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Fate Heroes
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2012-01-23 19:23:34 (edited 2012-01-23 19:36:27)
I guess everyone knows there's quite a lot of heroes in Fate universe, including those in Stay Night, Zero and Extra. And they somehow all fit into only six classes, excluding Berserker(which I think any class can become, aside from maybe Caster) and unusual classes like Avenger, Saver and Temptress. So what I thought of - let's think of various possible heroes and try to find them possible classes. Famous heroes are fine, while little-known, but hard to class-relate heroes are fine too. Like for example Jean D'Arc is an obvious Saber with a possibility of Rider class, while if there's for example some axeman knight hero, uncapable of riding, he doesn't really fit anywhere but Berserker maybe. Though possibly heroes, using weapons like axes can also be of Saber class, seperating Saber and Lancer by short-shaft and long-shaft weapon type.

P.S. Though apparently there was some Fate/Apocrypha project that had quite a lot of servants: Astolfo, Atalanta, David, Frankenstein, Jack the Ripper, Joan of Arc , Karna, Musashibo Benkei, Saint George, Sakata Kintoki, Siegfried, Semiramis, Shakespeare, Spartacus and Vlad III, so those are all already been graded. Well, anyway, if anyone has some kind of favorite hero - post him and his possible classes here. Apparently lesser gods can also become Servants btw. So for me, let's say...

Athena (Greek goddess), in a Lancer class.

Re: Fate Heroes
Link | by devils-angel on 2012-01-24 02:01:24 (edited 2012-01-24 02:03:48)

Yeah I did read about that Fate/Apocrypha project, on the Fate-wiki pages.
Most fans would only be familiar with the heroes involved with the anime series they've shown so far and those who've read the novels, too.
I want to see more heroes and see more storylines cause I think venturing out into different worlds and battles with them is incredibly interesting.

I mean Shakespeare? Who wouldn't want to see him fight, though not sure what his abilities would be.
I can see other characters if not existing already like Van Gogh, Michelangelo, etc. Artists anyways. Maybe Einstein? ;P

I'd definitely want to see a Fate-animated form of David vs. Goliath.

About your talk about who would be a Saber class or Lancer class,
I think Lancers are pretty easy to determine since they have rangy-long weapons. Spears.
I'd imagine Sabers would be more straight-front attackers with swords, dashers.
Maybe Riders would be in between, daggers, shorter one-handed swords, shields, etc.

But with someone like Gilgamesh anything would be possible.

PS: STILL WISHING IN THIS LIFETIME FOR A FATE version of DISSIDIA!!!! Make it happen Type-Moon!!!!


Re: Fate Heroes
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2012-01-24 07:58:35 (edited 2012-01-24 07:59:54)
So far if I'm correct:
Saber - uses swords, maybe axes too. Pretty much fair-play knight type.
Lancer - uses long-shaft weapons like spears, lances, halberds and such.
Riders - Any weapon, the important part is - riding vehicles or mounts.
Assassin - Daggers, fists and such. Pretty easy - stealth type.
Archer - Use of projectiles, doesn't have to be a bow, as seen with Gil.
Caster - Magic user, pretty simple. I think they best suited to have Reality Marbles.
Berserker - I think any weapon works here. FSN Berserker had axe-sword, Extra Berserkers had claws(Arcueid... though well, she could even talk in berserker form sometimes) or halberd+bow (Lu Bu had one at least, and even used one). Also fist-using Assassin ended up in Berserker class, so fists work here too. I think anything that does direct damage works here just fine.

So... David vs Goliath would surely be Archer vs Berserker. Gilgamesh is clearly an Archer, cuz all he did was SHOOT swords, he didn't do much of a fencing, only against Emiya, who's also not that good of a swordsman. When Gil summoned Ea, he used it as some kind of beam cannon :) Well, actually Gilgamesh can also be of Rider class, seeing Carnival Phantasm. There was some Ruler class too, but if I read correctly it's just some kind of Saber variation, so he doesn't fit there.
Van Gogh, Michelangelo, huh? Well, they'd be a clear Caster class with most likely some kind of summoning Noble Phantasm or Reality Marbles.

Re: Fate Heroes
Link | by devils-angel on 2012-01-24 08:59:11
Oh yeah, forgot all about Assassin class, yeah pretty simple class there.
Btw, F/SN's Assassin was just so horrible, lol, looking back at him now, Zero's True Asssassin was more of the Assassin-class,
though I never see them as much of a threat; plus Rider destroyed them with ease.

I thought anyone could become Berserker since it's more of like a rage-mode where you go pretty much insane and loose sense.
Basically like if you become senile and loose all sense of yourself, you become Berserker and gain incredible power but loose "sense" of the world.
I wonder if in Zero's S2 will Berserker take off his helmet, I saw pictures of what he looked like and he looked normal.

I forget what class was Gilgamesh in F/SN? Were there two Archers in that series?

Yeah F/SN Archer vs. Berserker was sort of like David vs. Goliath, however I'd prefer to see the original! :D

There's also some Avenger class, too, but it was only summoned once and only has (at least so far I know) one servant, same as "Saver".

PS: Gonna watch Carnival Phantasm actually.


Re: Fate Heroes
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2012-01-24 12:22:07
I'll tell you more. There are Avenger, Saver, Monster, Temptress and Ruler classes, though they are all unique. As I understood Avenger is some kind of sinner or a demon class, while Saver is a messiah class. Monster was Ryougi Shiki, but basically I think it's a class for rampaging monsters or youkai, like oni. Temptress was an Arcueid-only class and Ruler... dunno, I don't see how it's different from Saber. As for Assassin. Personally I find them the most troublesome classes, though Sasaki was just a gatekeeper, while Hassan(True Assassin) was quite troublesome. Basically his role in FSN was played by Caster - a role of class that is dangerous no matter how strong a Servant you have. Simply speaking, kill master, ignore servant strategy. Gilgamesh, yeah, he was an Archer. I guess Archer classes somehow end up with Assassin's roles and are always the most troublesome classes to fight. Gilgamesh for once, but there are also loads of bad ends with getting killed by Emiya Archer, also it's easy to die against Robin Hood in Extra.

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