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Can anime become mainstream in The West?
Link | by darcwizrd on 2013-04-14 09:04:52
Like the title says can anime reach the amount of popularity that today's tv show (e.g.: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Dexter)

I, my friend, believe so.

In my honest opinion, when it comes to potential I feel like the West is ready to accept animation as a serious medium of receiving entertainment. The problem right now is anime as a medium itself. It's not necessarily the stories that are the problems but the concepts of fanservice, moe, and localization.

The first 2 are a bit self explanatory, and for good reason. It's localization that I have a real problem with. Whenever an anime get dubbed or subbed by a big name in the industry most of the time localization ruins it because these companies feel like the public need a metaphorical crutch that generally causes problems with understanding. Like they can't learn about a culture subtly. But that's just how I feel on dubs in general.

"The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed by small children and large nations." -David Friedman

Re: Can anime become mainstream in The West?
Link | by seraphna on 2013-05-01 08:40:59
It already kind of is mainstream.

Re: Can anime become mainstream in The West?
Link | by on 2013-05-03 03:25:36
I think so...hmm...not really sure though

Re: Can anime become mainstream in The West?
Link | by on 2013-05-13 01:49:23
i guess yes?? we'll its up to the west people if they want to watch anime or what

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Re: Can anime become mainstream in The West?
Link | by on 2013-05-13 05:49:18
As far as i know, there are plenty of anime cons in the states and alot of people attend it and most are already used to it.
ao maybe it is a bit mainstream already. idk just my opinion though

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