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Greetings from the new member.. *bow* ^^
Link | by ShinChunJin on 2013-07-09 07:29:38
Nice to meet you.. :)

This is my first time become a member of the forum..

I like anime and games.. Hehe.. Besides that, I'm K-Pop lover too..
I hope it won't be a matter.. ><

Well.. To be honest I don't know what should I do..
I hope you guys treat me well.. :)

Have a wonderful day~

Re: Greetings from the new member.. *bow* ^^
Link | by on 2013-07-09 07:53:01
Hi! Nice to meet ya!! Enjoy the site~~

Re: Greetings from the new member.. *bow* ^^
Link | by ShinChunJin on 2013-07-09 09:04:56
Yes thank you... :)

Re: Greetings from the new member.. *bow* ^^
Link | by on 2013-07-12 07:55:21
welcome to gendou

hope to see ya around :D

Re: Greetings from the new member.. *bow* ^^
Link | by on 2013-07-14 05:39:36
Nice to meet you :33

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