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Morning Morning
Link | by enix_vandesdelca_nimbus on 2013-07-10 07:15:27 (edited 2013-07-10 07:15:53)
Yes, its morning here. Not really a "new new" member but I didn't really post a greeting here in a long time. Just to show respect, my name is Enix Vandesdelca Nimbus but you can just call me Enix or Feng Lan if you want. Hope you guys treat me well.

-bows respectfully-

Re: Morning Morning
Link | by ShinChunJin on 2013-07-10 12:14:03
Morning too... :)
Nice to meet you... :)

Re: Morning Morning
Link | by on 2013-07-12 07:54:38
ohayo gozaimasu!~
welcome to gendou! :D

Re: Morning Morning
Link | by on 2013-07-14 05:40:18
Hi Enix your name ish adorable *Q*7

Profile Customization 87.3% Complete

Re: Morning Morning
Link | by Hello, Danibeth on 2013-09-08 19:31:50
Nice to meet you, Enix!

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