07-10 00:00:53
To: the wonderful maker/makers of tis site
OK ... Lets see ... i have DLed at least 90 songz ... as a guy ... i feel a bit (yes, just a bit) guilty ... but ...hmm .. i ain't got a pay-pal , ain't got a visa card , oh wtf i got nuts exept cash (not much though) to spare ... pls advice e on how i can help this wonderful site by any means pssible ...
Dedicated fan ,

Re: Want to help but can help ....
Link | by Keyne on 2005-07-10 07:51:16
Ditto on that for me. But to be honest, I don't think there *is* any way you can help (unless you plan to send a cheque or something) in your current situation. So... I guess until you get some form of a major credit card, hold that guilt and come back to donate later on in life.
That's not too helpful, but I haven't got any better ideas yet...

Tried to save myself but myself keeps slipping away...

Re: Want to help but can help ....
Link | by gendou on 2005-07-10 18:44:34
If you are unable to use paypal, you will not be able to donate to
This does not mean you cannot help, however!
Uploading songs in the request list is a big help, as is helping me report hotlinking scum

Re: Want to help but can help ....
Link | by Kiya-chan on 2005-07-10 19:12:30
I feel the same way, I've fot 76 songs now... but no card. For the meantime, I've uploaded a couple of songs. I've been wondering though, why are there no Digimon or Inuyasha songs? I know there are a lot of fans of both....

Re: Want to help but can help ....
Link | by night_link on 2005-07-11 11:07:07 (edited 2005-07-11 11:07:54)
Please take a look in the view request rules Kiya-chan. Gendou says because of copyright, Digimon and Inuyasha songs (and some more) CANNOT be requested. I'll try to help in the report hotlinking scum, because I can't donate and I also want to do something.

Re: Want to help but can help ....
Link | by Rui on 2005-07-12 04:59:17
I'm one with the league.

I have a different reason though. Well, me helps gendou-san with the scums against as much as I can. Hehe...I just need help with those technical terms. ^_^

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