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gay marrige
Link | by gendou on 2004-07-08 16:59:18
jesus christ cant we leave the gays alone?
marriage is a religious union, so its none of the state's business except when it comes to taxes and unions.
we need to make laws separating legal union from religious recognized unions, not laws that make certain lifestyles illegal.
i would like to hear some other people's opinions.

Re: gay marrige
Link | by Naomi on 2004-07-09 22:03:10
Yeah. Besides marriage is a way of solidifing one's love for someone. Why is that sorry excuse for a living being interfering? We allow crap like teen-marriage(sometimes), marriage between different religions, races, Marriage shows where the people don't even know each other, and we allow some wealthy and ancient old prune to marry some slut who wants his cash and his death, yet we don't allow marriages between people of the same gender. WTF? Also being a big shounen-ai fan I think that the thought of gays getting married is a nice thought indeed.

Re: gay marrige
Link | by panegryst on 2004-07-10 08:35:05
i agree with gendou, there ought to be a civil union for tax purposes, separate from religious marriage. think about this: even if gay marriage is outlawed, gays are going to live together and adopt children anyway. The conservatives who claim that gay marriage will disrupt society forget that America was not founded on Christian principles (America was founded on rebellion and the idea of self-determination, two rather non-classic-Christian concepts) and continues in a very non-Christian mindset to this day. Conservatives should stop pretending that they stand for "America's core values" and realize that they are trying to fundamentally change America, not restore it to its former self.

Re: gay marrige
Link | by gendou on 2004-07-20 16:13:56
i think Dragonboi is gay and in denial. perhaps he made himself gay watching too much DBZ. (oh, and ya hes banned now)

Re: gay marrige
Link | by Torched Pancake on 2004-07-20 18:05:27
i agree with gendou: marriage is a matter of religion, and the Constitution bans the government from interfering with it, and vice versa. anyways, i thought i thought Christianity was about love and whatnot, so isn't loving someone, regardless of their gender, being Christian?

Re: gay marrige
Link | by Lexi on 2004-07-22 12:04:50
OMG people, let gays get married. In my opinion, its none of our buisness what their personal life is, so lay off. A bunch of uuber Christans have no right to go around and police these people for being in love and wanting to get married. Its not their place.

Dir En Grey:my eternal VizKei passion.

Re: gay marrige
Link | by gendou on 2004-07-22 12:11:32
anyone can have a ceremony of marriage however they like, the only question is of the governmental tax and other legal recognition of these ceremonies.
i do not think anyone has actually proposed banning the act of gay marriage, but rather the legal recognition of it. for example, married husband and wife share tax benefits and are able to adopt (not to mention HAVE) children. however some people believe that gay couples do not deserve this because they arent technically married. this kind of discrimination reminds me of the way blacks and women were treated before they could vote. obviously they are no different than any other citizen, but are being threatened with the denial of certain rights that other citizens have. thats just wrong. prejudice is wrong. persecution of a people based on their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation is wrong.

Re: gay marrige
Link | by chloe on 2004-07-23 06:19:11
I agree. I know some gay people, and it really kills them that they can't get married. I told them to ignore what other people (including the gov.)say, but its kinda illegal. Lol. I say they make it legal so that people can go their own ways. It doesn't matter whether it's against your religion, what matters is they feel deeply for each other, and they don't have to give a crap about what other people think, plus, it could be in their religion to marry another man/woman (dunno of, not everyone follows one set religion! So, instead of leaving them alone... why not help them out? Just a little. I know that if I could help in anyway. I would.

Re: gay marrige
Link | by gendou on 2004-07-23 15:55:22
death: thats a nice statistic, but what does it have ANYTHING to do with the national law of the United States of America?
Church principal MUST be separate from State Law. That is one of the FOUNDING PRINCIPALS of our country.

Re: gay marrige
Link | by gendou on 2004-07-24 14:21:34
you dont have to be a priest to get a marriage license. priests preform marriage ceremonies, which is UNRELATED to the legal binding of two people. UNRELATED.

Re: gay marrige
Link | by Marbles on 2004-07-28 06:11:12
I feel that in a world where divorces can happen minutes after the wedding ceremony, we should embrace couples who genuinely want to show their love for each other and wish to seal it, regardless of who they are. I have no problem with homosexual marriage and would quite happily attend the ceremony if any of my gay friends decided to marry.
I think that unless someone tries to force your way of thinking, you should live and let live.

"Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?"

Re: gay marrige
Link | by Marbles on 2004-07-28 06:13:56
Further to Gendou's stipulation, some people/religions/cultures actually have two ceremonies, the blessing of the union by a priest/cleric/whatever, then they have the civil registration of the marriage legally.
You can be married by anyone with a licence, including Sea Captains I do believe

"Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?"

Re: gay marrige
Link | by gendou on 2004-07-28 11:56:30
interesting, thanks for your input Marbles!

Re: gay marrige
Link | by miroku on 2004-07-29 20:35:56
If i recall something from the History channel correctly gays were accepted in ancient greece when it was a thriving utopia so there was a religion that allowed people to decide to spend there lives together regardless of their genders

Re: gay marrige
Link | by gendou on 2004-07-29 20:51:15
oh yea, the ancient greeks had waaay different morals. the rich greek men would have young boys as their lovers as a symbol of power. this is totally different from our society now, but it allows us to see how moral views change drastically over time.

Re: gay marrige
Link | by Pinewoodpine on 2004-07-30 05:19:58
What!!! Greece accept gays as a part of their society?! That was SO COOL (Not to mention aceeptible)!
We should teach those people who did not accept gays and lesbians a lesson.
Let's form an angry mob!!!>_<

You're a good guy, or bad guy?
I don't care, I'm a 'mix' guy.

Re: gay marrige
Link | by Marbles on 2004-07-30 07:00:21
*jolts awake and fires up the degree machines and book learning memory*
Homosexuals were accepted in Greece as it was seen as the ultimate expression of friendship and love, rather than a marriage-style partnership. The men (and women) were supposed to do the standard family-procreation thing but the expression of love between their own genders was seen as friendship, hence the terms Platonic love (which came from the Philosophies of Plato that men could experience true friendship together and that were platonic love comes from) and Sapphic Love (which comes from the dramas of Sappho which was about the friendships between two women). Furthermore in the tutoring of older men to younger boys, sex was seen as a furthering of the learning experience and wasn't morally wrong (Plato and Aristotle).
It's amazing what I pick up when I don't sleep through Literature lectures and drink Coca Cola thorughout my degree

"Where are we going and why am I in this handbasket?"

Re: gay marrige
Link | by chloe on 2004-07-30 11:21:12
Alright. Since we're all in here discussing gay marriage etc... what do some of you have against them? They aren't doing anything that's going to harm another person. Marriage can be how people show their love. For some, marriage doesn't mean anything. Because you can, love without it. But, that doesn't mean that they should be forbidden the right to marry the person of their choice. Whether, of their sex, or the opposite! I believe that if it isn't malicious then it isn't wrong. No, I may not be gay. But you know what, WHO CARES WHAT WE ARE? Why must people label everyone? What is wrong with being gay? If they want to marry it is their choice. Don't just leave them be as some people here are saying to. Help them out. Even if it's just putting in a good word for them. Using a gun, it can have malicious intent, it can be dangerous, even fatal. Marriage on the other hand isn't hurting not a single one of us. So WHY THE HECK IS IT ILLEGAL??? People. Please use some common sense. It's their right as American's to marry the person of their choice. Yet the government is going against everything that they claim to hold dear, just to stop them from marrying their own sex. It is everybit the same as marrying the opposite sex. So what's so wrong about it?!?!?! NOTHING. Do you need me to spell that out?
I know that for some of you, being gay goes against your religion. Well, if you're a Christian, aren't you also supposed to care for other people? Help them out? So what if it's against YOUR religion. It might not be against THEIRS. So, if you have a friend, they're gay. You're a super Christian person, would you stop your friend from having the happiness that they deserve just because its against your religion?!?!? I HOPE NOT! (just to let you know, I'm not trying to bash religions, just trying to make a valid point.)I would like to quote a friend right now. This is for Larry: "Opinions are like butts. We all have one, and they all stink." So what if they stink?!?!?! Make them count, and let them be heard!
p.s.- I'll join that angry mob of yours! Lol! :D

Re: gay marrige
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-13 07:38:45

I wanted to say the same thing. People should have the right to this. I mean, you ever heard of Ron White's thought of us all being gay, in a manner of what extent, if you saw some of his comic stand-up shows? Well, you can say that I believe it. No doubt about it. I gotta make a banner one of these days that should have the same words on top of this post, or probably two. Give me ideas 'cause I'll be picture hunting for cel scans later on.

Re: gay marrige
Link | by Lith on 2005-08-02 13:21:57
My gosh, everyone here just likes to add to the insanity of the world. Everyone's answer to gay marriage is "let them do what they want and stay out of their business." Heck, why not, they let Hitler go alone with his business and of course nothing bad happened, right?

First off, let us take a look into the reason's why homosexuals would even want to get married.

Many gay people use marriage to solidify their marriage. If gays really loved each other, they wouldn't need a paper to tell them so. The saying goes; "love is like a cough, it is neither hidden nor stifled."

The chief factor of 'gays' in general is due of lust. Tell me, what kind of couple is a gay man and a gay man without any male genitalia? A normal couple, that's right. In other words, all gay men and women look for when they look for love is the same genitals they have. It's like the story of the drunkin man who fell in love with the woman who had a penis. After finding out he was a he, the love was gone. And so the argument of loving in gay marriages is flaud and impossible.

Sure, when it comes to the attraction between men and women it is also lust, for the most part, but at least it serves a purpose: reproduction.

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