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Mahou Sensei Negima Ep25, the end?
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2005-07-01 07:19:31
Hi minna-san,

Osashiburi~ How's everyone doin? Eto, just today i've downloaded Negima Ep25. I wondered if that's the end of the anime. But I really likes the part where Negi-kun had died hard to protect Asuna-chan.

Both of them look so good together!! Ano ne, please tell me how do you feel
Ja mata ne,


Re: Mahou Sensei Negima Ep25, the end?
Link | by The Red Fox on 2005-07-01 08:29:55
No, ep. 26 is the end. I'd say something about it, but I'm guessing you watched it yet, so I won't, cause I don't wanna spoil it for you.
(go watch it - it's the best episode yet!)

Re: Mahou Sensei Negima Ep25, the end?
Link | by Azusa on 2005-07-01 13:19:41
Yup~ The best ending~ *sob* Im hoping for the Season 2~ cause 3rd sem. hasnt started yet and the search for Nagi also..........

anyyyways... there's still the manga so there's no need to be sad about ^^

Re: Mahou Sensei Negima Ep25, the end?
Link | by Ghoul on 2005-07-01 20:20:05
Is there a fansub release of episode 21 - 25 yet?

Re: Mahou Sensei Negima Ep25, the end?
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2005-07-02 03:05:33

To:The Red Fox-san : Yeap, Mi-chan no baka. I've watched Ep26 yesterday. Gomen ne, I'm such a ditz. Actually, I'm suppose to ask if Ep26 is the last, well I've got the answer though,tee hee...It's such a great episode. I really didn't want it to end so fast!! Hayai sugi da~ though the manga's much longer than anime episodes.

To: Hiro-kun: Really? So there is a Second season? Ureshi!! Tanoshimi XD. Thank you, that brightenen up my day. I still want to see more of NegixAsu bashing. Futari de, totemo kawaishi~

To:Ghoul-san: Sorry for confusing you. Nope the fansub has released till ep20 only. Anxious ppl like us go for RAW. Haa haa...but I'm also looking forward for the fansub release, coz I think the quality is still better than RAW, tabun...

To: Conan-kun : Me too, alwz waiting, alwz anticipating.



Re: Mahou Sensei Negima Ep25, the end?
Link | by Drayen on 2005-07-05 16:22:17
when i first checked it said mahou sensei negima would run for 52 eps.. seems it lowered to 26 now ;<

omg lol wtf

Re: Mahou Sensei Negima Ep25, the end?
Link | by Azusa on 2005-07-05 20:35:08
I've watched ep26 last thursday >3 ending's great! and was hoping for OVA's and 2nd season~!!

Anyways! Negima is at the 100th traslated release!!



[Happy Material OP6 released!]
[Aug.3 Mahou Sensei Negima! OP&ED LAST EPISODE SPECIAL]

That's all!

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