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Couples you'd want to have formed differently
Link | by Massacre Town(MaTo) - Moggle on 2012-01-12 21:19:12
Well, basically, when in anime main character can end up with one of several girls and you don't like his/her choice. Sure I'd want all those situations to go into harem end, but let's ignore that possibility here.
Well then, for me it'd be:
Hayate no Gotoku - Ayumu, Maria or Hinagiku... actually, anyone but NOT Nagi.
Love Hina - Motoko, Shinobu
Canvas 2 - Tomoko
Kiminozo - Haruka, or at least AyuMayu. But NOT Mitsuki.
Tsukihime - Satsuki <3
Marmalade Boy - Meiko should've ended up with Miwa, not the damn teacher.
He is My Master - Anna should succeed in forming Anna-Izumi pair :)
Yami to Boshi - Hazuki, Y U ignore Lilith?
Toradora - Ryuji-Kushieda pair should've formed at the very first episodes to spare us from that crappy triangles they ended up with.
Princess Lover - Seika. Though if I'm correct, anime stops without getting to any conclusion, hinting either Charlotte's or Harem ending.
Honey and Clover - Mayama-Ayumi would be nice... And Yuta-Hagu not failing.
Yuru Yuri - Yui-Chinatsu, Kyoko-Ayano, Chitose-Chizuru.
Seitokai Yakuindomo - No romance there, but Tsuda-Suzu would be nice.
Comic Party (NOT revolution) - Yuu. Or at least Eimi, anything else is a fail.
They are my Noble Masters - Benisu. Though the one with Shinra isn't that bad either.
Oreimo - Kuroneko(Ruri). I mean, just look at the alternatives... the only one who could form her even a bit of a challenge is maybe Saori.

Aside from that, if I include harem endings, I think:
Hayate - He should get an Ayumu-Hina harem, not to mention Ayumu suggested something like that (Though that was her joke of getting Hina-Hayate harem :D)
Princess Lover - ALL. They all rock.
Clannad - Kyou-Ryou harem. The game had quite an annoying triangle at Kyou route, that could've been easily resolved by that, especially considering they both damn love the main character and they are twins with good relationship.
Seitokai no Ichizon - Y U NO take main character seriously? That'd be a good option. Not to mention that he stated a valid reason for wanting a Harem.

Re: Couples you'd want to have formed differently
Link | by berantacan on 2012-01-17 18:35:57
True Tears. Why the f*** should it be Yuasa Hiromi? WHY???
Isurugi Noe FTW (=w=)b

Seizon senryaku, shimashouka?

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