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How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-02-20 12:47:02
Continuation of this thread.

The thread title is pretty self-explanatory. Just post how you feel/felt today.
Tired, sad, upset, angry, confused, whatever, post it here. Have fun. ^_^

I'm feeling pretty good at the moment!

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-02-21 01:45:41
Kinda stress and sleepy :/

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Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-02-24 14:53:17
left eye been watery lately

Tales of FC

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-03-05 03:17:56

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Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by Koushoku-jin on 2014-03-14 13:05:47
Zoned out

"I think animation is something that needs the pencil, needs man's drawing hand, and that is why I decided to do this work in this way" ( Hayao Miyazaki )

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-03-20 01:37:58

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-03-26 11:36:41
(Bumping this thread since people keep posting in the old one...)

Bored and kind of thirsty.

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-03-31 23:50:37
^hell yeah

mad, Excited and irritated

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Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-04-04 19:47:23
hot since spring is weather is rising

Tales of FC

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-04-05 05:01:09
I'm feeling so hot baby x.x

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Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-04-05 13:59:04
Lazy and very unproductive

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-04-15 05:17:59
Bump! Other people is still posting on the old version

Neutral x33

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Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by sam on 2014-04-15 07:35:32
Bored, tired. Sleepy. Lazy

One who sneezes without a handkerchief shall take the matter into his own hands

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-04-28 12:46:59
Tired and really busy!

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by kirbylover on 2014-04-28 19:24:07
Sick T_T

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by Koushoku-jin on 2014-04-30 11:58:50
Out of breath, and hot ( summer, figures )

"I think animation is something that needs the pencil, needs man's drawing hand, and that is why I decided to do this work in this way" ( Hayao Miyazaki )

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by dreamangel0802 on 2014-05-04 16:24:38
Right.. proper version now *coughs*
Anyways... Sleepy is how I feel today =3=

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-05-08 05:26:09

i'm feeling so hot baby LOL

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Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by Koushoku-jin on 2014-06-05 05:20:50
Tired ( my days at a wake... *groan* )

"I think animation is something that needs the pencil, needs man's drawing hand, and that is why I decided to do this work in this way" ( Hayao Miyazaki )

Re: How do you feel today? [v5]
Link | by on 2014-06-05 17:23:10
empty e.e

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