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all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by mark on 2005-07-09 02:43:59
you can tell everything about D.N.Angel here,

for me, D.N.Angel is a romantical drama anime with some comedy and action inside, actually i like this anime, the graphic are great, it's so colorfull, the story is unique(i think), 'cause the main character(Niwa) can transform to be Dark if his heart is pounding. D.N.Angel has a diferent storyline in anime then the manga series, but that's not bothered me to watch the anime.

how 'bout u ?
good or bad it's doesn't matter,
i just want to know about this anime from yours?

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by dn_angel on 2005-07-09 02:48:37
i'm agree with that. The storyline has their own unique. Worth to watch that.

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by 3ternal on 2005-07-09 05:40:16
i also's a very nice anime to watch...but to me the ending ended too fast...they should put krad and dark fights longer -.-

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by Menos Grande on 2005-07-09 09:03:45
They had this in the hentai section at FYE.

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by Urchin on 2005-07-09 12:53:17
The characters were drawn really nicely, even the buildings and scenery. In fact, DN Angel was really cute to watch. Though it did make me cry here and there a couple of times. I actually have no complaints about DN Angel except some... Risa was totally annoying. I just really dislike clingy, whiny, annoying, bubble-headed girls. However, Riku brought balance to the force. Unlike Risa, Riku had a strong personality and had a back bone. However, this is my opinion on Risa, and some people might view her nice, etc, etc.
Please excuse my reference to Star Wars.


Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by khafi on 2005-07-09 13:52:20 (edited 2005-07-09 13:54:35)
dn angel gave me good impression about love story. but i prefer a real shonen fights, which is none in this anime. i hates when the angels fights with THAT weapons(a feaher? isn't it toooo small and even hard to carry or to keep in the pocket?) .is it even a WEAPON?

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2005-07-10 03:33:48

Agree!! Deadly romantic!! Dark's so cool!! Daisuke's so adorable!! And the ending's fabulous!!

Ja mata ne,


Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by dark angel on 2005-07-10 06:09:49
i watched DNAngel and i think it was very good except i relly didtn like the last few eps from the series, found it very not related to the story itself , and also they kinda quickly ended the fight making uninteresting - even though it was what the anime was all about~

his identity... no one knows

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by XPECTRO on 2005-07-10 16:29:14
I love Daisuke!!!He's so cool!!!

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by Fawkes on 2005-07-11 20:06:18
the 3d houses and such in a 2d anime looks rather strange >__>
i am probably the only person in the world who likes risa :P i tend to attach myself to whichever female herione i see first.
personally though i think the manga is much better. i DID wtach the aniem first and still like the manga better.


Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by yiniangel on 2005-07-12 04:24:28
yeah~agree~ it is a really good anime. some stories told in it are really touching... but some part in these stories are a bit too exagerating... like the ice and princess one, it seemed like Daisuke's in love with that girl...... and agree with Fawkes... the 3d and 2d mixed together stuff seems strange...and a bit confusing... but anyways, I like the plot a lot. AHHH and cute boys... ^^

yiniangel & AIR

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by Bernz on 2005-07-14 22:16:31
Its a good anime. i cant wait to see the whole show. right now i have only seen a few episotes of the show and i m already lovin it.

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by symphonia on 2005-07-19 23:12:30
I LOVE D.N.ANGEL. It's really romantic and DARK IS SO VERY HANDSOME! i fell in love with him since i first saw him [which is in the begining of febuary, by the way] and still love him until now! Satoshi Hiwatari not bad either...=^_^=

*~* Anime Is My World!!*~*

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by augg. on 2005-11-18 06:52:57
DN angel rocks.
but some parts are confusing to me...

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by Kyon on 2005-11-18 17:45:04 (edited 2005-11-18 17:45:43)
What parts, =))?

I LOVE Dnangel, I totally own it (not the l33t way). Both manga and DVD. <3

Daisuke is sooo frikin adorable...and WIZ! Oh god, he's my absolute love.

Kyo's MINE. MIIIINEEEEE....*glares*

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by phil on 2005-11-18 17:57:59
An awsome anime!!!


Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by kasumi on 2005-11-19 21:04:27
I LOVE DNAngel. Its really AWSOME!!The characters are cute and cool!!

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by augg. on 2005-11-30 06:11:13
kyon: is the parts about the second hand of time.. and of course, dark wings.

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by sealedsprite on 2005-11-30 06:32:10
OMG! I love DNAngel!
Especially Daisuke. ^^
The graphics are nice and the storyline aint bad at all, however i still like the manga better.
More explanations and funnier!

Re: all about D.N.Angel...
Link | by on 2005-11-30 07:30:31
I haven't read all books yet, cos I bought them as christmas gifts for myself ^^
I'll have to wait a few weeks (gaaah torture...).
I've read the 3 first mangas and seen the 8 first ep of the anime.
The manga's better than the anime, but the anime's really REALLY good, too.

I won't read all your posts in this thread though, cos I ALWAYS manage to read spoilers whatever film or book it's about (last time I accidentally read one major spoiler about the 6th Harry Potter book before I read the book myself... what I managed to find out? oouh well only WHO the Half Blood Prince was, damn annoying it was...)

Anyway anyhow, back to DNAngel... why I like it so much:
The story, the humor, the characters' personalities and relationships, the character design is really good, Dark's übercool, Daisuke's just great, Hiwatari rules big time so on so forth, I don't know, everything about it, it's so great overall. I really reccomend it!! ^^

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