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Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by Chibi-chan on 2005-07-07 15:48:48
Hey, anyone here like yaoi or yuri? Personally, I like both because I think they're both super cute! If you do, tell me your favorite yaoi/yuri pairings. If you don't, feel free to rant here but I probably won't listen... ^-^"

If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic!

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by XPECTRO on 2005-07-07 17:03:01
I like Sukisho...lots of bishounen!!!XDDD

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by narutosaki on 2005-07-07 17:52:56
not that i hate homosexuality, but are you guys gay?

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by FantasyLoveDreamer on 2005-07-07 18:03:03
I like Yaoi. I find it extremely cute...^^

I find myself creating Yaoi Pairings from evern Anime I watch and Manga I read. Sometimes I also create Yaoi Pairings outside of Anime and Manga.--;;

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by Lynn on 2005-07-07 21:28:52
I do :D My favorite is Hisoka and Tsuzuki <3

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by shai on 2005-07-07 23:46:04
i like more yaoi then yuri :D

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Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by on 2005-07-08 06:58:58
Is it me or am i the only one posting for yuri?

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by Aria on 2005-07-08 14:03:07
well, shards I'm with you for yuri...bad thing about yuri is that there's only a few pairings...-_- i like Chikane & Himeko pairing...and if ever Makoto and Ami from Sailormoon and there's a lot more but i don't want to offend the fans of that animé


Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by yin on 2005-07-08 18:34:30
I want yaoi more... =P


Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-07-08 20:58:47
Yeah.... Yaoi... *drool*

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by fantasymania on 2005-07-09 02:38:22
Yaoi all the way~ XD

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by Kaidoh on 2005-07-09 09:15:26
YAOI ^_^

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-07-09 11:46:53
Im sorry for my ignorance...but what is yuri?

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by カイン on 2005-07-09 13:41:15 (edited 2005-07-09 13:42:17)
=( Actually, I think you guys have your terminology all mixed up. Especially since yaoi isn't exactly -cute-, that's for sure.

Yaoi = -hardcore- guyxguy PORN
Yuri = -hardcore- girlxgirl PORN

I think the term you guys are looking for is shounen-ai [instead of yaoi], which is just a romantic situation between two boys (like the Sukisyo anime. The Sukisyo games, on the other hand, would be classified as yaoi). I don't know if the shoujo-ai genre is large enough to be called that, but I'm not sure.

Both the yaoi and shounen-ai genres can be refered to as "boy's love" or BL. I think it's more or less usually associated with yaoi, though (ex. BL games are usually yaoi in nature).


Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by riezawa on 2005-07-10 02:21:33
I prefer yuri over yaoi but shoujo-ai over yuri. you can get yuri manga that are basically porn, but it's not easy to find shoujo-ai with a good story.

Let's dance!





Shameless plug alert

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by THE WORLD on 2005-07-10 10:25:24
Uh...Helloooo?... Are you all gals? I mean... No guys will ever touch yaoi stuff right (except he's a gay)? Me, because I'm a healthy male, automatically I choose yuri... But I think ChikanexHimeko is a bad pair... It's because... Oooww, poor Souma... Can he get what he deserve just for once?

Yup! It's just as tsumetairyuu said... And i like yuri!

"If you want to be a man, be like Bo-bobo" - me

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by Aria on 2005-07-10 14:28:09
then i re-phrase my post!i like shoujo-ai!
the world:Kannaduki no Miko is a bit depressing animé...


Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by g.r.e.y.s.p.A.r.k on 2005-07-10 18:11:11
yaoi all the way!!!! <--hardcore yaoi fan ^ ^''

i guess shoujo-ai is okay....

!~*~*~some live only because it's illegal to shoot them~*~*~!

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by Rusty Chain on 2005-07-10 18:23:41
Thank god for Yaoi! My fiance is my biggest supplier!

Re: Yaoi or Yuri fans?
Link | by sekhmet on 2005-07-10 19:09:33
I'm a yaoi fan. My favourite pair is Kei and Ranmaru from Kizuna.

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