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Cryptography Help?
Link | by Rei on 2012-03-13 22:25:08
This was given by a someone on the web and I was wondering how I should start:


In the end you should get a sentence.

The hint was:
Happy belated 60th, you're dearly missed

Re: Cryptography Help?
Link | by gendou on 2012-03-14 12:04:25 (edited 2012-03-14 12:25:27)
The code starts with a leading zero, which implies chunks.
Separating into two-digit chunks reveals:
08 05 10 10 13 11 21 12 01 11 05 09 17 06 16 01 12 0K 21
From the hint, we know add 0x60 to each chunk resulting in alphabetical letters.
If we add each chunk as a hex number, we get: hejjmkulakeiqfpal (0K) u
Now, if we try adding each chunk as decimal: heppsq (21) raqeiwfvar (0K) (21)
These chunks must be in some other base than 10 or 16.

Notice the double 10 near the beginning?
Notice also the pattern X, X-3 at the very beginning.
This pattern matches H=8 E=5, so we expect the next 2 to be L followed by O.
How to get 10 = L? L is the 12th letter of the alphabet, so maybe it's base 12.
Evaluate 1312 = 12 + 3 = 15 = the letter O!
We have the first word is HELLO!

Highlight to see spoiler:
The answer comes out to: hellomynameisfran (0K) y
Could it be that the 0K was a typo, and it actually reads 12?
That would result in the answer "Hello my name is Franny".

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