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Planet Iroko site needs members PLZ
Link | by dvx on 2005-07-01 15:44:58 (edited 2005-07-01 16:47:45)
PLZ help the community grow. Become a part of roleplaying.

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Story:Iroko is governed by one main monarchy, the Kage Family. They have split up the planet into five sections, called Kiros, to be ruled by weaker powers. The five sections are called Keshita, Shikou, Rishotake, Notauri, and Eridake. The weaker powers are there to make sure nothing goes awry. The King and Queen set all the rules, and the people were very happy with what they set. The planet seemed almost perfect.

But one day, the King and Queen were assassinated. No one could find out who did it. There were just too many suspects and not enough clues. The planet was in turmoil. Without anyone to set the rules, and make sure they were followed, the people didn't know what to do. This planet had been using that system of government for a long time, so they didn't want to do anything wrong and make things worse.

Two of the weaker powers wanted to take over, but they couldn't overpower the people. They joined together and combined their Kiros into one. They still had separate names, they just joined forces. They tried to overtake Iroko, but failed. The two men were put to death from their actions.

The King and Queen did have a son, but he had been kidnapped many years before that. He was to inherit the throne, but he wasn't there to do it. He went by the name of Inazuma Kage. Sadly, he was never found. Not much was known about him, because he was kidnapped when he was young. The only thing known is that he has one yellow eye and one black one.

Iroko continues to suffer from it's poor fate. Can anyone help the planet from this, or will it go on forever.

Re: Planet Iroko site needs members PLZ
Link | by gendou on 2005-07-01 16:48:04
if your going to advertise in my forum, at least link to me on your site. jeez.

Re: Planet Iroko site needs members PLZ
Link | by Hana on 2005-07-01 16:57:18
Wow, that's a lot of detail, but you really shouldn't post ads on other people's site's without their permission!

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