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Friendship/Social Life After High School?
Link | by kai on 2014-12-30 13:37:50
How do you find friendship/a social life after high school?

I'm a junior in college now...and I have not made friends during college.
Well, I did make 2-3 friends, but I cut ties (dorming with friends is tough).

I went to a few clubs it didn't work out great :\ the anime club was too weeaboo for me or I wasn't weeaboo enough for some of them. I don't know much recent stuff about anime, video games, conventions, & japan since leaving high school 3 years ago.

Now the only friends I have are from high school, who I see maybe 5 times a year?
Not much of a social life at all.

A lot of the hobbies I used to have (video games) I cant really afford (my newest console is a ps2) or have lost interest(most anime).

Any advice? Any laid back peeps looking to chat? Even Tatsuhiro from Welcome to the NHK has more of a social life than me!

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