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Which is worth more?
Link | by darcwizrd on 2012-05-25 17:38:05
Some of you who have watched/read Nisemonogatari may know this question and for those who didn't, watch it. Anyway, which is worth more: an original, or an exact copy of an object? You can say both. But it would be nice to have an explanation as to why you chose what you chose so please explain.

And when there are enough replies I'll post my answer.

"The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed by small children and large nations." -David Friedman

Re: Which is worth more?
Link | by angel_of_stone on 2012-06-06 09:53:19
The original, undoubtedly. Look at any real examples: Counterfeit currency that is exactly the same at the government printed stuff is always worthless; a copy of the Mona Lisa would be nice to look at but not worth a bazijillfillion monies; compress carbon into a diamond in a lab and it is not worth as much as one that formed naturally.

If you are talking about some sort of human cloning the same is true, even if it is based on some unmeasurable imaginary set of guidelines. Just imagine that your friend comes up to you with someone who looks exactly like him. You say: "You never told me you had a twin!" and you are excited to meet someone new. Instead he says: "No, this is my exact clone!" and you are instead disappointed that its not someone new; just a copy. Could you honestly respect both your friend and his clone as two separate persons? Or would one always be a derivation of the other?

"But as Deepak Chopra taught us, quantum physics means that anything can happen at anytime and for no reason." -Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth

"I don't have any opinions anymore. All I know is that no one is better than anyone else, and everyone is the best at everything." -Seymour Skinner

"...if I got trapped by an evil wizard then I did enough cool s**t in my life to be content with it ending. " -Wolf

Re: Which is worth more?
Link | by Dexmaster on 2012-06-16 03:43:51
As I think the main worth is in uniqueness of an object, if you have two or ten of same objects they will have different value for you. So the object that haven't been copied worth more than after it has an exact copy.
Also I think that even exact copy can't copy everything, but it doesn't mean that it's worse. Main idea is what is your personal price of an object neglecting was it copied or not. Your memories or your valuing of it. I don't think that it must be compared by was it a copy or not.

Re: Which is worth more?
Link | by darcwizrd on 2012-06-17 07:33:00
In my opinion I think the copy is worth more in the sense that it took a lot of effort to recreate an exact copy of the original. Like take a clone of a person for example. Creating a person is relatively easy, but to try and clone a person takes an incredible amount of time and effort to get it exactly since making a mistake is easy. Another example is faux fur. I mean you have have to use a mass of materials and stitching techniques to create it. As opposed to regular fur which just need to be processed a little before it's used.

"The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed by small children and large nations." -David Friedman

Re: Which is worth more?
Link | by kaoru on 2012-06-19 13:49:06
I'd say both the original and copy are important. For example, music is basically a continuous copy of itself, it evolved through the ages with genres but they have to copy pieces from each other. It's like math, you have to learn to add and subtract before you go on to more complex subjects, and in the same way new theories are being born today because of others. So yeah, i'd say both the original and the copy are important to the evolution of things.

---------------------------------------- Everyone is connected.

Re: Which is worth more?
Link | by on 2012-09-15 15:18:15
so then which is worth more:

a god
an image of a god?


a god without its image
an image without its god?

in the intangible
for what is more intangible than a god
but God himself?

Re: Which is worth more?
Link | by on 2013-01-23 13:52:32
I'd say original. There would be no copies without the original. And usually, copies are not EXACT copies.

Re: Which is worth more?
Link | by jxk on 2013-03-01 10:56:00
When it comes to selling it or using it to influence others, the original will always have the authenticity edge, people will pick up on that.

But when it comes to having it purely as a tool... It's down to psychological attachment and how it affects your ego while using it. Some would think the copy is superior because of its 'newness'. Others will find that nothing beats authenticity when it comes to getting an ego boost... and the rest won't care.

Having not seen the animé in question. I'm assuming you mean the actual state of being the original or copy rather than the opinion of its observer (who could have been lied to either way).

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