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HELP!! Choosing instructors!
Link | by night_link on 2005-07-05 20:41:31 (edited 2005-07-05 20:41:56)
Okay, I gotta take a physics class later in the year. It's my first time and there's a whole lotta guys lined up for teaching the class I need. The problem is that only 2 can fit my time. As if that wasn't enough, one guy's the one that you can learn a whole lot from but is the one that's hard as hell to get the A in. As you can guess, the other's the easier one just isn't too clear on explaining stuff so... I mean, I wanna learn but I don't want to sacrifice my GPA. And with the hard-to-get-an-A guy, I can fit in time for a Japanese class which I need later. Anyone's opinions?

Re: HELP!! Choosing instructors!
Link | by sadame-chan on 2005-07-05 21:08:40
*Laughs* It's true that it's hard to find a slot in a Japanese class. It's really a tough choice...

If you choose the easy one, you'll be basically skimming through Physics with an A, but will not learn anything. If you choose the tough teacher, you'll have a harder time studying Physics, plus an extra Japanese class will get you in overdrive. If the situation presented itself upon me, I'd choose the tough teacher. Nothing beats earning that well-deserved A. The Japanese class is an added bonus. =3

��空����愛��人よ? Kono sora no dokoka itoshii hito yo?

Re: HELP!! Choosing instructors!
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-07-05 23:28:19 (edited 2005-07-05 23:28:28)
Well, it depends. Are you in college? If you are, GPA is only half the story. I can't tell you how many people I know at my college who pass a class with flying colors but don't remember a thing from it. That's really the point of classes, is to learn what you have to to get a good job.
I say if it has to do with your career, don't worry about the grade and soak up as much stuff as you can. But if the stuff you learn really isn't that important to you, just go through the class for the grade. Just remember: grades say how hard you work, not how smart you are. :)

Re: HELP!! Choosing instructors!
Link | by night_link on 2005-07-06 10:04:44
I wished thats how everything worked in my world humblemonkey. Maybe I should also say that the Japanese teacher doesn't have a very good reputation for being so nice? It didn't matter to me at first because I REALLY wanted to learn it. I had to wait so many years to finally get an chance like this...

Re: HELP!! Choosing instructors!
Link | by Rui on 2005-07-06 22:48:25
I have to agree with Humblemonkey.

If it isn't really one of your majors, then you choose a class wherein you'll get the grade so you can concentrate more on your majors. However, if that isn't really your priority or if it is one of your major subjects, then take it. Grades do matter but what you have learned and how you apply it matter more.

About the Japanese teacher, try to ask some upperclassmen, well, those you're close with and who has taken his/her class, for some feedback. I mean ask them if he teaches well. Hopefully, it's worth the risk...^_^

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