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Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by on 2014-02-23 20:34:29
Title says all.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by on 2014-02-23 22:56:32
It is possible IMO. My last animes was like, last year ago (Psycho-Pass, Nekomonogatari Kuro, I still haven't caught up with Monogatari Series Second Season) and I haven't watched anything since XD

I might change my mind since Monogatari Series Second Season is finished, and there's the upcoming second season of Durarara and Baccano :x

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by on 2014-02-24 19:46:47
Well...age wise wouldn't you feel weird watching a highschool anime and you used to relate but you're now in you 20's. I'm still a junior in highschool but I'm worried about the later years.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by on 2014-02-25 08:33:44
Age isn't much of a barrier (IMO), as I have a friend who has similar age as me enjoyed Chuunibyou lol, while I watched Girls und Panzers for the lulz, and another followed Amagami SS. My slowdown in anime is probably due to that I have something more entertaining than anime (gaming etc), or even RL stuff (slow Internet XD)

But if you really like anime and think that you can't live without it, probably you'll be watching it for a long time, so don't worry much? lol.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by on 2014-02-25 08:53:00
It's your choice to watch it or not. I basically doesn't watch anime since last year, however, I read manga or play VN. Animation basically adaptation from manga nor VN. And there's a lot of people, around 20 above still watching it. Maybe because of seiyuu, the story progress, or because it's moe.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by shunukiya90 on 2014-02-25 10:45:40
Yes, of course. Notice the animes being made nowadays. Too much of the same genre/theme. If they keep force-feeding us the same types of animes I'm sure even an anime aficionado would get fed up. It's kinda like watching different anime characters with nearly identical impressions, situations, scenes etc. on multiple titles. I personally prefer the vast variety of animes made couple of years ago. So balanced, not too much of the same stuff, popular animes aren't too overrated. In short, it was a time when there was a wide range of choices of animes you could watch unlike nowadays where it's pretty much centered on the same impression. Basically, too much of the same thing will soon tire you out. And besides, animes aren't the only ones that can hook you up that deep.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by on 2014-02-25 12:02:13
I agree that age isn't much of a barrier, it just depends on if you get into other things more and become more interested with them than you are in anime. I used to be really into anime as well as some gaming until last year, when I started to get into other internet cultures, tumblr, etc. Now I like those and I barely do any gaming nowadays. I still do watch anime, but I skip over the "fodder" types with the same generic plot, and only watch the ones I enjoy watching, which are typically the ones that are more well-made and/or unique (For example, the only anime I'm watching at the moment is Space Dandy, last season I only watched Kyousogiga, the season before that I only watched Free!, etc.).

I think the situation varies by person and how much they like watching anime, as well as how much they get into something else and how much lose interest they end up losing in anime as well due to getting into something else or just because they don't like too many of the shows coming out.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by on 2014-02-25 12:22:36
...its good to have somebody to share your liking with. It also depend on your surrounding and lifestyle, most my friends already "quitting anime" due to busy with work. Plus most community in my places still thinking anime is just like cartoon nothing more nothing less, plus its hard for me to find any person that share same interest in anime around me. True sory, some people i know only watching one piece and never feel weird about it and when he saw me watching different anime he ask me "hey why are you watching this cartoon, how old are you?".. lol

Since some people keep watching because of similar character, their fetish, pink hair, story and some just can't no longer find any attraction in anime. Plus not all anime you can watch on your TV some heard it from friend, some find by searching in the net. Simple to say is that people like me depend on the internet to get anime. Anime it not something that i can easily get by going into stored around my hometown.

In the end, like Tronix says it depend on ourself, cause if your truly addicted to something you'll never stop.

( at first i thought to stop to, then i get internet and laptop now i have the power to finally watch all anime i want my other big problem now is time and money ..anyway sorry for bad grammar XD )

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by Kazuki on 2014-03-09 19:04:12 (edited 2014-03-09 19:05:47)
Read Tronix's post above. That's basically the position I am in right now. Most of the anime today all fell under the same saturated genre and I ended dropping all of them after 1 or 2 episode. The only anime I completed last year was Valvrave the Liberator and it was actually the only decent one in the bag that I found. I used to watch a lot more anime a few years back and I am... not young anymore, just so you know.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by Hakai on 2014-03-11 02:13:48
As I get older I watch less anime.
I barely watch any anime these days because I cannot find anything I enjoy.
The last anime I enjoyed immensely was Monster which came out the same year that I made an account here (2004).
I do read some manga like Vinland Saga and Historie but those hardly get updates.

I just wish there were more anime suited towards my taste.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by on 2014-03-20 01:40:54
let me just answer with a big fat, nope.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by kreesh on 2014-07-13 12:31:39
yes! i almost dont watch anime for about 3years and i just bumped in to this site again if my accounts still working.hahaha


Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by Sanjugodoru on 2014-07-13 14:23:09
I say it is not possible. It is part of your childhood per se. You can stop for a long time, then get back to it when you feel like it.

I just log on to this website after nearly a decade after hearing a catchy anime toon. I know just where to look.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by Goldhawk on 2014-08-03 16:18:20
I have actually cut down significantly on the amount of anime that I have been watching over the last few years due to the lack of originality that has been coming from recent titles. I now feel like an old timer everytime someone mentions an anime from now and I'm like, yea! That was just like....Outlaw Star in my day... and Cowboy Bebop... and when I get cow looks from the kids nowadays, I just sigh and sob a little.

I do still watch anime in moderation. Attack on Titan, damn you... you brought me back in... But now I just collect a few of the series that I used to enjoy. I'm just happy that this site that I used to get that impossible anime music is still alive. Thank you people for keeping the site alive and thank you for what all of you do.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by starclaw on 2014-09-22 07:19:57
Yes, if you want it badly enough, nothing is impossible.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by Nene on 2014-09-22 21:04:19 (edited 2014-09-22 21:05:10)
Sure, it's possible but why bother? I've been watching anime for over 20 years and I still find something to watch every season. Sometimes, I'm even lucky enough to find something really fantastic like Psycho Pass or Shingeki no Kyojin. You just have to go into every show with an open mind. It may sound like every other show out there but it may still have something new to offer.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by mm on 2014-10-14 18:22:33
Since someone else necro'ed this, I will throw in my cents:
I feel like I've been undergoing graduation to Seinen. I watch a lot less anime nowadays due to what most people confirmed here: Im finding it hard to see something "really new" to me and stuff has been less shiny than it was and what not.

From memory I can recall watching Arakawa under the bridge, Joshiraku, Noragami, Space Dandy and found them quite good. Shidonia no Kishi was my most recent watch IIRC and it didnt disappoint but overall I favour manga a lot more nowadays.

Also, I feel like I can appreciate japanese sense of humour a lot more than I did in the past and engrish does not even bother me anymore. All things considered, I think my taste has probably refined.

But, I still watch anime these days. Im not really old, Im in my twenties, but I think anime is just as any other entertainment medium. I never really understood why people never saw anime as that but as some sort of "hobby-of-the-freak". It is TV like any other, it is entertainment like any other.

I think its possible to neglect anime and never watch it again but the question is, why would you want to limit your entertainment options? I will probably keep watching anime forever. It can be fun. Enough said.


Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by deloris on 2014-11-06 18:00:30
Anime is just like any other entertainment. Unless you really need to then you don't have to cut back on it. Good luck quitting it, it's your choice.

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by eji on 2015-01-03 19:34:39
I have been watching less anime since I graduated from university and started work. I have been watching less anime for the past 3 years, but now I am back watching what I have missed these past 3 years. I think you can stop, it is whether you want to or not.

eji k

Re: Is quitting anime even possible?
Link | by jinkitty on 2015-03-09 11:25:39
Relating to something has nothing to do with the present, but everything to do with all that you've ever experienced.

I sincerely doubt any of you actually relate to the "school portions" of any anime that takes place in high school, considering most of us are decidedly not Japanese.

It's the social interactions, love, heartbreak, drama, that a viewer is likely to be relating to, as they are fairly core to the human condition.
Age is not going to make you less human.

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